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yaay! I got some CPDs

Started by plecoL83, August 25, 2007, 05:07:00 PM

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Today I was shopping for a new printer at future shop and decided to take a peek at petsmart (was super pet) and I happened across some CPDs which I had been searching for, so without further ado I purchased four at 7.99$ each. I acclimatised them and half an hour ago released them into my tank they appear to not be to stressed and are enjoying their new surroundings.


Great I love the little guys. I got 60-65 fry in a month or so have some up for sale. They are cute?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Congrats on finding some!!  I'm going to go check the place out tomorrow.  They're so expensive though!   Meh...oh well! :)


yeah there are only two left unless they get some more,  and dan I'd probably like some of those fry your selling and yea they are very cute.


You mean SuperPetSmart Orleans, right?  I had my eye on those... people keep buying the fish I want from there.   ;)  Somebody bought the Black Ghost Knife I'd been watching for a good three weeks too.  Finally had my QT set up and properly matured, I would have got him today  :'(  I hope he got a good home.

Congrats on your purchase, they seemed like really healthy and active fish!

P.S:  They haven't had a fish shipment for quite a while, so most of what they have is quite healthy.  They're expecting a shipment on this Thursday.


Yeah I wanted to get a few kulie loaches (mostly for my cat's pleasure) but they were really really expensive, 5.00$ each! when super pet was there they were 3 for 7.11$!! anyway I got my CPDs to eat some flake and brine shrimp this morning so that was good.


I spent like 15 minutes trying to figure out what CPD's were ;p 

Then I seen Dans signature !  is there a post on your overall  impressions on them ?  Hopefully this isnt thread jacking.  I'd love to know how they interact with each other, if they look as nice in person as in pictures ect.  I've never seen them irl before



"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


If you got them from the Orleans store, you got them from the same batch as mine.  Super healthy!!  There's only 2 left huh?  Darn! 


Yeah one male and one female.


I bought them :)  They're in quarantine with a pair of blue shrimp I found at BA Innis!


Quote from: dan2x38 on August 26, 2007, 11:50:30 AM
Here is the link to a thread on these fish.

Fishnut or Anyone so we are not thread jacking here, Let's Talk open CPD topics/questions at the above thread. Also saves creating more & more CPD threads.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Thread jacking?  I thought we stayed right on subject.   ???


You are on track with the subject matter so don't worry about it.


Guess I should have explained my intent more clear. I meant that if anyone wanted to talk about other issues/topics - like me - about the CPD to talk more openly in that thread. I did not want to start a thread jack myself... Sorry if I confused you guys!  :-[Was pointing no fingers...  :-X
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: dan2x38 on August 26, 2007, 09:32:32 PM
Guess I should have explained my intent more clear. I meant that if anyone wanted to talk about other issues/topics - like me - about the CPD to talk more openly in that thread. I did not want to start a thread jack myself... Sorry if I confused you guys!  :-[Was pointing no fingers...  :-X
There were threads about celestial pearl danios, or galaxy rasboras, as they were formerly called, well before, at least three come to mind off hand, which posted the initial links to various sites concerning these fish. In case anyone is confused, there can be as many threads about a specific fish as people want, and there is no thread that you must post in to discuss a specific fish. 
So everyone, feel free to discuss this delightful fish as much as you like anywhere in the freshwater forum.  You might want to do a search on the site to read past threads about it, including Woody's earlier breeding information, which is an interesting read.

In terms of how these fish are in an aquarium, having had them for quite some time, I will say they are small but lovely, as I am sure plecoL83 has discovered.  I've seen them in different sized aquariums, and they are always fascinating, whether darting amongst java moss or dashing across the expanse of a larger aquarium in hot pursuit of romance.  :)
Now that you've had them for a bit plecoL83, what do you think of them?  What is your male to female ratio?  That really affects their behaviour as well.


What is your male to female ratio succincfish?  In your experience, how does it affect their behavior?

Thanks for clearing up the confusion.  I didn't think we were stepping out of bounds. :)


I think I have slightly more females than males.  It's been awhile since I checked; I spent a lot of time in the beginning staring at them, of course they were much smaller then.  I am not actively breeding them at the moment, as they are in a community tank, so I find it's a nice ratio, the females don't seem harried by the attention, and the males spend a lot of time displaying, which is pretty.  Unlike my angelfish, which I can see and admire from the next room, I have these guys in the living room, as you need to be somewhat closer to appreciate their beauty.


I really enjoy them in fact I'm contemplating setting up my 20g as a single species tank for CPDs they are really cute and so fun to watch. I have one male and three females and as I'm typing this I think they just spawned in the java moss. Although they seem rather timid trying to compete for flack at the surface so I'm feeding most of my fish floating food and then my CPDs get some sinking brine shrimp, krill, or flakes so they can get some too.


Wow!!  They sure didn't take their time!  The remaining 2 that I picked up are still scared out of their minds in th quarantine tank.  I really need to add more plants.  All they have is a fist size chunk of Java Moss.  The female is definitely fat enough to spawn though!