Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Discus Swimming Sideways?

Started by Soft1, August 24, 2007, 08:55:20 AM

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 Hi there,

Well, I'm new to Discus and learning more about them everyday!  But, in everything I've seen and read this is a first (for me).  I've got 5 small (approx 1.5 in) Discus in a 55 gal.  2 of them have been in there for about a month and one of them is fairly 'pushy'.  I added the remaining three a week apart from each other and everyone seemed to be doing fine.  The pushy one was still pushy.  Then 4 days ago it started swimming/standing sideways - it's almost always on a 45 degree angle.

No spots, no bloating, no colour change...just the swimming pattern.  It's eating fine.  Swimming around fine.  Just sideways.

We changed the lighting around the same time - go a full spectrum and another light.  Have lots of larger plants for shade and some large rocks for hiding and shade.  I've tried leaving the lights off to see if that makes a difference and nope.

The rest of the community include 10 skirted tetras, 3 small clown loaches, 1 small bn pleco and 2 small columbian sharks.  Temp is kept around 80 - 82.  I tried raising it to 84 and while the community did just fine all the Discus remained huddled almost on top of each other.  We lowered to temp back to 80 and they're swimming again - go figure.

We've been watching and seen no fighting, no nipping, etc.

Any ideas?



Is there a strong light in the direction it's pointing. How's its colour ?


Quote from: normc on August 24, 2007, 10:48:43 AM
Is there a strong light in the direction it's pointing. How's its colour ?

No, no strong light... our overhead lights are 25w and pointed away from the tank - so aside from the tank light it's quite muted.  Even though it's at a 45 d angle it's not always pointing in the same direction or leaning to the same side.

It's colours are fine!  It's very bright and vibrant pigeon blood (I think - they sold it as a pigeon blood but they weren't 100% positive and it doesn't look at all like my other ones...more like a marlboro...but what do I know).  I've been watching to see if it gets pale or dark...nada...


Discus can become constipated and this puts pressure on their swim bladder.  I have one that used to do this to me on occasion.  A little Epsom salt in the water and presto right as rain.  Varying their diet helped eliminate the problem.



Thanks, I'll try the Epsom Salts and see if that makes a difference. 

Someone suggested that it could be a 'dominance' tactic - you know, look at how big I am? kinda thing.  Though someone else suggested that it's the opposite - if it's sideways it's submissive.

Lots to learn I guess... they all seem fine aside from that.