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Let's Talk 'Celestial Pearl Danios' or 'Galaxy Rasbora'

Started by dan2x38, July 05, 2007, 11:49:14 AM

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"Let's Talk 'Celestial Pearl Danios' or 'Galaxy Rasbora'"

*this is where dan hits himself in the forehead and say's "Doh!"

Dr. Ashtray

I have them in community setting with no problem.  It really depends on who is in the community.  Bigger fish might terrorize the poor little fish.  Although, they do live with a snakehead species that I am sure they swim fast to avoid.  Maybe this is why they have such a quick metabolism.  I have some with some guppies and pygmy corys with no difficulties at all.  They also do not mind a current and like playing in it.  I wouldn't recommend too much current in their breeding tank.  I have the smallest maxi-jet blowing C02 into the 30 gallon environment I have them in.  Other than that there is just the sponge filter.  You could set up an environment for pretty cheap!  Welcome to the CPD addiction!!



Jeff1192 has 8 in a large community tank he says they love it and are doing fine. I believe he even has some Kribs breeding in there. I think they can stay ahead of most any fish but remember if wanting to breed the fry will be lunch.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


What about interbreeding?
Is this a concern?
Or are we all wondering this quesiton?


Yeah mine are doing really well in a large community tank with a whole bunch of stuff. I've got kribs, german rams, gudgeons, a betta, rasboras, guppies, plecos, ottos ect. I've even seen some spawning type behaviour but no fry yet. I check the java moss constantly just in case but nothing yet  :(.

17 Gallon Seapora Crystal:: Cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp

90 Gallon:: p. acei itunji, p. elongatus chewere, p. Saulosi, cyno zebroides jalo reef

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
                        - George Orwell

Dr. Ashtray

I would say that interbreeding may happen if you keep it with a smaller danio species.  You never know what may happen there.  I know there are other microrasbora species that may be able to interbreed with the CPD as well. 



The only rasboras in the tank are espei's rasboras. The only other thing small enough to interest them would be neon tetras so I think I'm ok.

17 Gallon Seapora Crystal:: Cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp

90 Gallon:: p. acei itunji, p. elongatus chewere, p. Saulosi, cyno zebroides jalo reef

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
                        - George Orwell

Dr. Ashtray

You should have no difficulties there!  These are really nice looking fish when they get their full colour.  Well worth the wait!

I cannot wait to get my spawning tanks calibrated.  I don't expect to get started on that for at least another few weeks.  The sponge filters I purchased on eBay will arrive, hopefully, this week coming.  I will then have to mature them for two weeks in my two bigger tanks.  As soon as that is finito I will be off to the races!  I don't think there will be any trouble with breeding them using the plastic canvas method.  I am going to set up a nice framework and have it set so the adults have no possibility of getting under the mat to eat the eggs.  The methods I have seen are rather rudimentary and I would like to improve upon that methodology.  The most popular option is to use heater suction cups to hold up the mat of plastic canvas.  I am thinking of cannibalizing something from walmart and attaching it with some good ole krazy glue.  I have had nothing but success using Krazy glue to attach whatever it is need attachin' in the underwater environment.  Of course, everywhere else as well.  I will expect a case of Krazy glue sent to my home address in Tuktyuktuk asap!  Well, that is about it for now.  Watching some UFC.  Some Very great fights this fine eve!!



wow..high prices. im selling mine in vancouver for 2.50 each. mine are bred ones from singapore in  a fishfarm.
ive enjoyed reading about the successfull breedings. i have over 150 of them..what parameters is your water? mine is about 6.8 ph and very soft water here in vancouver. so should i just keep switching the java moss to a new tank.and see if any hatch? i have shrimp in with mine also. wonder if shrimp will eat the eggs?


the first few shipments i got in from local wholesalers..were a disaster. sunken bellies and all dying. now i get them in direct from singapore and all in great shape. no deaths at all.
price has come down alot .

Dr. Ashtray

That sounds interesting.  I had heard that they were going to farm them in Singapore.  Finally they are over here.  If you can find out how to send me some from out west, I would trade some of the stock with you.  We should probably wait until the spring.  Let me know if you are interested in that and I will contact you when the weather gets better.




sure..sounds fine. you can always get people togeather. i guess it is rather cold now there..brrrr...even cold here.

Dr. Ashtray

I was just out to the store and it is currently -14c.  Chilly!  That is without the dreaded wind-factor.  It would be nice to be out on the western front where the pacific winds keep it nice and mild most of the winter.  Victoria or Vancouver would be fine by me.

I will get a hold of you when it gets warmer for some trades!  It will be great for the bloodline of these little fish.



Great to hear from a westcoast aquarist especially interested in the CPDs! I've been breeding these little guys and had some success. I have a small operation though 4 tanks deadicated to them. My pH 7.5, KH 3.5, GH 5.0... I keep the water very clean - do 25%-30% WCs every 5 days. Feed with crushed complete flakes. I also feed frozen daphina and shaved frozen blood worm. I have a well planted tank with 20 WC CPDs nothing else. The shrimp might eat the eggs or dislodge them too. After a couple weeks I move the moss from my main spawning tank to a small 5.5 gal. with a sponge filter. Usually within 7-10 days I shoudl see fry. Since I have limited space I only raise 30-40 every couple months. I have 2 tanks for grow out one for jeuvies & one for early fry. I usually have 2 batches going at a time. I've raised close to 120 so far. I have only lost 3 fry of all I've counted hatched. All of the fry are G1 have not interbred yet. I want some other stock to start a 2nd strain.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


There you go Dan, making me come back to this thread to torture myself some more!  ;D

I think if I am to go for these guys I would want to do as you said and start a fresh batch with no interbreeding considering the news on the numbers of them left in the wild.

Hmmm.... now what tank to use, where to get 2 different G1 strains, and of course what can I afford.

Shame on you, Dan.... this is almost as bad as my MTS! :D


When you drop over have to see them for yourself first hand...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


April, what farm in singapore are you getting them from?


Quote from: dan2x38 on December 09, 2007, 11:17:41 PM
When you drop over have to see them for yourself first hand...

NetCop has Thursday & Friday off ;D

Dr. Ashtray

Ahoy Celestial Freaks!  I just noticed in my 30 Gallon vintage tank about 10 fry swimming around not being bothered by the adults in the tank.  I took a shot, well actually several shots, and got one good clear shot of a fry.  Take a look see...

They are about 1/4" in size right now and have basically survived with three females and one male all adult size without being munched upon.  I must have some great conditions and a good feeding ritual for that kind of happenstance.  Loving it!  I guess you could call this my Christmas present!  I thought I should share the Joy!


Merry Christmas!!


Hey Doc that a awesome news! My off spring are breeding...  :) You are the 1st I know of with luck breeding my CPDs. This is great news. Yours were younger then the recent batch I sold.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."