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betta breeding troubles

Started by featherfin, July 23, 2007, 09:10:12 PM

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i have a male and female betta fish. i separated them by placing the female in a glass container so they could see each other. i fed them both live foods and flake foods and waited until he had a bubble nest and she was full of eggs. when i finally released them together they ignored each other! completly!  :o they didn't fight, they just swam around peacefully. i waited a little longer than an hour, but nothing happened so i put them back in their separate tanks. i don't know if i let them get too used to each other or what but they do nothing. i tried twice more after that but with the same results. what should i do?


You might want to try leaving them both in the tank with a good amount of plastic plants for the female to hide from the male.  Why did you give them such little time (just over 1 hour)?  How long were they in the tank together?  When you move them from tank to tank or jar to jar, make sure that the water temperature is exactly the same or you will stress them out and they will get sick.  Also if you have just purchased your fish, give them a couple of weeks of good care/feeding before attempting to spawn them.


How was the females coloration?  If I recall betta females get a certain stipe pattern when ready to spawn.


they both live in the same tank, but separated by a pane of glass so they can't get at each other. the water is the same water so all i have to do is lift up the glass and let them be in together. the tank does have a few plants and a clump of java moss so hiding is not a problem. i only left them together for an hour because the websites i have been reading have said to only leave them together for an hour so i guess i'll try leaving them for longer. i've had them for a few weeks now and in answer to your comment beowulf, yes betta females do get stripes. she does have them and she is light colored if i look closely i can see the eggs in her. i guess i'll just leave them together for longer.

thanks for the advice!