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Funny Information

Started by Dr. Ashtray, August 28, 2007, 03:45:27 PM

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Dr. Ashtray

Otos $19.99
Toonie sized red belly piranha $39.99
Endlers Livebearers $13.99

Where:  at the new petsmart on Merivale

Why is this funny?  Look at the ridiculous prices!! 
I just returned from there and just had to let as many people know how lacking in scruples the head office of Petsmart must be.




I was there a week or so ago and they had zebra danios for like $3 each.... I bought some for 59 cents each not long ago.


Petsmart Kanata was selling guppies for $7.99 a piece last week...


Looks like they added an extra '9' in all of those prices.  :)

The PetSmart on Merivale (near Hunt Club) always seemed to have Zebra Danios for $0.59 so it seems really odd the new PetSmarts prices are so high.

Dr. Ashtray

I know, maybe they are preparing to go bankrupt or something after the takeover of super pet.  Hilarious in any event!  $2 otos for 10 times as much as they are worth.  Endlers are worth $5/each, so almost 3 times the value there.  Red Bellied piranha are liek 10 bucks so 4 times the value there.  They must have someone going through a nervous breakdown deciding prices at head office.


Dr. Ashtray

That is too funny!!!  $7.99 for a feeder fish!!  hahaa!!!



Guppies have always been expensive at petsmart because they aren't "feeders" they are the "fancy" colourful ones! :) but still! haha

a friend and I stopped at the new PS in Orleans and found the same thing with the pricing...we had to walk out of the fish department because we were laughing...pricing errors? who knows!! anyone stop to ask? we didn't find any staff to ask!
But I have noticed since there are these "new" dog food went up $10...and a few other things that went way up in price.
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Ouch. Are you sure they weren't zebra Otocinclus or maybe giants? though that's slightly expensive even for zebra Otos now.

Dr. Ashtray

I actually had the opportunity to talk to a staff member, who I will leave nameless for their Job safety!  That staff member pointed out more than just the price miscalculation.  They showed me how it is store policy to have weekend feeder blocks in all of the tanks all the time, which overfeeds and kills their stock frequently and probably makes water conditions pretty god-awful.  They also feed their goldfish using orange slices, which I have never heard of.  If anyone can fill me in on this one, I would appreciate it!  I would think that orange slices would affect the PH of the tank, especially smaller tanks.  Goldfish are pretty resilient when it comes PH changes, so maybe that is a non-issue, who knows!  Maybe the orange slices are just their way of saying..."Hey, look at these cool feeder clips you can buy from us."  Marketing kicks you in the behind at every corner.


Dr. Ashtray

Regular otos!  I know ridiculous!  Someone needs to recalibrate their pricing department I think!



Quote from: Dr. Ashtray on August 28, 2007, 04:18:50 PM
They also feed their goldfish using orange slices, which I have never heard of.  If anyone can fill me in on this one, I would appreciate it! 

I have on occasion fed my goldies bits of orange -- never a lot, or very often because they can't break down the sugar, only as a once in a while nibble, just for variety sake, as well as for the vitamin C and other nutrients.  I didn't clip it in -- I just held it for them until they had enough.

Dr. Ashtray

Thanks for the information!!  I had never heard of that one before.  I guess leaving them in the tank as staff procedure might be a bad idea.



yes you can feed them orange. people do it with koi but not often and not many.


super pet has danios for 46 cents each and most of their prices are way better than petsmarts.


There are no Super Pets in Ottawa as of last Saturday, sniff, they were all converted to PetSmarts.


NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(
i always shop at superpet! now i will have to go out to big als which is very far.

Dr. Ashtray

I think that when Petsmart watches their sales of particular fish fall to below depression standards, they may smarten up.  The problem is that in Canada we love paying through the nose for everything we buy(might as well be walking into stores backwards with our pants down with an "insert here" sign stapled to our lower backs).  Even if we are getting a "good" deal we are still paying way more than they do south of the border(US bulk buying power).  I buy most of my media and filtration equipment on eBay and I have saved BIG dollars doing that.  One example of that would be the rena XP3 filter.  $189.99 at Big Al's.  I bought two on eBay.  One cost me $76 + $40(shipping) + $20(taxes and handling)(no duty) = $126 or $130 cdn$.  Savings of about $80 give or take.  I buy my Substrat pro on eBay for about 25% of the cost at any store in Canada.  Two examples of why walk-in stores are becoming insignificant!  I even buy fish online and have them delivered directly to my door.  Bye bye retail level, might as well squeeze out as much as you can while the going is alright!


Sorry...I side tracked there!!

It's the way i do it!


I saw kulie loaches for 4.99 each.

Dr. Ashtray

That is about 2.5 times the actual value.  They are just trying to recoup their 75% off sale losses from when they were super pet.  Bad way to do it.  They will turn customers away in droves.  I don't buy anything else from them other than fish stuff, so I wouldn't really know about the gouging happening in other pet departments.  I imagine a small bag of catfood might be around $50-$60 at the rate they are upping the fish prices.



I feed my goldfish oranges once in a blue moon.  In makes the tank an absolute mess - they really love them.  I only ever give it to them the day of a water change.  Why the heck would they do something like that?  Petsmart just makes me want to scream.  I saw the feeder blocks at the new store on Innes.  Maybe we could start throwing them at the fish people when we visit - put them to good use.  (Sorry to Vivian and all the good guys that are forced into compliance of these stupid policies).