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Help my fish are dying

Started by Aquafreak2, August 30, 2007, 08:24:47 AM

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Ok so here's what I know.  Water test show nothing out of the ordinary.  I have lost a total of 10 fish so far. 

The fish show no signs of stress nor do any of them show any signs of desease.

I am losing one fish at a time somtimes 2 a day.  It started with my Lemon tetras, then moved to one swordtail, Neon's, Cherry Barbs, Neon's, Oto's and finally my Rummynose.

The rummynose are still showing beautiful red nose's, which to me has always meant good water.  This is a planted tank, no CO2, and I did a 50% water change when I saw I was losing some fish.  I have also dosed for the possibilty of parasites.

What's doing this.  It's like a plague or something and it's being passed on to each fish one by one. 

Any suggestions!!!!!


Have you added anything new to the tank recently?  Decorations?  Are the fish acting normal or doing something strage like gasping for air at the surface of the water?


Yes I added 4 lemon Tetras which I had placed in a hospital tank for 1 week before introducing, everything was fine for about 2 weeks and then all of a sudden one morning 2 lemon dead and the cycle started.  What's scary there are no visible syptoms that I have noticed,  I spent 2 hours watching the whole tank last night and they all are just acting normal.   They eat normal, they are schooling like normal. 

It's scary because I've never seen anything like this in my 5 years of keeping fish.  I mean I've seen Ick, fine rot, blotting, neon desease, but nothing like this.



Thats really strange, my Lemon's began to die last night aswell however at a much faster rate, in the last 24 hours I have lost 5 Lemons, however no other fish in my tank have yet to be affected. If you hear anything or figure out a way to stop the loss please let me know.



No damage as in one fish beating on everyone?  Kind of weird...any sort of smell from the water that is not normally there?


I am not sure what the problem may be, but I would suggest you quarantine for at least a month... 1 week isn't a lot of time for a potential problem to rear its ugly head.


Quote from: BigDaddy on August 30, 2007, 10:00:12 AM
I am not sure what the problem may be, but I would suggest you quarantine for at least a month... 1 week isn't a lot of time for a potential problem to rear its ugly head.

i cannot be more agree with BD
quarantine is quarantine and it is 40 days.
why 40 days , because it is the longest period of incubation in the pathogene world for the common disease see in the aquatic hobby.

PS: i did say it is longest for all disease , i say it is the longest for the common disease . ok


has the temp. gotten higher in your place along with the tank? when was the last WC before they got sick? check your pH levels in water your adding & in tank? Good Luck!!!
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