Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Metriaclima lombardoi (Kenyii)

Started by hamstercaster, May 02, 2007, 02:09:05 PM

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Just a question for those of you who have them.  As most of you have more than likely seen, Damarech is selling some and I must say that I am very tempted.  I find the females look very good and like the color a lot.  That being said, their temperments seem to be on the agressive side from what I have read but does that also apply to the females or mainly the males?  And how big do the females grow too? 5 inches same as male or smaller?  Do you think they would fit with what I have?  (see list in my signature)

thanks again for the info you can all provide.



I picked up a pair of them from damarech a couple months ago.  Very nice looking fish but the female would only stay in the top back corner.  If she moved the male would chase her back.  I noticed some injurys on her so I moved them to different tank, then when the last auction came up I sold the pair for $1  ::)

The male was resonable with the other fish.  Occasionally chase them but nothing compared to how he treated the fermale.  I didn't see the female attack anything but she was scared of her own shadow.  They were both about 4 inches.

I think damarech has some smaller ones available.  I have 5 in my juvie tank and they are great. 


I had 1 male and at least 2 females (3rd female I think was a male in disguise) in my 75g malawi tank with a bunch of other fish - never had aggression problems with them, gave me lots of fry and I hear that they are continuing to do so in their new home. I like these fish but I guess it all boils down to individuals, tank set up and tank mates. I sold mine to make room for some different stock.


Quote from: Quatro on May 02, 2007, 02:30:08 PM
I picked up a pair of them from damarech a couple months ago.  Very nice looking fish but the female would only stay in the top back corner.  If she moved the male would chase her back.  I noticed some injurys on her so I moved them to different tank, then when the last auction came up I sold the pair for $1  ::)

The male was resonable with the other fish.  Occasionally chase them but nothing compared to how he treated the fermale.  I didn't see the female attack anything but she was scared of her own shadow.  They were both about 4 inches.

I think damarech has some smaller ones available.  I have 5 in my juvie tank and they are great. 

Thanks.  If I get any, my plan is to get females only.. maybe even just one female but will see.  I'm still undecided and have to talk things up with S/O before I decide on buying any other fish ;-)


I have 2 females and they haven't been aggressive at all towards the other fish, sometimes they chase each other a bit


I had a male Kenyi that threatend the rest of my tank into hiding behind the heater or filter intake. I gave him away. The females never caused a problem but I got rid of them at the same time. He dug HUGE holes in my sandbed too  :(


Thanks guys and gals for all the answers!!!


Quote from: Quatro on May 02, 2007, 02:30:08 PM
I picked up a pair of them from damarech a couple months ago.  Very nice looking fish but the female would only stay in the top back corner.  If she moved the male would chase her back.  I noticed some injury's on her so I moved them to different tank, then when the last auction came up I sold the pair for $1  ::)

The male was reasonable with the other fish.  Occasionally chase them but nothing compared to how he treated the fermale.  I didn't see the female attack anything but she was scared of her own shadow.  They were both about 4 inches.

I think damarech has some smaller ones available.  I have 5 in my juvie tank and they are great. 

Hi, I was the one who bought them for a dollar. i have had no problems with them, they get along great the male and female. must be the atmosphere they are in lol


Quote from: patria on May 03, 2007, 09:48:39 AM
Hi, I was the one who bought them for a dollar. i have had no problems with them, they get along great the male and female. must be the atmosphere they are in lol

I'm glad they are doing well.  In my 75gal she would just hide in the corner.  I had some hiding spaces but I guess not enough.  Patria, any chance you can post a pic of your current setup?


i dont have my cam at home but i will post when i get it back. by the way have they ever mated?



You will have to ask damarech.  I only had them a couple months and they didn't for me.