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little symbol?

Started by featherfin, July 23, 2007, 09:16:53 PM

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i am new to this site but i've noticed that whenever i post something in the farthest column to the left there is a little symbol of sheets of paper, but on mine there is a little yellow face on the sheets. can someone tell me what this means because i haven't seen it on anyone else's posts.


If you mean this --> , it means it's a thread you have posted in.  That's why you always see it on your own posts ;)  I'm new here too, but welcome.  :)


Welcome!  Yes, there are all sorts of different icons and such all over the place, it helps to keep things interesting.  :)


thank you for filling me in...  :-[ i thought maybe it was something bad...


Quote from: featherfin on July 23, 2007, 09:34:05 PM
thank you for filling me in...  :-[ i thought maybe it was something bad...

Guilty conscience?



PERHAPS!!  ;) and another question about little symbols!! you know where it shows your rating ex: fry, juvenile etc... what does it mean when there are little fish or snails?


The fish signifies an OVAS member, the others are various OVAS execs. You can hover the mouse over most icons to get a description of what they are.


Hatchling, fry, juvenile, spawning adult, they only refer to the number of times that folks here have posts, the more the chatter, the older the nomenclature for the fish name.

It doesn't necessarily indicate wisdom or experience, just a willingness to post on-line.

The little gold fish represents an Ottawa Valley Aquarium Society club dues paying member, there is only one way to get that, and that is to join the actual club.

As for the snail, it represents OVAS Executive, and again, only one way to get that, and as for the little red crabs, there are only two of those, and they are attached to a name called poseidon, they are OVAS Executive as well, but they have the distinction of being webmasters, one is THE APW webmaster, and the other is our President webmaster wannabe, very exclusive position, fraught with gazillions of code and other headaches.

This is the abbreviated version, I hope that this answers your question satisfactorily, if not, I could go into lengthy detail, let me know! ;)


Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


thanks for filling me in, no need to go into detail. ;D ;D


Thank you!!!! ;D Omgodness ive been wondering prietty much ever question you asked! lol So now the understanding is there ;D


I am glad to have helped, we are all here for the peace and understanding, absolutely, and happy fish!


At last I understand what all these little stars, lobsters and snails mean.  I figured posting something on this thread so that other new members of OVAS can find the info easily.  Thanks everyone for the info!! :)


The little ity bitty symbols will make our heads EXPLODE,

*cough* Been watching too much Foamy the squirrel... :D