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Looking for Volunteers - Super Ex Petfest

Started by BigDaddy, June 06, 2007, 12:46:03 PM

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I'll go in and change the calender to reflect the only dates we need people is Aug 18th and 19th, all day.


Quote from: BigDaddy on July 02, 2007, 11:43:13 AM
Given that we don't have overwhelming support for the entire duration of SuperEx, as well as feedback from members who have done so in the past saying it is a huge committment not to be taken likely, OVAS will not be involved in Petfest for the entire week.  While we have had a number of volunteers, who should all be commended for their desire to participate, we are lacking any volunteers for anything beyond 4 o'clock.

I have spoken with the staff at Petfest, however, and they have agreed to at least reserve a booth for us for the opening weekend of SuperEx.  This would be the full day August 18 & 19.  This is still a tentative agreement.

Ultimately, I would like to see at least 4 volunteers committeed to each of the different time slots.  The booth would need to be manned by at least 2 volunteers, and I'd want to see 2 other "backups" available should peoples' schedule change, emergencies, etc.  If we can get this firmed up by the end of the week, then I will approach Petfest and confirm our attendance for the weekend.

The Club will organize whatever is required... from handouts to banners, whatever we can arrange for by that time.
So where does the club stand now with the new schedule and abbreviated commitment?  Has an answer of some sort been given to the organizers?  Has everyone considered the time that they could make available to pull a weekend at the Ex?

Very curious about the state of this event.


55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


As it stands right now, we don't have two people to man the booth for the full 10 hours on Sunday, nor do we have any redundancy for either Saturday or Sunday.

I hate the idea of turning down this opportunity, but it looks as though the support from the masses isn't going to be there.

I have not communicated with Petfest since the offer for the weekend only.  However, if they approach me asking for a status and we still don't have the volunteers in place, I will formally withdraw OVAS from participating.

If any one else wants to come forward and volunteer their time, now is the time to do it.


Quote from: BigDaddy on July 11, 2007, 03:22:00 PM
As it stands right now, we don't have two people to man the booth for the full 10 hours on Sunday,
I have a few questions that the answers would enable me to decide if i can volunteer some time.I would also suggest that there be  2 shifts for each day( or more if possible ) to reduce the # of hrs for volunteers.
What time do you need volunteers to start & end ?
How many volunteers do you have for Sat. Aug. 18th ?
How many volunteers do you have for Sun Aug. 19th ?
Is there any set up & tear down involved  & if so what is involved ?
Looking forward to you response


Hey charlie

We are still using the gmail calendar linked on page 4 of this thread.

The booth must be manned from noon until 10 PM Sat and Sun

At present freshwater has volunteered for the entire shift Sat and Sun

washefuzzy has volunteered for the noon to 4 shift Sat

Nerine has volunteered 4 to 10 both Sat and Sun

As far as setup/tear down... that will be something we will have to firm up AFTER we have the volunteers required.  For example, OVAS won't start asking people if they have a spare tank lying around they would consider loaning out for the weekend.

However, that being said, while I can only speak for myself, I'm sure the executive will be helping to ensure everything is setup/torn down.  I fully intend to help setup, ensure the booth meets our needs etc... as well as thanking the volunteers - I just don't have the ability to physically man the booth for any length of time that weekend.


Quote from: BigDaddy on July 12, 2007, 08:06:45 AM
Hey charlie

We are still using the gmail calendar linked on page 4 of this thread.

The booth must be manned from noon until 10 PM Sat and Sun

At present freshwater has volunteered for the entire shift Sat and Sun

washefuzzy has volunteered for the noon to 4 shift Sat

Nerine has volunteered 4 to 10 both Sat and Sun

As far as setup/tear down... that will be something we will have to firm up AFTER we have the volunteers required.  For example, OVAS won't start asking people if they have a spare tank lying around they would consider loaning out for the weekend.

However, that being said, while I can only speak for myself, I'm sure the executive will be helping to ensure everything is setup/torn down.  I fully intend to help setup, ensure the booth meets our needs etc... as well as thanking the volunteers - I just don't have the ability to physically man the booth for any length of time that weekend.
OK so I`ll volunteer noon to 4 on Sunday, would that cover your 2 days?


Thanks charlie

That provides 2 man coverage for both days.  However, we are still missing "backup" 2 man coverage for both days.


Here's the official deadline now, as per Petfest coordinators:

The Ottawa SuperEX is fast approaching and I am in the process of arranging admission passes and parking passes.

I know you have participated in PetFest in the past - if you intend on participating again this year, and we hope you do, please let me know by Friday, July 20th.  If you do not plan on participating, kindly send me a quick email and advise me of same.

Should you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me.


So, we need to come up with our backup volunteers before Friday or I will have to send our regrets to Petfest.


I hope someone else is volunteering!! Friday is tomorrow!!!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Would take a couple of eving shifts. Would also set up a 20gal of Juli's/Ornatus.  Did this the first year we set up at the ex.  We diffently need takes on display. Still looking for a home for my Kaiser II's have 14  juvinles left


I'm available to help.
Can do weekday or week-end days.
I also have a 20 gallon and a planted 10 gallon with shrimp and 3 bristlenose plecos available.
sounds like fun'
46 gal planted bowfront
- 2 pairs Microgheophagus ramirez (German blue rams), 15 cardinal tetras, 4 panda corys, 4 bushynose plecos
- vallisineria (straight + spiral), cabomba, egeria, dwarf sagittaria, java fern, wisteria, anubias nana, rotala


well im now officially signed up for the sunday!12-4 ;D


Quote from: BigDaddy on July 02, 2007, 11:43:13 AM
Given that we don't have overwhelming support for the entire duration of SuperEx, as well as feedback from members who have done so in the past saying it is a huge committment not to be taken likely, OVAS will not be involved in Petfest for the entire week.  While we have had a number of volunteers, who should all be commended for their desire to participate, we are lacking any volunteers for anything beyond 4 o'clock.

I have spoken with the staff at Petfest, however, and they have agreed to at least reserve a booth for us for the opening weekend of SuperEx.  This would be the full day August 18 & 19.  This is still a tentative agreement.

Ultimately, I would like to see at least 4 volunteers committeed to each of the different time slots.  The booth would need to be manned by at least 2 volunteers, and I'd want to see 2 other "backups" available should peoples' schedule change, emergencies, etc.  If we can get this firmed up by the end of the week, then I will approach Petfest and confirm our attendance for the weekend.

The Club will organize whatever is required... from handouts to banners, whatever we can arrange for by that time.

Just wanted to reiterate that we are looking for volunteers ONLY for the weekend of the 18th/19th...


i signed up for the sunday but if you need me on the saturday at some point to just tell me when ill book it off work ;D


Well BigDaddy, what is the word on this event? Are we going to make this happen with who we have in or not?


With Friday now officially come and gone, the prerequisite number of volunteers wasn't reached.

Thank you to all those who showed a volunteer spirit.  Perhaps next year we will get a stronger reply from the membership and will be setup for SuperEx 2008.


Quote from: BigDaddy on July 21, 2007, 12:31:31 AM
With Friday now officially come and gone, the prerequisite number of volunteers wasn't reached.

Thank you to all those who showed a volunteer spirit.  Perhaps next year we will get a stronger reply from the membership and will be setup for SuperEx 2008.

I  would suggest that in future , a sub committee be formed ( be it exec. or  club members) to plan & execute  such projects, it is sad that this went by the wayside for whatever reasons  ::)  :-X


Quote from: charlie on June 13, 2007, 02:05:27 PM
I`m wondering if there are issues that are causing members to be reluctant to volunteer, if there is maybe we can post them  here & have them cleared up . At last count i think they are 1200 plus members here & only a handful willing to volunteer some time to get the club the benefits from such a event   :(.

There was the problem right there charlie.  We went a month looking for volunteers for the entire week, and didn't get enough suppport.  We went another 2 weeks just trying to fill a two-day setup, and still didn't get enough support.

The executive committee discussion on this leaned towards the fact we would not likely be able to participate.  This was partly based on the fact that we received the invite late in our season (the May meeting) and because it required coordinating the event duing our "off months" and during most people's summer holidays.


Quote from: charlie on July 21, 2007, 12:38:50 PM
I  would suggest that in future , a sub committee be formed ( be it exec. or  club members) to plan & execute  such projects, it is sad that this went by the wayside for whatever reasons  ::)  :-X

That's a great idea, are you putting your name down for the sub committee?  ;)
Planning could certainly begin earlier this time around as the club members and site users are now aware of the possibility of participating. 
BD, did you indicate our interest in being involved next year?  It would be somewhat pointless to plan if we are not invited.
A great big thanks to those keen and committed folks who set aside time in their summer to volunteer for this event. (round of applause) :) :)