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Let's Talk 'Celestial Pearl Danios' or 'Galaxy Rasbora'

Started by dan2x38, July 05, 2007, 11:49:14 AM

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I can't wait to see my set-up either! 

OMG, it's hard to get anything done when my finace works days and I'm showing clients around houses at we're missing the power tools to build the shelving unit!  My finace has a week off between christmas and new years, so it's getting done then.  I already reserved the time slot :).

I have some ideas of breeding these little guys and getting maximum yields, but until I prove or disprove my ideas, they will remain under the cloak of secrecy!  8)


Quote from: Fishnut on December 04, 2007, 05:47:29 PM
My finace has a week off between christmas and new years, so it's getting done then.  I already reserved the time slot :).

Well his Christmas holidays are set... LOL I hope he already knows? ;)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


He does.  It's not like he was going to do much anyways.  His holiday usually consists of playing computer games, hanging out at his friend's place, more computer games, doing a few things around the house (handyman style) and hanging out with me.  Last year we went to Montreal for a day.  This year we get to build a CPD system for a day...maybe 2 :)  It sounds like he ignores me all week, but I get lots of attention too :).

Dr. Ashtray

I can't wait to see Fishnut's set-up either.  By the time I am finished I may have half my house dedicated to these little fish.  I am loving them, to say the least.  I will be constructing the two spawning tanks as soon as I mature the sponge filters I ordered from Hong Kong.  I currently have them in five but they are just waiting tanks per se until I get the full op up and running.  I am going to keep males and females separate eventually in order to condition the females for good broods.  If they aren't being chased all the time by males they will get nice and big and full of eggs ready for the spawning tanks.  I can't wait to see some fry. 




Well guys I know no CPDs in any local LFS. There exportation ban has still not been lifted in Myanmar. Shipping primarily is through Singapore still not the US. I've seen prices range online from $6.50 - $20.00 a piece plus express shipping which is anywhere from $35 US and up. No one guarantees males or females or live shipments that I have seen. So far they are still not the easiest to get your hands on.

I've heard that they are available in Toronto but not seen them advertised online. Not sure about Montreal but I know Zapisto will by quantities to sell there. Not sure of the prices in either city? Maybe someone else knows more about their availability and pricing?

Still not a much more know about them other then what we have already learned. I am still surprised there are not more showing up locally or online.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

Dr. Ashtray

That is crazy that they haven't stopped the exportation in Mynamar.  They really should do that.  Although, they did find some other habitats(which are probably now destroyed by good old human interference).  I would love to get a hold of some Toronto stock as well as some Montreal stock to add into the one I have for genetic variation.  Or maybe keep them separate from the other stock to create a completely separate line.  Need more tanks!  Haha! I will get on the horn with some of my Toronto friends to see if they can rustle up some CPDs that need saving.  If Zapisto can rustle some up in the Montreal neck of the woods that would be stunning!



Quote from: Dr. Ashtray on December 05, 2007, 02:47:04 AM
That is crazy that they haven't stopped the exportation in Mynamar.

What I meant is the exporation ban is in place. sorry...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Dr. Ashtray, ask your toronto friends to check out Lucky Aquarium in the Pacific Mall.  Tell them to take the bus there though because the parking lot is quite insane.  As my fiance says "asians are terrible drivers" and since he's asian, it's not being stereotypical :).  Anyways, put thousands of them together in a poorly laid out parking lot and you can imagine what kind of chaos it is  :o.

I found a tank full of CPD's there last time but they were in awful shape.  Nearly skin and bones.  I felt like taking them all but there was atleast 50 in the tank and the shop wouldn't deal on the price because they knew how rare they are.  I picked the fattest I could find and they're as fat as the CPD's I found in Ottawa.

Dr. Ashtray

I will definitely get on the horn about that to my friend in Toronto.  The problem is getting them here safely.  It is too bad that more care cannot be taken with the export and or importing of these fish. I believe it is because they have a fast metabolism.  They need some sort feeding along the way.  That would solve the problem.  If only there was a way to do it proper.  Although, this would be advancing the problem, not solving it.  In any event, I will check in on the Toronto source shortly.  Thanks a lot for the info!


Dr. Ashtray

IT also occurred to me that you must have a different strain than Dan does.  It would be great to trade some with you when you get those ones breeding.



Hey Fishnut do you want to trade some tank breed now? I would like to breed some in with my WC maybe. I would seperate them males/females & tank breed/WC so I could control the strains. These tank breed are over 3 months. Hey maybe we could swap some WCs?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Ok, so I'm a little confused...
I read most of the posts in the thread and checked up on the articles mentionned (very informative), but I still have a question: what  pH-hardness conditions should they be kept in?
I've picked up that you keep them in somewhat hard and alkaline conditions, but I've had some experience with other danios (I've had zebras, leopards and pearls) and kept them in blackwater conditions (ie very soft water, 6.5-7 pH) and they did fine?  ???
I really like these little guys and was thinking of setting up an all danio/cory/SAE tank, which I assumend would be blackwater, but is that a bad idea?
Much thanks in advance for your help and advice!  ;)

Dr. Ashtray

I just spotted a single little fry in my 12 gallon CPD tank.  YEEEEAAHHHAW!!  This is a great sign.  They are liking the conditions I have put them through.  I tried to catch it but it squiggled right into the java moss.  I hope it doesn't get munched by the rest of them in there before I can get it again. It was right up near the top of the tank stuck to the glass.  Just over an eighth of an inch long and silver as mercury.  So put it in the books that I have started the breeding chain here now!  Can't wait to see some more little fellers!!

As far as Conditions and such.  I keep the water temp at 72ish degrees.  The PH is around 7.5.  Their natural environment has a slightly alkaline PH.  They also live in mountain spring fed water that isn't warm so low temp is important.  All the other  measurements should be normal for their ranges.

Now back to hunting for fry before they get munched at breakfast time!




Congrats Doc! I knew if you lowered your temp you'd be an Uncle... :) Try moving the moss to a cycled small tank with clean water... or move the parents for sure the males...

The fish are hardy and I am sure they would adept to those conditions. To low GH or pH might start to become a problem. But to breed them they need to closely meet the conditions of their natural habitat. A lot of fish will adept to different or slightly different conditions if they are acclimated slowly.

The Celestial Pearl Danio (Celestichthys margaritatus) is the only species in the genus Celestichthys. There are only 3 other fish found in their biotope: a Microrasbora like Dwarf red rasbora, a small species of Yunnanilus (a loach), & Inle Snakehead (Channa harcourtbutleri). They will fit in most any community tank but keep in mind their adult size 7/8".
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Alright, much thanks Doc and Dan!
I've found this tonight, so might as well share: "It was originally thought that this species required soft acid water. That has proved not to be the case. They breed quite happily in hard water and there are now many aquarists breeding this superb small Danionin."
Full article and pics @

I also found a graphic illustrating what some of the better knows danios and devarios look like, and their hybrids (I learned that mountain minnows and danios are distant relatives  :o wow!) :
The article is informative too.
Thanks again  ;D


Remember the CPD comes from only 30cm deep mountain spring feed pools & rain run off from the surrounding mountains in Myanmar (Burma). These pools are at 3300' above sea level. So the water would have to be towards the hard side and more alkaline with all those minerals in it. I never believed they would do best in soft or acidic waters when I read that. I guess because they are in so much vegetation ppl believed it would be acidic & soft. Not sure if you've seen pics of their habitat but there is one in this thread back a ways. Since no one is allowed in there the water was not reportedly tested after discovery. If you are interested more in depth about these little guys here is a great link to a PDF file on them. It includes the complete nomenclature of this species and the microrasbora.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


How dare you guys!
I keep coming back to check this thread and the one in the classifieds about these guys and now want to set up a tank and buy some... UGH! My MTS is acting up again! :D


Now, now Netcop...  :o come over to the dark side...  8) I still have some left from my most recent batch!  ;) What's another tank or 2 among friends... LOL
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Problem is, I still need to find some money to get a bigger tank for Oscar as he grows.
Hmmm... now how would the CPD/GR's do in my community tank?


Quote from: NetCop on December 06, 2007, 11:31:52 PM
Problem is, I still need to find some money to get a bigger tank for Oscar as he grows.
Hmmm... now how would the CPD/GR's do in my community tank?

"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."