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6 New Celestial Pearl Danios

Started by dan2x38, June 14, 2007, 09:51:40 PM

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I found some nice spicmens of Celestial Pearl Danios at SP in Orleans. I got 2 males & 4 females. As I'm typing I have a drip line setup in my spare 5.5 gal. acclimating them. I am praying nothing will happen to them because they cost me enough. My Father's Day gift I got some sucking up to do... ;) I missed the good price in Barrhaven for 5 @ $29.95. These are 3 for $26 or $8.50 each for more than 3. At BA they are $13. With fingers and eyes crossed I hope I can breed some. Doing my research. I read this July TFH is featuring the Celestial Pearl Danios...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Just to let you cry, at BA Montreal they are $3.99 each.... ;)


H Dan

Don't worry about your water parameters, the water I keep them in is soft and on the acidic side also and they have bred with no problem. It is better to keep them in stable water parameters than to have the chance of pH swings and such.



Quote from: beowulf on June 15, 2007, 07:35:08 AM
Just to let you cry, at BA Montreal they are $3.99 each.... ;)

And how much for a tank of gas? And the stress and risk of loss in transport? Sounds a lot more expensive to me for someone in Ottawa, lol.  :D


Quote from: Mettle on June 15, 2007, 05:08:13 PM
And how much for a tank of gas? And the stress and risk of loss in transport? Sounds a lot more expensive to me for someone in Ottawa, lol.  :D

Not really if you know someone that goes to Montreal on a regular basis and you ask nicely.  I buy a lot of my fish in Montreal because it is so much cheaper and I really don't see what stress there is.  They spend about two hours in a cooler until I get home as compared with often days when they are shipped to Canada.



About two months after I received them they started breeding. I kept them well fed on frozen daphnia, tubifex and cyclops, along with decapuslated brine shrimp eggs, white worms and microworms.
There was eight in a ten gallon, the bottom covered with java moss and plenty of hornwort floating on top. Illumintated 20 hours a day, water change 40% twice a week.
Since then I have moved them to a thirty breeder with the same amount of plants  and a few pieces of driftwood. Sadly I don't see them much anymore as they hide on me when I enter the room, I guestimate there must forty or so in the tank, I don't want to pull it apart to count this may upset them.
The tank right beside it is full of Tanichthys micagemmae, and they are constant out so it is a little dissappointing not to see them. I actually had to videotape the aquarium to make certain thhey were still in there.

Keep us posted on your successes.



Been watching my new CPD. I've sat at different times of the day for an hour or more studying them. I swear they are spawning already only had them 6 days. The behavior was only 2 days after adding to new tank with plants: duck, weed, java moss, java fern, & pygmy chain sword. From what I saw from a vid. on youtube and been told they sure look like it. The male swims around the java moss while the female postures near the java moss. The male swims around her then directs - pushes - her into the moss. They wiggle through to the other side and inside it. This goes on for some time. The females get around with the 2 males several times each... LOL but those guys are a little H%$#@Y wink, wink LOL... I've observed this only seems to happen in the morning first couple hours... later in the day or evening they just swim amongst each other... One male has become dominate and the other male only gets to go into the bushes with the girls when the dominate one is out of site...

If anyone else is having luck like 'Toss' have they observed when they spawn? Could mine be spawning so quickly? It is fun watching these little guys... :)

'babblefish1960' was explaining to log day light times, moon phases, temps, etc. Is all this spawning action for the CPD owners related to the summer solstice? anyone know the moon phase now? there has also been alot of rainy weather and low temps? just brain storming...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


 :( I added more java moss with the original... my CPD seem quite happy but I do not get to see them much... I need to get more in there... hope they do breed so I can see them more... I got to sit still for ever to watch them...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Hi Dan,
I tried something new. I didn't change the water, just top it up. I also try to let some duckweed grow on top. I haven't seen my first batch of five, but I saw a new batch of three yesterday. Oh ya, I also let some hair algae grow wild on one side of the tank and some pairs like to swim inside it too.
Keep trying, you almost there :)
75 gal - Mosquito rasbora, Bushynose pleco, RCS
9 gal - CRS
40 gal - Longfin Albino Bushynose pleco, RCS


My CPD's are in a small tank on my desk at home.  They have no interest in any foods except blood worms, so that's all I feed them.  They come flying out of the java moss when I feed them too! 

My desk is partially in front of the window, so I decided to put the tank there.  The window is on a north facing side of the house and is covered with a sheer curtain, so the sun doesn't really come in, but I figured the fish would appreciate some natural daylight.  It's just a small tank with an undergravell filter, 3" of gravel, java moss on the bottom and riccia on the top.  I'm not too sure how the riccia will keep because there is only one tiny incandescent light.  I have 1 male and 2 females in there. 

When I come in the room, they also dive for the moss, but once I'm sitting there long enough they'll come out and swim.  It took them a few weeks to get to that point.  Since I got them, the females swelled up with eggs (I think), then one day, they were back to normal.  Now I see them getting fatter again.  I haven't seen any babies though.  My water changes are twice per week, 50% and I use a piece of airline tubing to simply get the water out.  I don't want to use a gravel cleaner or anything that might suck out eggs or fry.

Hopefully I'll see some fry some day, but I'm really enjoying watching them when I procrastinate my work :).


I tried the duckweed but when it get's in the flow of the filter output it sinks then gets stuck into the jave moss. I am using a very small filter.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."