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Ich treatment?

Started by dan2x38, July 20, 2007, 10:29:48 PM

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I have gotten varying Internet info on salt Ich treatment... since this morning at 8am until now 10:30pm got my temp. up to 84-85f from 76-77f... I've added 5 tbsp (15 tsp) for 29g so far since his morning... the majority of articles say increase salt dosing to 3 tsp/gal. is this OK? I'm doing it gradually... also added aqua-sol, 12 drops/10 gal.

Does this sound on track? Any other suggestions? My 1st case of Ich? Can I use table salt? I've been using aquarium salt but almost out...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


first of all , what is your pop in the 29g ?
i never use salt to treat anything in my tank, becaus emost of the fish i was keeping would not support it.

usually a nice raise of the temp + some quick cure do the trick , sometime i dont even add anything beside water change and increase of temp and of course increase water movement.

good luck


Dan -

How goes your ich battle?

I think I also have ick... I have lost two fish in the last 24 hours and everything looks good chemical wise.  They are new fish to me, and I am not that familiar with their habits and appearances.  I am starting to suspect ick based on the ones which have died.  The healthy ones do not looke ick'y to me?


wow 3tbs/gal is around where I keep my brackish tank! Most plants are not happy with that salinity. It is pretty close to 25% seawater as far as sodium levels go. Is this your planted tank?


Quote from: kennyman on July 22, 2007, 07:58:10 AM
wow 3tbs/gal is around where I keep my brackish tank! Most plants are not happy with that salinity. It is pretty close to 25% seawater as far as sodium levels go. Is this your planted tank?

I think Dan said 3tsp/gal, not tbs.


Quote from: zapisto on July 20, 2007, 10:47:39 PM
i never use salt to treat anything in my tank, because most of the fish i was keeping would not support it.

usually a nice raise of the temp + some quick cure do the trick , sometime i dont even add anything beside water change and increase of temp and of course increase water movement.

This is all that I do as well and you may find that most serious breeders such as zapisto follow the old school of keep it simple and safe.

I do believe that this tank you mention is going through a setup cycle and that you added fish anyway. This is natural stress reaction to an unnatural situation.


Quote from: zapisto on July 20, 2007, 10:47:39 PM
first of all , what is your pop in the 29g ?
i never use salt to treat anything in my tank, becaus emost of the fish i was keeping would not support it.

usually a nice raise of the temp + some quick cure do the trick , sometime i dont even add anything beside water change and increase of temp and of course increase water movement.

good luck

I did this also the one time I got ich on a fish.  Since the tank contained more then a few loaches, I had to be very careful on how I treated due to their lack of scales.


Quote from: RossW on July 22, 2007, 08:28:34 AM
I think Dan said 3tsp/gal, not tbs.
no wonder all my cookies taste funny.

is even that level of salinity ok for a densly planted tank like Dan's for the amount of time it takes to control ick pathogens though?


No it is not, nor for some of the fish either, which is why it is best to use other methods such as zapisto stated.


I prefer to use Aquarisol myself, as it is quite mild to the fish, just don't use it with inverts (although last time I used I heavily overdosed and my shrimp were fine.


Quote from: zapisto on July 20, 2007, 10:47:39 PM
first of all , what is your pop in the 29g ?
i never use salt to treat anything in my tank, becaus emost of the fish i was keeping would not support it.

usually a nice raise of the temp + some quick cure do the trick , sometime i dont even add anything beside water change and increase of temp and of course increase water movement.

good luck

4 silver tips, 2 platies, 1 neon gaurmai, 2 sterbai corys, 1 BN pelco

I had added 4 Red-Blue Cloumbian tetras...

As for plants this tank are: java fern, Aunbais nana, Rotala, polysperma, bronze cyrpt...

When I discoverd the ich I bumped up the temp. to 85f over 24 hrs. I increased the salt to 1 tsp/gal. over 24 hrs.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


It's the 5th day no Ich on my other fish in the tank. Still got temp. at 85f... doing 50% WC daily replacing salt... not using aqua-sol... so far looks like only the 4 newcomers were infested... they've been returned...

very werid why did the whole tank not break out? I thought when 1 fish had Ich the whole would become infested?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: dan2x38 on July 23, 2007, 10:55:25 AM
It's the 5th day no Ich on my other fish in the tank. Still got temp. at 85f... doing 50% WC daily replacing salt... not using aqua-sol... so far looks like only the 4 newcomers were infested... they've been returned...

very werid why did the whole tank not break out? I thought when 1 fish had Ich the whole would become infested?

The way I understand it, ich is always present and a normal stung immune system will fight it off.  These new guys were likely stressed from all the moving around and as such got it.


Day 6 tank still not showing any signs of Ich or strees.

BUT... Damn-It... must have been a net or even my hands but my main display with heavy planting shows Ich today my son spoted it...  :'( Rasieing temp & adding salt & aqua-sol slowly almost up to full dose... When i got the other fish I acclimated them then netted them out of the bag... I think it had to be that net not rinsed well enough... OMG  ???

Been a couple stressful weeks...!!!  :-\

Now I wait & WC...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Can we be hosts for the ich parisite? Can it be harmful to us?

Can garlic be used as a soak for flake food for Ich infected fish?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: dan2x38 on July 28, 2007, 09:13:23 PM
Can we be hosts for the ich parisite? Can it be harmful to us?

No.  I can't find a reference which states that explicitly, but I did find an article on fish diseases transmitted to humans at aquarticles.  I would suspect that a human immune system would destroy the parasite easily, and it's probably not to fond of a warm-blooded host, we run far too hot for it. ;)


Been treating Ich in my planted main display tank. Using heat/salt/aquari-sol. Fish showing very little evidence of Ich but it's still there... As mentioned my plants are suffering. Doing large WCs should I still be replacing the salt/aquari-sol? Still leave the temp. up? It's been 5 full days of treatment so far.

I've been stressed out but can only quess how stressed my poor fish are!  :'(
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I've already used aquari-sol with salt and increased temp. Many ppl have posted to use Super Ich Cure can I use it if aquari-sol is still in my tank? Want something easier on my plants.

I am also bring my DIY CO2 back online slowly... Is that OK? If so will turn on my 3rd light tube when the CO2 starts diffusing.

Any opinions?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Did some testing on the infested tank today: pH- 6.8, NH3- 1.0, NO2- 0, NO3- 5.0, PO4- 0.5, Cu- 0.25.

Why would the NH3 spike? I added Super Ick Cure 1/2 dose after last 40% WC last night. I added some Prime to detox NH3 after testing. Can you over dose with Prime or Aqua-Clear?

Today is 8th day yesterday fish did show Ich spots. Today the 6 banded barbs that were infested the worse showed no Ich spots.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


If you're using a Nessler-based ammonia test (the Hagen one is), Prime can cause a false positive for ammonia, especially if you test right after the water change.  I gather the Seachem one doesn't do this, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere.  Also, the bottle says Prime can be used at 5x the dosage to detox nitrite, so I wouldn't worry about overdosing it.