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Tank/Maintance Log

Started by dan2x38, July 10, 2007, 09:36:52 PM

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How many of you keep a log of your tank maintance, fish, etc. If so how much detail do you add?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I used to, ahd water changes, fish added, water tests, etc, but eventually gave up, as I find you just kind of get a feel for what is going on and whats wroking or not.


Me too, now I test whenever there's a problem or I 'think' there's a problem.
After awhile, when you continue to get the same results week in and week out, you decide enoughs, enough.
But it is your decision!
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


I don't really do logs anymore, not because I shouldn't necessarily, but because it is so tedious if you have too many tanks and think you can get by with what you remember.

But I will say that in the past, when I started to become aware that the entire world could not be reproduced in a box without factoring the entire world into it, I began to record everything, I recorded the moon and the starry nights, the sun strength and clarity, along with the winds, temperatures, barometric pressure and of course rain, snow and all that good stuff.

Now I know it seems silly, but I happen to know that otocinclus will only breed if there is a specific colour leaf for their eggs to be stuck to, and I learned a great deal about replicating rainy conditions with my South American cichlids and the resulting spawns I always managed to get.

Cardinal tetras will breed willy nilly given the right conditions, however, the survival of the fry depend on the new moon for their proper development.

I could wax on for hours, but that would be boring, it is enough to say that what I learned about my aquarium from "OBSERVING" what was going on in the tank relative to what was going on outside my house was a real eyeopener.

That being said, as has already been said many times before, personal observation of your own tanks is a start, but, one must at least try to understand what has been going on within by practicing the methodology of testing to get a "feel" for what you are seeing.

After a while of always having the tests prove what you are seeing, you will, eventually, like the rest of us, only test to confirm rather than find out. This is an inexact science that relies on luck often and really good troubleshooting skills to suss out every new twist and turn that happens when we think nothing else could possibly go wrong.


I see what each of you are saying about testing. I test rarely now and before spent a small fortune on test kits. My tanks have been stable for a year at least. But I cannot remember when I've rinsed a filter, changed media, lights last changed, even some WCs I made... got 7 tanks to care for now...  :D this is related harding of my grey matter... LMAO

I am very interested in the natural connection compared with the indoor tiny eco-systems... looking more to seeing less egg bound fish, some breeding period, & more colourful plants...

Thanks for the tips guys... :) Was taught years ago to learn the trade first before practicing the tricks of the trade...  8)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


The only logs I keep now are breeding dates and birth dates for various fry batches; everything else is done by feel. 

I still always have a full set of test kits on hand but never use them.


Only when new light bulbs are installed and filter maintenance - cleaning, media changes...

water changes, fertilization (anything weekly) I do in my sleep.
Mark D.
210 gallon 3 Ornate Bichirs, 1 Dhelezi Bichir, 1 Rope Fish, Black Ghost Knife, Royal Pleco, Fire Eel, Clown Loach, BN Pleco
125 gallon Elephant Nose, Rainbows, Gourami (Pearl - Blue) Plecos (BN & Clown)

Go big or go home... no more MTS for me


Quote from: dan2x38 on July 10, 2007, 09:36:52 PM
How many of you keep a log of your tank maintance, fish, etc. If so how much detail do you add?

I use the Google Calendar to record my tank maintenance.  I find it helpful since I don't always do my water changes / filter maintenance / etc. the same time every week.

I simply add an event for each maintenance item, and then I can look back to see the last time it was done.
1 fish, 2 fish, <°{{{><  , <°{{{><  


My memory is my biggest stumbling block. I read to start writing the dates on my light tubes with permanate marker but never remember to check them. I might use a couple small logs for several important tasks... rinsing media, lighting, DIY CO2 bottle changes, & WCs.... maybe another to start logging as babblefish suggested for environment changes, seasons, etc. better having to search in just 1 bigger one...

Always helps to brain storm out loud...  :)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I keep track of water testing - helpful for when something goes wrong to catch it early. We test every two weeks, and it is my son's job. One of these days he will figure out how to fake results to save himself some time (if he hasn't already)
I keep track of filter changes as well or I'll never do it.


I don't have a fix schedule for aquarium maintenance. Therefore it became handy to keep track of all water changes, especially since i have more than three tanks as it was hard to remember when I did the last one. I also keep track of CO2 refills as I am still working on my magic recipe  :)

Like many others I don't have a regular schedule for water tests and do it only if I think something is wrong. But if I test I  log the results to an excel spreadsheet for two reasons: it helps me to calculate additional data like CO2 and with having several records it gives me an idea what water characteristics a particular tank usually has and how it looks like if something is wrong.

be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


Quote from: fischkopp on July 11, 2007, 01:57:22 PM
I also keep track of CO2 refills as I am still working on my magic recipe  :)

True I worked on my recipe for many months until I nailed down for me. It is recorded so I can never forget it. TOP SECERT  ;D

I need to get a new notebook mine is almost full. Plus added another tank I got no section for it. The misc. section has exploded since I started... LOL
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


The only thing scheduled is the 168 gallons per week that automatically changes in my system every week (195+65 gallon tanks with shared 30 gallon sump... soon also adding a 50 gallon tank to the system for Mpimbwe fry growout ). I check my filters weekly and ensure my fish are fed no more then 5 days per week (excluding fry)



Yep I maintain an extensive log of what happen to my tank, I will post the link to a pdf version of it for everyone to use and maybe suggest better...

This help me a lot to understand what happen to my tank...


I kept a note book at first. Then I the online community I was a part of introduced a digital utility for us. I used that for a while too. But around the time I came to OVAS I gave up on logs and just started flying by the seat of my pants.

I check Calcium of my reef when I happen to think of it. Even my brackish tank, which I used to track salinity very carefully, I find myself dumping in a 1/4 tank of FW to simulate a spring runoff or rain every once in a while. Some times I mix two successive water changes with 50% seawater to spike up the salinity.

I think I have less trouble with the health of my fish just simply keeping things moderately clean and watching the Nitrate doesn't build up.


I actually never thought of keeping a log of any sorts.  I try and do one 10% water change a week and really never test my water unless something's "fishy"  :D  I do however take at least 10 minutes a day to sit in front of the aquarium and watch and count the fish to make sure that everyone's there and that everyone seems to be happy.  If I notice anything weird, I test the water or watch the specific fish acting weird for signs of illness.  Just last week when my tank leaked, I noticed my female Lithobate swimming sideways and struggling in the bin, yet, she still quite quick and responsive when I tried to catch so I let her be until I got my new tank running and transferred her in the tank. Then I noticed that she had been beaten a bit by I don't know who while in the rubbermaid tub.  She struggled a bit in the tank but now she's doing quite fine.

I think it's more important to be aware of what's going on in your tank than keeping a log for everything you do as it can become quite tedious.  Although, I'm not into heavy breeding or anything and just let things happen if they are to happen and couldn't really care less about moon cycles and all.  I've got a come couples in there and my theory is that if they breed great, if they don't still great.  So it may depend on what you intend to do with your fish.  Then you may want to get as crazy as Babblefish once was, not that is any less crazier today  ;D but you know.... lol


Quote from: FreshWaterTank on July 12, 2007, 08:59:53 PM

Thanks I download one will look at later...

hamstercaster- for me it is age as much as learning more... I forget more than I remember now a days...  :o I have 6 tanks to deal with so recording dates to make changes for media, rinses, QT if occupied, etc... I did not keep a log when I started but was scratchig my head trying to remember is there carcoal in that filter, when did I rinse that filter stage last... so on... so on & ... so on... now scatching your head is not a bad thing but I got very little hair left... AND Not a member of the Hair Club for Men... ROTFL  8)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


lol... well I I'm not yet at that stage and may reconsider that when I get older I guess  ;D oh, and I don't have nearly as many tanks as you... of most of you guys should I say... and I've been cured of MTS it seems... that's until the next MTS attack comes by I guess lol


I do not think there is immunity from MTS... can hit anyone at anytime... I was warned but did I listen... Nooooo!!! LOL you trying to say I'm old...?  ;)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."