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HELP - Iridescent shark

Started by CMW, July 09, 2007, 05:54:59 PM

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I have an iridescent shark.  I did not intend to have an iridescent shark and am not sure I can take care of him.  I went to adopt a gold fish and the person had this shark as well and I gathered that if I did not take him that night that he had no other option.  I am building a pond and wanted the goldfish for my pond.  The shark's previous owner said that I could put him in the pond.  I went to a pet store to buy supplies and was told he was a black I researched, now he is all stressed out and I now know he is an iridescent shark.  I do not feel that he can go in the pond.

I AM REALLY HOPING THAT THERE IS SOMEONE OUT THERE WHO KNOWS ABOUT AND CARES ABOUT IRIDESCENT SHARKS who can give him a better home then I can.  According to the person who gave him to me he is 4 years old, was bought as a finger sized "fish-shark" from Pet Smart in Centrum Plaza in Kanata about 4 years.  He is about 10-12" and he is beautiful and appears to be a very gentle soul.  He needs a better situation then I can offer him.  I will do my best for him but really feel that he would be better off if there is someone out there who knows about him, his needs and has a situation that suits him.  For now he is living in my bathtub with his buddy the gold fish.  Gold fish will be moving out to the pond but I thought separating them too soon might cause him even more stress.

Please, if you can give him a better home let me know, or if you know about him pls give me advice on how I can take care of him.  I am worried that he will die.  The first night we had him (and thought he was a black shark) we thought he was dead at one point.  Having now correctly ID'd him I know now that that is a trait of the iridescent shark and indicates that he was VERY stressed and scared.  I cannot even get him to eat.

Pls help this shark.



Whoa you've got yourself in a pickle! But that's ok. You 're asking for help! First thing I would do is cover the tub he's in, so it's dark. I'm assuming you've got him in a white bath tub?
             Now you've got to keep the water temp up and add filtration.
            google iridescent shark and have a look......................... Next move is to place him in a suitable sized home? Be it re homing , buying a very large tank or
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


It is a big white jaccuzi tub (keeping the jets off) and I will cover it.  I am very worried about him and really hope that there is someone out there who can give him a proper home.



You certainly have a big heart to be manipulated like that, I am sorry for your situation, but the fish is lucky to have you.

Perhaps if you were to post an ad in the classified forum, as not everyone looks everywhere.

The advice for its care proffered already is good, but you really need to make a decision soon, as I am sure you will need a bath soon. Visits with the poor fish would be good, he will enjoy the company, they are frenetic headbangers and jumpers though, so be calm around it to keep the peace in the jacuzzi.


I am looking for a tank.  Someone has a 55 or 65 g (they are going to call me back with the dimensions) and a Fluva 404 filter (less then one year old).  As all of this started with my trying to get goldfish for my new pond, I will need a tank to overwinter them anyway.  Does this sound as though it would work for the shark. 

I think he is enjoying the space the tub offers him and he has his buddy the gold fish with him.  I will visit with him more.  I was trying to hide out of sight because I thought I was making him nervous.  I guess the bit of good news is that though active he is not frantic.  He swims around and noses around a bit but does not seem to be running into things.

The crisis this morning was that he has blood on his fins.  I did some research and went off to the pet shop.  I have checked the PH (onthe high side but ok) and nitrites (turned a bit pink) so I changed half the water and then added water treatment (though we are on well water so choorine and chloramine should not be an issue) but something was irritating them.  To treat the shark I have added aquarium salt and a medication and he already looks much better.  I purchased him sinking shrimp pellets that his buddy likes, but he still is not eating.

I just got a call, the tank is 12 x 21 x 48.  So far this is the best bet I have seen.  Any advice on how to set it up if I get it (not sure I will receive a reply before I need to decide on this tank - need to drive to Renfrew to get it).

Any and all (knowledgable) advice desperately needed.



ID sharks can reach a meter in length, so a 65g is far from the proper home.  A tank of at well over 200g would ultimately be required.  If you keep it calm for now ad 65g might be alright for a while but I would find a home asap.


Can offer no help but WOW awesume efforts!!!  :) x 1,000 Try adding a shout on the left side bar here. Good Luck!!!
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Hi there

I have a few ID sharks, my smallest one is 8" in length and my largest one is 18" in length, they are a challenge to keep, as Beowulf said they do get rather large, mine live in a 135g tank right now but will be moving into a 220g that I am almost done setting up in my basement. I would be glad to give yours a home if you like.



90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Awww Dave - I was hoping you would chime in :)
He'll be a happy fish.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


You're so sweet audioslave, the fish is going to love you to bits, it sounds as though it is being cared for and fussed over by someone with a heart in the interim, that is really nice what you have been doing for the fish CMW. Good luck getting your bath back.

And welcome to the OVAS club website! :)


My little shark and his goldfish buddy are still residing in my jacuzzi but we have now added a Fluval 404 system (minus the carbon - more on that below) to clean the water.  We still have an aeration pump (does the Fluval do that job or do I still need the aeration?).  The pet shop recommended I try to settle them in there for a while so as not to stress them out again with another move.

This morning the shark suddenly had blood on the end on his tail fin and a tiny bit on his rear side fins.  Some blood (I had some on my finger and it was a slimy sort of blob, very small, with red in it - guessing it was blood) actually came off his tail.  He is certainly having a rough go of it. 

I went to the pet shop and described his symptoms and they said he has hemorragic septicemia.  According to a website I found, this is charaterized by "Red streaks on fins usually near body with no sign of skin damage.".  The blood was on the very edges of his fins though.  When I look up "bloody fins"  I come up with the following description for a parasitic problem "Red streaks on fins, especially goldfish." 

I am treating with Melafix and a bit of aquarium salt.  It may be wishful thinking on my part, but he seems to have far less red and there is certainly nothing coming out of his tail. From what I am reading about this fish, I am wondering it this could just be another sign of stress?

I should add that we are on well water and thus chlorine and chloramine should not be a problem.  I have added a water conditioner as a precaution anyway though.  I have checked the PH and it is an acceptable level.  I checked for nitrites and it was a bit high.  I made sure that I bought the media for treating amonia and put it in the filter.  Ah yes, why no carbon.  I have read in a number of places that you should remove the carbon from your filter when this correct?

Thoughts anyone?


Quote from: CMW on July 10, 2007, 12:57:28 AM
I checked for nitrites and it was a bit high.  I made sure that I bought the media for treating amonia and put it in the filter.  Ah yes, why no carbon.  I have read in a number of places that you should remove the carbon from your filter when this correct?

Thoughts anyone?

Yes, activated carbon will remove medications from the water -- I will often run it after I am finished treating a tank after completing a water change.

I am concerned though with the combination of the ammonia filter media and aquarium salt, as I seem to recall that the salt will purge whatever the ammonia chips/sponge have taken in -- definitely not something you want.

To detoxify the ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate, you can use Prime water conditioner as it detoxifies these without being affected by the salt.



If you can take him I think he would be better off.  As indicated in the post above, he is sick.  I see from your post that you are in Kanata.  I am just outside Kanata.  I would guess you cannot take him while he is sick, but any chance you could come and see him, see if I am treating his condition properly, see if there is anything else I can do for him?  If he makes it through this would you still be willing to take him?  I really think goldfish are about the limit of my fish raising ability :-[ .  I have fingers and toes crossed that he will be able to live with you when he gets better.  I would love to see your other sharks.  This one is so pretty and so docile/sweet.

Water quality in the tub has really picked up.  I dosed them again with the medication, but will not add any more aquarium salt.  We are keeping the lights off, though I was unable to find a way to cover the tub (it is a big corner jacuzzi).  I did close the blinds so it is nice and dark in the room and we are avoiding turning on the lights as much as possible. 

He is moving around more, still some red on the edges of his tail.  Cannot see that he is eating though.  I am offering him sinking shrimp pellets and giving his buddy some Koi pellets.  His buddy the goldfish seems to like both (now I know how the goldfish got so big, he is a pig for food).

Thank you to everyone for your help and support.


I had a feeling Dave would be interested.  Good on you!!!  I hope you guys can save him and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.


WOW CMV great job awesome to see someone take that kind of care and attention to a pet! AUDIOSLAVE your the man great to see someone take that kind of lead Hats off to You!!!  :) x 1,000,000 he's one lucky Shark!!!
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I really doubt it is septecimia.  It's probably stress, coupled with poor water conditions.  Also, being in the bathtub, there is a possibility of contaminants (soap, cleaning products, etc.) that certainly won't help.

You'll really want to get this fish re-homed ASAP, and until then do DAILY water changes of as much water as humanly possible.

As mentioned before, keep it dark!

Good luck, and I hope for the best for this fish!



Mr. Sharky is going to a new home and I think this is for the best.  We had a moment of madness and weakness when we thought about how attached we have become.  Amazing how one bonds with a fish living in your tub!  Anyhow, he is going to join Audioslave's family of ID's.

As for Mr. Goldfish, he will be moving out of the tub into a 55g tank while we finish setting up the pond. 

For the next while (years?) you will find me in the goldfish section  ;)

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for your help.  This was my first posting and actually my first time using a forum and you have made it a good venture not to mention helping keep a well meaning mistake from turning into a tragedy for this beautiful little shark.  Who knows, now that he has stolen our hearts maybe sometime down the road we will decide that our decor is missing a 220g tank full of IDs!  Stranger things have been known to happen.

Now back to my original project of getting my 1,800g pond finished.  No rest for the wicked I guess.  Hey, now that my house guests are moving out of the tub I will be able to soak in the jacuzzi again after all that hard pond building work!

Cheers to all,


I am so glad that this episode in life has worked out for you and the fish, and I am pleased that amidst your aquarium baptism by fire method, you found us and shared your problem. Never feel bad about loving a fish, they do tug at our hearts even if they don't claw the furniture or bark at the television.

Good luck with your pond, it sounds like great fun, I am sure you and 100 other koi will love it. ;)


Well to update everyone :). Mr. Sharky is here now and has bonded very quickly with the other four ID's.
