Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Just moved back from Oz.

Started by Funkmotor, August 20, 2007, 11:58:02 PM

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Hi there everybody.  I'm a former Ottawa resident of 10 years (originally from Labrador) that moved to Sydney Australia just over 5 years ago.

While there I was a member of MASS (Marine Aquarium Society of Sydney) and was getting ready to set up my first large S/W tank before getting a transfer back here.

So I had to sell everything up (different electrical system) and I'm looking to make a new start.

I've kept F/W for a long time, and I've done a lot (a pile) of research and I've seen heaps of tanks, so I think I'm ready.  I hope.

I suppose the one big thing I'm having a hard time with is how inexpensive (read: cheap) livestock is here.  As an example, $20 bucks for a Redline cleaner is just shocking.  In Sydney - and this is no word of a lie - you can expect to pay $80 to $150 for one of them...and that's when you can get them, because they can be hard to come by.  There are regular group buys on the MASS site to bring them in.  And don't get me started on Bloods...or $15 for a blueleg hermit.  You'd think things would be less expensive simply because the largest reef in the world is right there, but it doesn't work that way.

I'm going to set up two 20gal QT tanks initially in a cool, dark part of the house and then I believe there's going to be a 150 or 200 gallon display with sump/fuge/rdsb and a benthic zone.  I've got the spot for it all picked out.

I have given it a great, great deal of thought.  Right down to a deep-cycle battery system for power outages to keep the tank alive through that inevitability.

The stocking wish list is always in flux, but I'm sure I'd like to have at least a Pistol/Goby pair, some Purple Firefish and at least one Mandarin Dragonet...preferably a blue pair.  I know Mandarins could be tough, but in such a large tank - properly matured - the little fellow should be fine.  After that I'm open to the power of suggestion, but I'd certainly be willing to order and/or wait for the good stuff.

And maybe a pair of Harlequin Shrimp.  I know they eat starfish, but they're just so striking to look at that they might be worth the maintenance.  I don't know what they might cost here, but I'm betting it's less than the $500 Australian asking price!



Welcome to OVAS funkmotor, and welcome back to Canada eh!  Why on earth would you comeback to snow when you were in such a lovely place?  I suppose it gets hard having headaches from being upside down on the planet all the time. ;)

I am sure you will find all sorts of good advice here on how best to go about setting up a saltwater tank, it would seem as though you have done a wee bit of research already, so have a boo about the site and throw a few shrimp on the barbie!  Sorry, I had to do that! ;)


Would you mind going to 'on-line names' at the top of this topic and explain your on-line name?
Voluntarily, of course.
Oh, and by the way, before I forget, welcome to this club.
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."