Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Importing drugs

Started by KLKelly, July 30, 2007, 05:50:08 PM

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I have a friend in Italy (from another forum).  He is asking about importing drugs in Canada - two specifically mebendazole and fluorfenicol.  I sent him the health canada link regarding importing veterinary prescription drugs.  I think its freely available without a prescription in some countries overseas - like China.

Through a google search I see both drugs are in use in Canada - but can't tell if they are prescription required.

Anyone know a site that I can send him with better information?
I sent him this link:


An important starting point is whether this is a small "personal" quantity or is this for importing for resale?


I found this information in Customs D memo D19-9-1

Special Access Program (SAP) for Drugs Not Available in Canada

12. In cases where a required drug is not available in Canada, physicians, dentists, and veterinarians may seek authorization from Health Canada to import the drug through the emergency drug release provisions of the Food and Drug Regulations. If authorization is granted, Health Canada will provide a Letter of Authorization to the practitioner. This letter will usually accompany the shipment and must be presented to customs to obtain release of the drug.

I'll look for more when I have time.


I've sent him an email asking whether its for personal or resale use.  I assume it would be a small quantity for just personal use not reseale. Thanks btw.  Looks complicated.