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Some Help Please

Started by askaf, August 29, 2007, 09:19:01 PM

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Hey Everyone,

I am relatively new when it comes to fish. I currently own a 10g tank (planted) and am looking to upgrade to a 20g. Now for my question, I did a water change today 25% like I always do, but for some reason today when all was complete about an hour later two of my lemon tetras began to swim sideways, this got worse and worse until finally both fish died. I checked the ammonia levels and nitrates and all looked normal. I was just curious if anyone knows why this happened and how I can prevent any of my other fish from dying?


P.S. I am looking to buy a 20g tank with a filter, heater and lights. I am currently short on cash so if you have one you are looking to sell for cheap please keep me in mind as I am really anxious to expand this new hobby of mine.


Sorry to hear about your fish.  Silly question but, you did add declorinator, right?  There's been a few threads about mysterious deaths after water changes.  I believe some of the leading theories are gasses trapped in the water and the city changing the level of sanitizer in the water.  When you say ammonia and nitrate are normal, is that 0?  What was the pH of your tank vs. your tap water?  If the pH of your tank had drifted away from your tap water, the fish might have experienced a pH shock.  Did you let the change water sit out, or did you add it direct from the tap?  Just a few thoughts from a fellow newbie.  Hope this helps.


Well I got one more fish who is upside down now and thanks for the reply. I did dechlorinate as per usual, but I did not check the Ph levels. I let the water sit for about 15 minutes (I am not sure if this is long enough or not). Its rather depressing to watch the fish die and not know how to help them. I do not have a hospital tank so I do not know what I should do. It only seems to be the lemon tetras that are effected. My neon's are fine as is my pleco, and SAE.
Thanks again!


Also wanted to let everyone know that the Lemon Tetras constantly are opening and closing their mouths.


Try a 10% water change, what dechlorinator are you using, maybe double dose it.


I am using Aqua Plus and ill try another 10% water change. I lost another fish, so ill try anything at this point.


I know what you mean about watching them die.  It's an awful helpless feeling seeing them suffer and not being able to do anything to help them.  You might check the pH of your tank water against the tap if you have a pH test kit.  Even after a 25% water change, there would still be a noticeable pH difference if the tank had been off enough in the first place to cause them problems.

If you have an airstone to increase aeration, that is always a good thing when the fish are having trouble, as is either lowering the water level or moving the filter output to create more splashing.  Hopefully one of the experts can pipe up with some more specific suggestions.  Logic would dictate a water problem would impact all the tank residents, but perhaps lemon tetras are sensitive.


Ok well I added an air pump and ill see if that helps at all.

Thanks to everyone for your help, I really appreciate do my fish!


A number of people have had problems after water changes lately.  Did you add enough aquasafe to treat 10 gallons or just the 25% water you were changing? I've never used aquasafe - but I assume you can dose for ten gallons with each water change.  Can anyone else confirm? 

I use Prime though - When I do water changes on my tanks I always add enough Prime for the whole tank and not just the water I am changing and I know its safe to do so.


I have been putting an entire cap full which is good for a 10g tank, I have done this for approx 1 year (since I purchased the tank) and have not ever had this problem, so I am dumbfounded. When I added the airstone into the tank the fish seemed to do slightly better, its been about 30 minutes not with no losses. The fish still seem very hyper, however they are still alive which must be a good sign at this point. Ill keep you all posted.


No expert but can offer this. Add 1 tsp. of salt per 5 gals. This helps to relieve stress.

How often do you do water changes? When was the last water change? It would be a good idea to let your water sit for 24 hrs. treat when you fill the bin. I use a rubbermaid container. You mentioned your getting a filter & heater for a new 20 gal. might be silly question but you have those on this tank? What type of filter? What was your water temp. before adding the water? Is you place very hot? What temp. was the water you added? For sure test pH of tap water & tank water.

Sorry to hear about your loss it is hard to watch and not be able to help. Listen to Charlie he is very experienced. Prime is # 1 in most peoples books! Good Luck!

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but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


This may be really stupid, but the temp is very hot in my house and I just now checked the water temp and its also quite warm, about 28 degrees, ill try to bring that down a bit (slowly of course). As for my filter its a very cheap setup I purchased as a beginner tank at petcetera. This is why I am really desperate to upgrade, as I have really got into the hobby, only thing holding me back is the fact that I am just now paying for my new semester of University and well its managed to take most of my money at the moment. Thats why I am asking to see if anyone has a 20g to sell for a good price.

Thanks for the suggestions.


Looks like I am going to lose another one, just started to flip :(


28c is likely at the top of the scale for them... try lowering it a bit use a fan abd open the top... do you use carbon in your filter? do you change every 4-6 weeks... the carbon can leach impurties back into the water... what was the temp. of the water you added? the temp. is just 1 thing maybe not the big issue... pH could have been the bigger issue... what filter is in the tank?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I wish I could tell you what type of cartrage it is, but to be honest I do not know the name. I will do my best to describe it to you, its got mesh (almost cotton like) on the outside and then what I believe to be carbon on the inside. It just slides into my filter. I do not have a replacement one at the moment, it has been in the tank for about 3 weeks and I rinsed it off today.


I have those also - after a few weeks I just cut a slit in the material at the top and dump the carbon out.  The filter still works afterwards.  Rinse the filter media in discarded tank water (never in tap water).  You won't need to change it until it starts falling apart.

I am sorry your fish are struggling. Its tough feeling helpless.


I'm sorry you're having problems.  
Did you double dose your dechlorinator as Charlie suggested?  If not, I would do that right away.

KLKelly's also right about the filter material, but no need to mess with that right away - get your guys stable first.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Well things are not really improving all to much, I have double dosed on the dechlorinated and I even took the carbon out of the filter just to be safe. Now I guess its just a waiting game to see what happens next.


Does anyone know why it looks as though they are all chewing?


It sounds like low oyxgen levels. When nitrite is high that is a common sign. Do you have any test kits? If so test what ever you can then post results. Do you have any salt?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
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