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Some Help Please

Started by askaf, August 29, 2007, 09:19:01 PM

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I can only test for Ammonia levels and they are at 0% and Nitrite which is also at 0%. As for the salt, do I put regular table salt or is it something special?


Here's a discussion on salt.
Personally, I wouldn't add any at this point - if you've double dosed the chloramine remover, and added an airstone, and you are sure there's not contaminants (used the floor washing bucket for water changes etc), then those sound like the right measures to me.
Good luck.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


well ,

you problem come from the water you just add who poison you fish
it is something really violent to kill so many fish in short time.

i have no part in seachem or any wife working to them but , i have to say , i only trust 2 (not 3 , TWO) product on th emarket
- Prime

all the other are BUL&%^%#^.

it is almost too late ,  all your fish will probably die (sorrry if i am direct , but it is the way i am) and if you have one or two who stay alive , you can call them Survivor.

Now for the future take it or trash but i will give some tips :
- never do your water chater with water you just take from tap (specialy with 25% and 10g)
- put your water in a bucket with the double dose of prime or amwuel+ and let it sit ofr 24 hour before use.
- never do more than 20% unless you are felling more experience and will know how to react if something happen

Sorry for your lost but , it 's happen at least ionce to all of us.


Just an update for you all, two more of the Lemon's had died overnight, however all the other fish remain stable...strange???