Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

How meeting go?

Started by washefuzzy, April 23, 2007, 11:05:00 PM

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I wanted to know how the meeting went. I really wanted to go but that weather scared me off out there. I am getting to be such a chicken in my old age. ::)  Last meeting I went to I got soaking wet walking there. I guess I didn't feel like getting soaking wet and blown away at the same to to! So I stayed home where it was nice a dry. :)


The meeting was great, Sean's presentation about lighting was excellent and there was lots of plants and fish at the auction.


It was a great demo by BD on DIY lighting.  The auction was all plants, all the time - well except for a few fish.

Tim Arndt brought some of his beautiful bettas - I would have loved one, but don't have the space.  If you want a gorgeous betta, he's got em.

It was lots of fun - it was also announced after much water on the floor and tables that ziplock bags are banned from future meetings.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


I really wanted to see the presentation I don't like what i have on my 20 gal. I have a 3 ft lighting unit on a 2 ft tank. Of course I need plants, had some platies to unload to.
What kind of bags do you use???? I don't own anything but ziplocks. ;D I would have like to seen the spectacle and where the heck did you find a mop? :)
Thanks Artw and Laura I just have to catch the next meeting.


Quote from: washefuzzy on April 23, 2007, 11:25:37 PM
I really wanted to see the presentation I don't like what i have on my 20 gal. I have a 3 ft lighting unit on a 2 ft tank. Of course I need plants, had some platies to unload to.
What kind of bags do you use???? I don't own anything but ziplocks. ;D I would have like to seen the spectacle and where the heck did you find a mop? :)
Thanks Artw and Laura I just have to catch the next meeting.

The best type of bags to use are ones you can get from your friendly neighbourhood fish store -- I'm sure if you ask nicely they will be happy to give you a couple.  If you have difficulty tying the bags/getting enough air, the other thing you can do to transport fish is a bucket, maybe with a towel or something draped over it.  Failing that, you can always get a styrofoam cooler -- they have 'em at the grocery store, and someone brought a bunch to the meeting tonight (thanks!)-- you can get small ones and big ones.  Not too much water-- enough to cover the fish while they're in motion.

The main problem with the ziplocks is that while they are great for keeping foodstuffs fresh, not so great for holding fishies.


Quote from: Crumpet on April 24, 2007, 12:23:13 AM
Not too much water-- enough to cover the fish while they're in motion.

The main problem with the ziplocks is that while they are great for keeping foodstuffs fresh, not so great for holding fishies.

Agreed.  You want to cover the fish with water, but not fill the bag, or whatever non-ziploc container you are using.  Fish need air space in the bag, and bags big enough for the fish. 
Hooray for the banning!  I'm sure all the fishies will be thankful. :)


Excellent meeting for sure! You might say the presentation was 'smashing' ;)  ::)

Thanks BigDaddy, I learned a lot!

Thanks also to for donating all of the styrofoam coolers and to Steve Cass for the cool bits of lighting.  Too bad we forgot to auction off the DIY light setup  :-[


It was nice.  Was my first meeting too and learned a great deal about lighting from BigDaddy.  I did not stay for the auction though as I did find anything I really wanted when I peroused what was to be sold. 

I have one question though, is the Big Daddy's restaurant really Big Daddy's restaurant or is it just a coincidence?  just wondering..


LOL I think if it were really his restaurant, we'd be having the meetings there 8)


Who got the light setup BD did in the demo? I kept waiting to see it go up for auction, but might of missed it escaping to the hall to cool down.



It was indeed pretty hot in there yesterday. 



Yeah that was my fault.  When I was pulling all the stuff off the table to make room for the auction, the DIY setup ended up back in my box instead of on the auction table.

I can bring it back next month if people are interested.

Thanks to Chelsea for helping out Mr. Scatterbrains here getting the power to the table mid-presentation... oh and thanx again to Chelsea and Laura for helping out Mr. Butterfingers with my attention getter.  Now we are all going back into the corner before we hurt ourselves  ;D


Quote from: BigDaddy on April 24, 2007, 09:50:35 AM
Yeah that was my fault.  When I was pulling all the stuff off the table to make room for the auction, the DIY setup ended up back in my box instead of on the auction table.

I can bring it back next month if people are interested.

Thanks to Chelsea for helping out Mr. Scatterbrains here getting the power to the table mid-presentation... oh and thanx again to Chelsea and Laura for helping out Mr. Butterfingers with my attention getter.  Now we are all going back into the corner before we hurt ourselves  ;D

Sean the presitation was excellent and PFG did say she's used to cleanup up after you :rolleyes:

The breakage was good it demontrated what not to do and nobody got hurt so all is good.

For next time I havew a couple blown 48" t5s you can break if you want lol.



I'm sure he did it on purpose as there seemed to be people talking as he was ready to start his presentation  ;D


I seem to have missed a very interesting evening, wish I had been there. ;D