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Help I can't decide

Started by plecoL83, July 04, 2007, 04:45:55 PM

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Ahhh.... I just can't decide  :) so I though I get a little help from people at ovas  :) anyway this will be intresting to see whatpoeple pick.
Thanks in advance, Pleco L083


What else is in your tank? How big is the tank?


This would be my 50g you can read what's in it on my signature.


I chose "other" -- I've always really liked Cardinal tetras  :)  But if I was to choose from your list, I'd probably also go with the Rummynoses.


Wouldn't the existing dwarf Gourami pick on any other dwarf gourami you put in the tank?  I've never had good luck with multiple labrynth matter what species they are.  Is that normal or were my fish just a bunch of jerks?   ;D


Quote from: Fishnut on July 05, 2007, 10:29:12 AM
Wouldn't the existing dwarf Gourami pick on any other dwarf gourami you put in the tank?  I've never had good luck with multiple labrynth matter what species they are.  Is that normal or were my fish just a bunch of jerks?   ;D

Not in a 50 gal, unless you had a really MEAN gourami.  My fiance has three dwarfs in a 16 gallon and they get along fine.


I must have had some mean fish.  I had those red dwarf gouramis in a 50 gallon a looooong time ago and they would beat the snot out of eachother, but leave the angel fish and other fish alone.  Since that experience I've only ever kept one gourami per tank...except for the pearls I bred.


Quote from: Fishnut on July 05, 2007, 11:07:59 AM
I must have had some mean fish.  I had those red dwarf gouramis in a 50 gallon a looooong time ago and they would beat the snot out of eachother, but leave the angel fish and other fish alone.  Since that experience I've only ever kept one gourami per tank...except for the pearls I bred.

Strange, I've always found almost any gouramis very easy to keep and not at all feisty. In the 50g community tank right now there are three pearls, two golds, a couple of honeys and three chocolate gouramis that I've had for well over a year. The guy at the LFS told me chocolats were very demanding and difficult to keep happy. Didn't believe him then and still don't.


Yeah...I've heard that about Chocolates as well.  Maybe I should buy a couple and see how they do.  They'll have lots of hiding places in my tank, that's for sure.  What's LFS?



I would have to say other.  What kind of loach do you have?  The vast majority of loaches prefer to be in groups of bare minimum 3 better 5 or more.


I have absolutly no idea what kind of loach it is I used to have three one went MIA another died and this one is doing just fine and I've had him for aout a year I got him at big als and I've searched everywhere and I can't figure out what it is. Funny thing is he seems to like changing color first he's grey with dark dark strips then he's nearly white! Also in my ten gallon he used to be very skiddish and would hid from anything and everything. Now I have to watch he doesn't get sucked up my gravel cleaner when I do a water change  :D  ::).

If only I could figure out how to post a pic  :-[ computer challenged, don't worry I'll get one as soon as I figure out how... :-[ :-[


Hit "reply", click on "Additional Options", and upload the pic :)


Here's a pic. really lowsy tho, he moves so fast!!!

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hum... burmese border loach maybe?


I'd say that's a kuhli loach  :)

And I'd either pick the rummynoses, or add to your existing schools of tetras.


Well I'd go for the rummy nose too. Don't have any but want to get some. Just heard they are sensitive to water conditions and travel? My 1 dwarf gaurmai is mean he does not like others. He once bit the lip of another gaurmai and a piece out of his side. I moved him. He is still testy with others with big fins like my biggest black skirt tetra. How about some black phatom tetras... very cool looking...
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but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


no I had  kulie loach with him once and he is definantly not a kulie loach, not a burmese border loach either Iève got some better pics on my digital camera Ièll post them when I take um off the camera. Thanks for the Ideas though. :)