Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

OVAS Meeting or Sens Game - Monday night

Started by PaleoFishGirl, May 23, 2007, 08:44:56 AM

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Elgin is definitely closed, Norm... I guess we'll have to do a bit of illegal maneuvering to get out.

The last couple of meetings have started exactly at 7pm, so be there or be square :D


I guess I am going to have to show up a little earlier then normal no make sure I get a parking space.  Damm where did my parking pass go.... :D


Maybe I'll ask my daughter if I can use her parking pass, she parks at the cop shop.
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


I'll be there and I will have no trouble parking or leaving afterwards ... I'll ride my bicycle.
In case anyone has forgotten there is a fine enough public transit system in this town as well.
Buses from everywhere go down Slater St. and that is a mere three or four block walk from Jack Purcell.
If you are anything like me the exercise will help to rid me of those extra 20 lbs as well.
See you there!


There is also underground parking at the local YMCA-YWCA located at Argyle and O'Connor. It isn't too far of a walk. The entracne is on Catherine Street though.
It is paid parking. But it isn't too bad, pretty comparable to on the street parking.
I used to work there. Not sure it is supposed to be used for people not using the Y, but I have done it a few times. And most evenings the underground parking garage is fairly empty.


I have a suggestion/request.  Given that 12/30 have indicated that they might not be attending due to the game and/or parking and given that there appears to be some actual races this year (woohoo), would it be possible to have a "PM proxy vote"?

I'd really like to attend Monday's meeting but I think the Sens game is going to win out (big fan, seasons ticket holder and tickets to all 3 Finals games!).

Would this be possible?



Proxy would work if we had a finalized list of candidates to pick from Andrew.  Unfortunately, we don't.  The club has historically just taken nominations at the meeting itself.


I'd love to see a proxy vote as well - I am going to have to stay at the NPAO meeting and won't be battling the cars and sens fans to get to Jack Purcell.

Aw heck - just saw BD's post. I guess I'll just head out with my Body Shaper Platinum Edition and hope for the best.


Quote from: BigDaddy on May 24, 2007, 09:53:27 PM
Proxy would work if we had a finalized list of candidates to pick from Andrew.  Unfortunately, we don't.  The club has historically just taken nominations at the meeting itself.

Ah I see.  Too bad I guess.

Could we take the live vote and hold a proxy vote and release the results at a later pre-determined date?  Although not everyone who is at the meeting will be reachable via this site.

Dang, thought I could have my cake and eat it too!



We might look over the next season to come up with a way to make proxy votes happen; but I don't think we can pull off anything in this short timeframe.


Quote from: DarkDep on May 25, 2007, 12:53:17 PM
We might look over the next season to come up with a way to make proxy votes happen; but I don't think we can pull off anything in this short timeframe.

Okay - thanks!



For those folks who drive, parking restrictions will be in effect:

Everyone is also encouraged to take transit to avoid congestion.  Streets will not be closed, but parking restrictions will be in effect along Elgin Street each game day beginning at 5:30pm as follows:
·   Cartier, Elgin, Metcalfe and O'Connor Streets
·   Albert, Slater and Catherine Streets from Elgin to O'Connor
·   Laurier, Lisgar, Somerset, Gilmour, and Gladstone Streets from Elgin to Metcalfe

When possible, bike, carpool and transit will be the best way to get to the meeting.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Thank you so much for the street parking clarification Laura, it will help us all I'm sure. Car pool anyone?

Just a reminder that the meeting is still on, and will be starting at 7 pm sharp, we have an election to run through as well as the home show videos, and as always, the mini-auction.

See you all there! :)




Quote from: kennyman on May 28, 2007, 06:35:01 AM
Man what a parking nightmare.

To say the least!!!  I should still be there though I might leave early haven't decided yet.


Ok, I've done an about face, so you all better show up!  I was up till 2:30am last night getting the final editing done for the Homeshow video, so it better get watched.  :)


Unless someone can guarantee reasonable parking availability I'm not going.

Is Elgin going to be closed? Or just no parking?



Cleaned up all my stuff for the Mini Auction - got out my bags etc etc - Then I put 2 and 2 together Sens game - have been humming and hawing ever since (last night) now that you reminded me about Elgin St and the parking nightmare... just can't do it... too much hassle...


(and I had a lot of auction items)
Mark D.
210 gallon 3 Ornate Bichirs, 1 Dhelezi Bichir, 1 Rope Fish, Black Ghost Knife, Royal Pleco, Fire Eel, Clown Loach, BN Pleco
125 gallon Elephant Nose, Rainbows, Gourami (Pearl - Blue) Plecos (BN & Clown)

Go big or go home... no more MTS for me


Quote from: bitterman on May 28, 2007, 07:42:30 AM
Unless someone can guarantee reasonable parking availability I'm not going.

Is Elgin going to be closed? Or just no parking?


I live somewhat far but nowhere near as far as you so I am going to take a chance and drive in.  If parking becomes a huge issue, I will just turn around and go home.