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MY 1400 Gallon Tank

Started by StylinT, August 03, 2007, 06:01:27 AM

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Hey guys its been ages since I have posted on OVAS an decided to make a post an get some help on a few things

I have bought a house since my last post an I am building a 1400g Tank with alot of help from Dongxun a fellow OVAS member
here is a link to what I have done so far the dimensions are 11'X4'X4' LxWxH

I was hoping to put alot of large SA/CA cichlids

my question is im looking for a certain pump for the tank an cant seem to find one online from any Canadian sites the pump model is Dolphin AM 4000/3000 External Pond & Aquarium Pump

please tell me what ya think about the pics aswell I would love some comments an advice


Link does not work...says content not available.


Oops sorry

I just went to check the link an they are doing some site maintenance it should work in a few hours if not Ill post them up again lol


hope you have all the ventilation worked out! thats a ton of evaporation. will it be covered?
the tank must be in the basement?


For me a tank this size would so me full of clown loaches!!!  A nice river flow with bala sharks and whatever else.  Either that or an oddball tank with gars, arrowanas, oscars or the likes.   Very neat indeed and as mentioned I do not envy the logistics you must be looking to get this done.


Good to here that we have someone on Ovas doing a true big tank. have you thought about maybe a sequence baricuda...I know that they com in very high volume inline pumps.. check this guys out he did basicaly what you are attempting to to... atleast fish wise it is a very long reed just to warn you but very informative..


I love it GO BIG OR GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

make sure you throw in a couple spotted peacock bass......
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


I don't know if I missed anything but there doesn't seem to be any glass!!  Are you planning on looking at your fish from the top or will there be a glass pane on your tank?  Again, maybe I just missed something  ;D




what do you plan on useing for your lining the paint... or a liner.... also for your stand have you taken it to a engineer to get it check out I would hate to here that your beutiful tank leaked because your stand shifted... My wife and I are planning.... dreaming for somthing similar to this on our nxt house... keep us up to date on how everything goes with construction... lemy know if you need a spair set of hands aswell.. this is gonna be a fun project that is for sure and I can't wait to read as things progress... you should post it on cichlid form they maybe able to give you some suggestions/ sulution to problems or snags you may come by

90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Wow congradulations! I am looking forward to your progress. I ways dream of a 14'x4'x4' tank, but am afraid to attempt it for 2 reasons first the $ and secondly I'd have to tear out my basment floor and creat footing for such a larger tank! Third.. Wife would not allow it :)



thats awesome!!!, i hope everything goes smoothly with your build. have you decided what your going to do with the lighting, heating, and filtration?

I'm planning on building a 1000 gallon give or take a few, i already have half the block and 3/4 inch glass, I'm just waiting for the rest of the block and re bar.

keep us posted with your progress


1400g, I'l believe when I see it LOL ;) nothing against the builder but I've seen many of these post come and go. the price on a tank like that is HUGE to say the least. glass or acrylic your in the 4 to 5 grand range. the stand has to be built perfect and by a qualified carpenter or someone whom knows there stuff.
I'd love to see it happen though don't get me wrong.
lots of planning and coin needed for a project of this size.
good thing its gonna be freshwater because a reef setup like this would be well over 10 grand without livestock.


Quote from: sniggir on August 03, 2007, 11:41:12 AM
what do you plan on useing for your lining the paint... or a liner.... also for your stand have you taken it to a engineer to get it check out I would hate to here that your beutiful tank leaked because your stand shifted... My wife and I are planning.... dreaming for somthing similar to this on our nxt house... keep us up to date on how everything goes with construction... lemy know if you need a spair set of hands aswell.. this is gonna be a fun project that is for sure and I can't wait to read as things progress... you should post it on cichlid form they maybe able to give you some suggestions/ sulution to problems or snags you may come by

thats a good point... thats a LL of atleast 11,620lbs not to mention all the dead weight of the tank, stand and any aquascaping.  If this was to go into a basement you would need to put in a poured concrete footing to stop this tank from sinking into the ground.


Good luck to you, Tyler - I would never be brave enough. When it's done, you could host an OVAS party....


well his costs are greatly decreased since his tank will not be all glass... just the viewable part... atleast that is what it looks like to me... check out the link I posted... the link has a similar tank to this... great learning experience...

and hey I say we help him out rather than de negative... so we can all learn from it

Solana 36 gal SW
35lbs LR
1black clown
A few cleaners
Aqua illumination  Sol LED light fixture
8 puck 24 led blue,royal,white,light
1 vortec MP 40
1 reefkeeper lite
2 hydor korilias 750

Seriously need to add to the tank lol


WOW  :o

thanks for all the feedback good an bad
now to answer all the questions I am a carpenter by trade an have built many homes etc for the windows I dont know if ya can see but there is gonna be 2 windows about 4' X 2 1/2'  Im not sure exactly on the dimensions yet hence why it sint framed yet as for the stand it is not going to be any higher off the ground then in the pics

in the pics I framed the base of the tank like a floor system for a house except I went 2x6 joists an 12" centers an everywhere where wood touches wood I have used PL Construction adhesive for heating I am not sure yet what I am going to do the whole tank is insulated with rigid foam an once the tank is up an running with water I was gonna wait an see what temp it balances out at
the tank is also on a concrete floor
as for the ventilation It will be completely sealed I will be building the canopy an sealing it all with plastic so all humidity will just drip to a low point that I make an drip back into the tank an also the lights will be completly sealed from the tank as well so no moisture wont rust out the lights
as for what I am sealing all the wood with I will be using a huge pond liner to seal everything I am debating on how to get the roughness off the playwood so it dosnt puncture it with the water being in it

now to stop the whole thing from coming apart I have used 3/4 plywood on the inside then framed it all with 2x6 studs then to hide all of that used 1/2 there will also be 3/4 plywood triangles installed in all 4 corners an 3 or 4 2x6 studs running across the tank to stop it from bowing out
as for costs I am only in the 100 $ mark right now my wife works at home hardware so I get it at cost  ;D

for a stock list I am not sure the whole point of this tank was to get rid of all my other tanks an only have one so I have to play it by ear but I love all your ideas an will put them into though this is what I have sorta had planned but its all just ideas

1 flower horn
1 catfish (bullhead- Red tail catfish - Tiger shovel nose)
1 Dovii
10-15 Tinfoil barbs
1 arowana
2 Common Plecos
Convicts ????
Stingray ????


Here is a link to dongxun's 1000g tank on youtube
his tank is what inspired me to build my 1400


good stuff, hope you found a cheap 2 part epoxy source!
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Quote from: StylinT on August 03, 2007, 07:53:08 PM
1 flower horn
1 catfish (bullhead- Red tail catfish - Tiger shovel nose)
1 Dovii
10-15 Tinfoil barbs
1 arowana
2 Common Plecos
Convicts ????
Stingray ????

The dovii and flowerhorn will likely still fight in a tank that big, especially if they're two males. If it turns out to be a male/female pair and they somehow decide to breed then you could end up with some dead tank inhabitants.

Also, be careful with something like an RTC. Your tank is big but and RTC will likely still outgrow it. And if it doesn't then it may be able to eventually eat everything in it.

Have you thought about other cichlids that would be easier to cohab? Are you looking for colour? Personality?

As for the stingray... Be careful with what cichlids you put in and it could be alright. This will also play a factor in what type of substrate you choose.