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A really cool event...CPD fry?

Started by Fishnut, July 15, 2007, 11:50:27 PM

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As I'm sure some of you have read, I've been getting a 30 gallon ready for my 3 CPD's (Celestial Pearl Danio's).  I've been adding Java Moss and a few other plants to the tank, as well as the debris from siphoning the bottom of my current CPD tank. 

Tonight I went to check on the tank and the temperature while adding even more plants (tomorrow the CPD's are moving in) and I noticed there are baby fish in my tank!!!!!  I have no idea what they could be.  I got a large chunk of Java Moss from Big Als, which was in a live bearer tank and rinsed about 10 times before I put it in the tank.  Other plants came from OVAS members, but everything was rinsed before I added it (I hate duckweed).  Is it possible that eggs from some kind of tetra survived the rinsing, or do I possibly have baby CPD's from adding the debris?  It's been a week since I put the debris from the current CPD tank in there.  Perhaps they've been finding things to eat and have grown!

I used to breed White Cloud Mountain minnows years ago and the fry I see in my tank look a lot like minnow fry.  They're little silver slivers with a tiny head/belly and are about 2/16" long. 

I'm boiling an egg right now to add some egg yolk in the morning.  I guess I'de better get a brine shrimp hatchery going again!  What else can I feed them?

I plan on buying one of those Mesh net baby fish holders and putting them in there.  My breeding tiger shrimp need a tank of their own so the CPD's are moving up.  I can't put off the moves until these mystery fry grow up.  Any thoughts on that?

I tried to take a pic, but I just couldn't get the camera to focus on a moving spec.

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I have had great success with feeding my julies delphina... the frozen kind... also you can ask if anyone has a micro worm culture that they would let use to start your own.
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


I'll post a request in the classifieds for some micro worms.  I tried feeding them frozen daphnia, but the daphnia was twice the size of their head!  I bought some frozen baby brine today.

So today I bought one of those fry holders made out of mesh.  I had to use an old cottage cheese container to scoop them up because they were so small they swam through the spaces in the net mesh.  They're fast little buggers!  The Mesh holder has a fine net, so they can't get out.  I put some java moss at the bottom and some hygro floating at the top.  I have 12!

I was able to get a much better picture now that they're in the baby basket :).  I think they're CPD fry.   :D Any opinions?

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No opinion on whether they are or not... but I think this is a very cool story and would love to see of they turn out!

Regarding the breeding net. Sometimes the mesh is so fine on those that they restrict proper flow. Or so I found when using them. Might not be a bad idea to take a small scoop or two of water out of it and add some other tank water in every day or two. Just to keep things fresh... Just a thought. :)


That's a good tip.  I'll do that!


Aw congratulations!

Do you have some brine shrimp eggs?


Thanks Zoe

I don't have any eggs, but when I went to buy some, I found a package of frozen baby brine.  Since they had no eggs, I bought that.  I think the fry are eating it.  It's hard to tell...they're so tiny!


Quote from: Fishnut on July 17, 2007, 04:57:17 PM
Thanks Zoe

I don't have any eggs, but when I went to buy some, I found a package of frozen baby brine.  Since they had no eggs, I bought that.  I think the fry are eating it.  It's hard to tell...they're so tiny!

Your fry look just like mine.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Well if ever you want to hatch some BBS... I have lots of extra eggs from my baby angelfish days.


That's good to know Dan, that the fry look like yours.  It's definitely the most logical cause for the appearance of the fish.

Zoe, I'd love some of the shrimp eggs.  Let me pay you for them've given me a lot already!


Nah don't worry about it... I'll never use them and they aren't that expensive :)
You could come get some at my work, or at my apartment, s'up to you!


Quote from: Fishnut on July 17, 2007, 09:57:15 PM
That's good to know Dan, that the fry look like yours.  It's definitely the most logical cause for the appearance of the fish.

Zoe, I'd love some of the shrimp eggs.  Let me pay you for them've given me a lot already!

Until I get some BBS hatched I am crushing freeze dried daphina then moistening it... this seems to suspend it so they can eat it or else it floats... they seem to be eating that...

Zoe how often do you think they should be feed?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


As often as possible... minimum twice a day, max five times. The more often, the better, and better growth.   But two is sufficient, especially if you have infusoria in your tank (in the java moss).


In my experience of breeding fish, the more frequently they are fed the better.  I used to feed my angel fish 3times a day.  I'm feeding these fry 3 times a day as well.  Once before I leave for the office, once when I get home and once before the lights go out.

Zoe, I'll pick up the eggs at your place.  Would it be ok if I came over after 9pm tomorrow night?  It'll likely be around 9:15.  7 - 9pm evey night is my cold calling time.  If that's too late, I have a showing downtown on Thursday morning and I can pick them up at your work.  Thanks so much!!


Tomorrow night is fine! I'm going to my grand-parents for supper so give me a call before you head over... but I should definitely be home before 9.



Fishnut & Zoe- do you think an apple snail fed small varity wafers would create enough infusoria?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Define enough... not enough to feed the babies exclusively, but it will definitely create more infusoria for the babies to eat between BBS meals.  I would still feed them at least once a day.
I'd be a little concerned about the snail eating the eggs?
Also you may find with the snail and the BBS, that your tank gets dirty quickly.


Yeah!  My tank is already cloudy!


Quote from: Fishnut on July 18, 2007, 08:41:36 PM
Yeah!  My tank is already cloudy!

Do you have any apple snails in there or cherry shrimp?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


SO how go the fry after all is said and done, are they doing alright?