Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Where do we go from here?

Started by succinctfish, May 10, 2007, 10:56:48 AM

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I was wondering about the possibility of doing a survey for the May meeting.  Nothing complex, just asking the membership in a non-intimidating way what we would like to see next year.  I believe it is asked verbally, but not everyone wants to put up their hand and speak, so a short written survey might be a good alternative.  Questions like what speakers we would like to see, what workshops we might be interested in, what contests.  And of course a spot for additional comments for anything missed.  The responses could just be dropped in a box. 


Love it if you need help I might be able to lend a hand.


I am planning on making a survey either for the next meeting or perhaps the next. This would cover demographics, interests, etc.


Feel free to pm or post any questions yuo think would be helpful.


Quote from: mseguin on May 10, 2007, 11:06:18 PM
Feel free to pm or post any questions yuo think would be helpful.
okay Matt, you asked for it. ;D ;D

Here are some thoughts on questions:

What would you like to see in the following year?
What social events?
What speakers would you be interested in?
What workshops?
What contests would you like to see?
What do you think of the contests we do have--homeshow, plant contest, fish quiz?
What would you like to purchase in terms of OVAS products--t-shirts, golf shirts, mugs, hats, magnets, aquarium maintenance notebooks, calenders, aquarium towels?

How often do you come to OVAS monthly meetings?

How many speakers have you seen, and on what topics? 

Do you visit the OVAS website?
If no, then could you tell us why?
If yes,
Would you categorize yourself as a) a casual browser who comes onto the site once in a while
                                             b) a frequent participant
                                             c) someone who can't start their day without OVAS :)
What do you think of the site?

A few more questions about you--

How far do you travel to the meeting, in what area do you live?
Are you a)female
What is your age?(insert various options to be ticked off)
How long have you been an OVAS member?
What type of membership do you have--a)adult
What are your aquatic interests?
How many tanks do you have?(no fibbing!)What size?
How long have you had fish in your life?

A few last questions:

Would you have any interest in OVAS day trips?
Would you participate or want to go see home tours of members tanks?
What do you think of the door prizes at meetings?  Any suggestions?

Now, please tell us anything else you would like.....


"Would you participate or want to go see home tours of members tanks?"

Yes yes YES!   I love seeing other peoples tanks, I find it very inspiring and just plain fun.

I'll address the other questions later.


I'll be adding some of the questions succinctfish suggested to the survey so yuo don't have to answer them all here :-)