Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

False Alarm??? BN Pelco Deaths?

Started by dan2x38, July 08, 2007, 10:44:21 AM

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I got 2 BN (brown) Pelcos added to my tank 3 weeks apart. The first died in a week or less the second I added 2-3 weeks later same story. No problem with 1 in my other tank.

Tanks been up for 1 year. The tank is a 29g community tank, med. planted, CO2 DIY, NH3- 0, NO2- 0, pH- 6.8-7.0, KH 3.5, GH- 6.0. Finished NO3 test kit last time was 20ppm & PO4 was 1.0. The NO3 is stable in that tank. The Fe (celulated) is 0.1. The temp. is 76f. The filter is an Emperor 350 Bi-Wheel. Twin tube lighting with T8 6700k tubes. I use 2 media cartridges fill them with: 1st stage with 50% carbon - 50% SeaChem renew & 2nd stage Bio-Max. Had been adding SeaChem liquid ferts. NPK & trace every other day diluted in treated water. Stopped that cycle because of a little extra algae. I do 30%-40% weekly water changes with matured water aerated with an airstone. To keep pH same as tank since CO2 injected I add SeaChem acid-buffer to lower tap water to 6.8 from 7.5. I treat the water with prime.

Tank is always very stable.


3 Pineapple Swords- 1 male, 2 females
2 Julli Corys
4 Black Skirt Tetras- 1 male, 3 females
1 Hillstream Loach
1 SAE 3"
1 Fancy Guppy- male
1 Sun Burst Platy- male
1 Dwarf Gaurmai- male
1 Singapore Shrimp
2 Female 1" Cherry Shrimp
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Alot of pleco's when you get them from the store are not very well fed and may need some additional feeding besides algea found in the tank, Every 4-6 days I like to put in three slices of cucumber along with pleco food (meaty) that I feed every 2-4. Did the pleco's appear to be ematiated if so you found your proleme.
Hope this helps, sorry to ear about your loss,
Pleco L83


Were they wild or CB? I know I've seen wild BN come in with pretty bad parasitic ifnections.


Really stumped now!!!  ??? I did a WC & vacuumed the gravel where I tought I'd found the dead pelco. The spot was all grey mass looked like a dead fish. I scoped it out and looked like the skull was left with the small mass. Well while vacuuming I found the bugger! Did a full fin count no one missing what the... %#*& What was that small mass of what seemd like a dead fish? Very WERID!!!  :-\ It was greyish with some brownish colour sure looked like a dead pelco.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


ooooooooooooooook... um... ah... er... I have absolutly no idea.


Quote from: plecoL83 on July 08, 2007, 01:08:11 PM
ooooooooooooooook... um... ah... er... I have absolutly no idea.

I should have taken a pic. but thought it was the dead pelco. Watching him chow on some algae right now.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


maybe when you did your head count you counted one twice  ;)


The fin count was right I got them to all stay still. I think I found the cause...  :-[ At that side of the tank I place the veggie clip. I've changed from brocolli to zuccini. With research I think that is what it was. When offering zuccini & cuccumber your suppose to remove the seed... DOH!!! The simpilist is usually the solution.  :o
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."