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Let's Talk 'Celestial Pearl Danios' or 'Galaxy Rasbora'

Started by dan2x38, July 05, 2007, 11:49:14 AM

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Here are somewhere links regarding the CPD:

CPD breeding:

So far been successful breeding the CPD. It takes close to 3 months to grow them out. I have approx. 60-65 growing out right now. I will be selling them when they are grown out. I hope to start a strong aquarium bred strain here in Ottawa. We all can prevent their extinction by buying only aquarium breed CPD.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


FishNut- how many fry are you up to? How big are they? As mentioned we should trade some to make stronger strains.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I have 12 that are over 1cm and I forgot how many in my fry basket.  I find 2 or 3 per week, but I don't think 100% are surviving...either that or they're good at hiding in the clump of moss.  I'm not switching the moss, so my fry numbers are small.  I'm trying to think of a better way to do it before I commit to switching out moss.

I think I'll be ready to trade in about a month.  I want to be able to tell if I'm giving/getting males or females first.  That might take a month...maybe 2.


I think you are right about 1 month at least before swapping. It is hard to tell which are male or female. I 3 a pretty good size & 30 or so 1 cm or so. Maybe by Nov. we should swap a view. Good ratio of 2 or females to 1 male?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Well, that's what my colony is right now.  One female seems to be ignored all the time by the male though.  She's constantly geting chased out of the cave in the java moss and she's always fat.  I'll have to see how things change when I add the new male and female that I bought today.  They're going to be in quarantine for 2 or 3 weeks.


If you want I got a few you could have couple adults from my main CPD tank, they are wild caught. Sell you couple if that would help your ratio?

I did notice when I had less of them that the males favored certain females. Also noticed that one male would chase the other male. That male would look for another female hanging out near the moss. How much light do you have. How long is it on. They stay low or hidden a lot more with light or low light. When the lights are on they are quite active.

So I am guessing 3:1 would be good ratio for the females, IMO. I had 2:1 but the hatches were much smaller.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Wow, thanks for the offer Dan.  I'll hold off on that until I get the newbies established with the main colony in a couple of weeks.

I had a "stare session" in front of the CPD tank and noticed that the larger of the 12 fry are getting their spots and a bit of colour on the dorsal fin!  They've really grown a lot since I let them out of the baby basket!

As I said, before I commit to breeding and switching Moss, I want to think of a less time consuming method.  I wish it wasn't the end of summer either.  I have a great big plastic tub that would be a great place to put CPD's outside.  I love raising fish outside.  Oh well, there's always next year!


KEWL let me know sell them to you cheap :) after all it is preservation.

Mine are getting their colour too you can see their little spots. When I put them in a fry tank they are still almost see through. When I move them to grow out they have a dark streak lengthwise. It is funny to watch them. I love to sit in front the the tanks and watch the youngins'. Like to also watch the adults dodge in & out of the moss.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

Dr. Ashtray

Wow!!  I have been loving this read!!  I am very interested in acquiring some captive-bred CPD's.  Please let me know when some are available.  I would like to start a breeding colony as well.  I could trade or purchase direct.  I will have some N-class endlers live bearers available soon.  The N-class endler have never been around guppies and are two stops from Venezuela to being direct from Venezuela breeding stock.  It took me some persistence, but I located and am now breeding that stock.  I also have a rare breed of Lyretail guppy from a breeder in Thailand.  They are coral red in colour with a forked tail, quite nice!!  In any event, I am itching to get my hands on some of these Celestials.  I will become one of the Very Needed captive breeders.  I have lots and lots of tanks space!!



1st - Dr. Ashtray ? what the H~*L...  :D

2nd - I will post when they are ready... just give me shout then... now mind you I am not sure at what age they are mature enough to spawn? I am guessing 3 months to let them go...

3rd - any experienced egg scatter breeders out there what would be your opinion on the age to let the CPD go & when they would be of age to spawn?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

Dr. Ashtray

I am in like Flynn!  Whoever the heck Flynn is.  I guess he is just one of the "They" everyone is talkin' about.  Seriously though, I am totally in for a dozen of those babies when you have them ready!  I have the Kordon Breather bags ready and waiting for some temporary inhabitants.  By the way, Zapisto and the Gang at Aquanourriplus are great and I highly recommend purchasing anything from them.  I have had great success there!!  They have some amazing crustaceans and mollusks!  I am sure all sorts of other great stuff.  I have just been into the mollusks and crustaceans as of late.  Some Emerald clams should be on the way shortly.

Cannot wait to have some of your CPDs Dan.



Dan, I think once the males start displaying to eachother and getting the beautiful red marks on their fins, you'll know that they're ready to start spawning.  I can see some of my fry have started to develop a teeny bit of a red tinge in their dorsal fin.

I found 7 new babies in the tank last night.  I've been watching very closely.

Also, before you send any fish away...I've got first dibs for our CPD trade :)


Quote from: Fishnut on August 29, 2007, 10:43:16 AM
Also, before you send any fish away...I've got first dibs for our CPD trade :)

Yes of course and Dito for me... :)

I am now watching my main tank too. Couple days ago I saw 2 fry. Man in the plantes bigger tank they are damn hard to catch... LOL I use my BBS net.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I use a clear plastic cup.  They swim in and can't figure out why they hit a wall :)


Quote from: Fishnut on August 29, 2007, 12:07:13 PM
I use a clear plastic cup.  They swim in and can't figure out why they hit a wall :)

I use a white rounded plastic measuring 1/2 cup... since it is white I move it behind them then I can see them stand out... I move towards them it creates a current they can't get out of... problem in my main tank is when I go into the water they run...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Here is a great link to a PDF file about the CPD. It is an article by: Tyson R. Roberts, Research Associate, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


My CPDs are almost ready to leave the nest.

I have 30-35 a few weeks away from sexing & full colour. Also another 35-40 about a month away from being ready. At 3 months they are ready to start spawning. If you already asked me for some in advance please PM to remind me. If you want any of these guys please let me know I will make a note. So far I only have room for breeding 80-100 every 3 months, that might change depending on requests.

They are $6 a piece. BA sells them for $12 each when they can find them. As far as I know there none in town. As far as I know the ban on their exportation from Myanmar has not been lifted. The wild caught die often because they are very under weight and stressed out from the shipping.

If anyone is unfamiliar with the CPD read this thread through a lot of great links & info. Check my Avatar it is a male CPD.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


So when an I getting first dibs?!  :)  Since your breeding room is limited, are you still wanting to trade?


Quote from: Fishnut on September 19, 2007, 06:22:24 PM
So when an I getting first dibs?!  :)  Since your breeding room is limited, are you still wanting to trade?

For sure sent ya a PM - 1st pick. Have to come over one day and check them out. Spots are showing and red starting to show. They grow faster at this point. How many you wanting to swap? Mine are just over 2 months.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."