Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

OVAS members go ahead and get involved!

Started by RoxyDog, August 29, 2007, 08:43:10 PM

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What a lovely day it's been today.  ;)  I just wanted to remind everyone (paying OVAS members specifically, but all forum users also) that you should always get involved and ask questions when you want to.  We don't mind as executive members and/or moderators, answering your questions about website issues or how OVAS is run.  Ask on here, go to meetings and ask there.  Get involved...hey, become an executive member of your club.  :)

For those of you paying your $20, it's especially important that if you feel you have something to say, then say it.  But please don't attack us *volunteers* who are trying to keep OVAS on the right track.  And when you DO have something not so nice to say, try pm'ing first (not insults, constructive thoughts), b/c publically bashing people shouldn't be accepted anywhere.   

If you have something constructive to add to this thread, please by all means do so.  But if you don't, then well, don't.   8)  Otherwise it'll just serve as a reminder that OVAS is friendly place where we should all feel comfortable hanging out.  :)  My $0.02...
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.



I think there are a lot of people who put a lot of time and effort into OVAS who don't get the appreciation they probably deserve for the jobs that they do.

It's a hobby. It's supposed to be fun. If you're not having fun then maybe this isn't the hobby/community for you.

Speaking as someone who has been on both sides of things there are always ways of resolving issues and over coming differences with other club members or those on the exec. And generally there is always someone willing to hear you out. Not everyone is going to be best friends and yes there will be different cliques - it's inevitable in a large hobby community. But life goes on and so does OVAS.

The best example I can think of was the entire 'reptile talk on OVAS' issue. It was discussed, even voted on, and resolved. Now it's behind us and we can continue on. Simple as that.


Well my .02 cents is just to say how much I appreciate all the hard work the OVAS executive, moderators and helpful members do.   I have been involved in several clubs over my life, and was executive in a housing co-op for years and know how unappreciated the volunteers can be.

Hip hip hooray to all the OVAS volunteers from me!


My two cents worth or less.

I had some mixed feelings when I 1st joined months ago. Being an out spoken person one to speak up for myself I did post my feelings. I think about that and have some mixed feelings about my posts but it was necessary for me personally. Now with that said I must admit those early feelings have passed. Making those thoughts know did help. There were persons from all levels of OVAS that spoke to me about those feelings. I respected that and it made me feel differently. Heck I am still here.

The members who volunteer time do an amazing job here. Just consider the efforts each of them make. Most have jobs, families, children, pets, and of course tank/s to maintain! Without these dedicated members OVAS would crumble. It has been a God's send to me on many occasions. Not one of them receives any payment for their efforts other then the feeling of a job well done! There are many members who work behind the scenes with no recognition. Most of these members are not even know.

So I tip my hat to you all hoping that my $0.02 worth shows my appreciation. I've already paid for another year's membership. My 9 year old son also wanted and has become an OVAS membership. He welcomed despite his age. For the measly $20 I receive an exponential value.

I hope that everyone appreciates the value of this site and those persons who make it so. If you don't then look a little harder at the value! Even non card holding members get a huge value for just registering.

Thanks Guys,
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Hi all, first off let me repeat what i`v said several times previously, the execs. that volunteer their time & energy do an excellent job ( for the most part  ;)). We all come from different backgrounds & are made up differently and as such there will be conflicts & heated debates,having said that, i think that most of us are mature enough to move on and continue to strive for the goal of sharing knowledge and helping each other enjoy this great hobby.

I am of the opinion that those of us who do not have the time or do not enjoy being on committees( me ;) ) can still help by pointing out the little flaws we see from time to time to the moderators via PM ( despite what we think they are human too  :D ) this will help keep this club & site true to the cause.

To the moderators, perhaps it would be more beneficial if you are more aggressive in steering a topic back on track when you see it derailing, rather than have it crash with all the passengers on board  ;). again i would like to thank you for your countless hours & energy you put in , so we can enjoy this site , club & hobby.


Yes, Charlie, steering is certainly better than crashing!  ;)

And thanks for the kind words from all of you...although I didn't start this thread for thank yous, it is very much appreciated.   :)
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Charlie has PM'd me more than once in the past with his insight/opinions/comments.  It is very much appreciated.

As I have mentioned several times before... if you have a comment or concern and would like to bring it up privately, please PM me or any other member of this executive.


I haven't been here that long but have to say, the volunteers, execs and members here have been awsome and thank you all very much.

Just some basic reminders in respect for all the wonderful and quick help we get here from others:

-think before you speak,
-treat others like you want to be treated,
-remember when having a bad day to check the attitude at the door.

The very person or people you might dump on today without thinking, may be the person or people that are there to help you tomorrow.

I love the club and the efforts of all involved, we are lucky to have it.

Great job all, keep it up!!!  :) ;)



The OVAS family is a great one.... My hat is off to all the present and pas OVAS exec's.. They have done very great things here. I have so much respect for how they keep  the site so civil and generally a happy tone. I know this is hard as something grows to the extent OVAS has in the past bit.

There is so much great information and advise on the site, Such a great wealth of information.

I'm sure we will all miss our past exec's, but I'm sure the new ones will step right in and continue to make OVAS the best Aquarium site on the web.



Quote from: Kemokid on August 30, 2007, 12:53:41 PM
Just some basic reminders in respect for all the wonderful and quick help we get here from others:

-think before you speak,
-treat others like you want to be treated,
-remember when having a bad day to check the attitude at the door.

The very person or people you might dump on today without thinking, may be the person or people that are there to help you tomorrow.

Great advice, Kemokid :)

Sometimes it can get tense in an online community because it's difficult to tell intent from merely reading someone's words - hard to distinguish sarcasm and jokes from malice, even with these dorky emoticons :D Also, those of us who have been here for a while are familiar with site rules and policies (written and unwritten) that may not be readily apparent or accessible to newcomers.  We've also seen our fair share of users coming in guns-a-blazing with preconceived notions and of course a bit of anger - I wouldn't be surprised if less-than-pleasant experiences at LFS' result in people researching alternate advice or purchasing methods online and being directed to the OVAS Forum.

Bottom line: live and learn, but play nice :)

A real eye-opener can be to click on that 'Show Own Posts' link under your avatar - read back and see just what you have been contributing to our little spot on the Web.  This is how other people are getting to know you and there's a lasting record of your thoughts and feelings - so think about that before you press that 'Post' button next time, everyone :)


Very true PFG... communication is 85% body language... there are many cases of misunderstood online/e-mail communications leading to major fall out... the written words may have different meaning to different people depending on many things: age, sex, demographics, culture, background, etc. Preception is more diffcult with out direct human contact... the information era has opened many doors but has also closed many windows!
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: PaleoFishGirl on August 30, 2007, 03:12:04 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if less-than-pleasant experiences at LFS' result in people researching alternate advice or purchasing methods online and being directed to the OVAS Forum.

When I used to work in a lfs I used to actually direct people to this site for more affordable equipment options as well as for advice, etc.  ;D



Funny enough I did - I worked at Super Pet, heh.


YAY Ovas and the Execs!

I get to use it again!!

standing OVASion!