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A new species of Botia - Botia cf Beaufortia

Started by Woody, August 31, 2007, 08:12:55 AM

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I know I said I was going back to one my first love Apisto's, and I am working on building my breeding stock, but when I saw this new species of fish, I had to get some.
They are a recently discovered botia - called the Laos Tiger Botia in the trade, Botia cf Beaufortia. They were discovered this summer in Laos, obvious in the name, and at this time are small, 1.5" right now. Maximum size unknown, all that were caught were small. Kind of makes me wonder if maybe they will remain small.
Anyway I have attached a photograph, they are a little stressed from the travel, but will post further photographs as they settle in to their new home.


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Did you get them via Patrick?  How can I get my hands on some?


Most intriguing, I look forward to your continued updates on what you learn of these cute little loaches. The best of luck on your newest arrivals and don't forget to document everything, 100 years from now, everyone will want to know what you learned, and I would like to know now too! :)


In case you haven't seen already, there's a thread at about these guys:

They're from a "top secret" location in Laos.  I guess the fish collectors don't want any competition ;)

Good luck with them, they look very cool!


I'd like to know where or who you got them from, awsome fish really cool. :)


I brought them in from Singapore, they've been on the list for a month but decided to bring some in on the last shipment.
If anyone is interested in them contact Zap at Aquanourriplus. I brought in 75 and plan on keeping about a dozen of them.



Wow those are very interesting looking guys! Lovely coloring too......I can only imagine their color would intensify when they settle down. Very nice!
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 :o :o :o Wow, very cool! :o Would love to see updated documentation on them as they grow! :o :o :o


Anyone find any facts online for these curious little characters? I did not find any...
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Other than the thread on, I haven't seen anything else on these guys.  I gather the taxonomy is still undecided.  There's an artist's conception of their adult appearance in the thread, and if they keep their colors they will be most impressive.  They appear to be a newly discovered species, and with the exporter keeping the location secret, I guess it's difficult for anyone to research their habitat.

Behaviour-wise, possibly similar to the "Tiger Botia" Syncrossus beauforti.


My supplier is being pretty closed mouthed on them also, I am not certain if he knows anything about them. They are in 30 gallon with plenty of java moss and a large piece of driftwood. pH 6.8  70 ppm, will do a 30% water change weekly, feed strictly frozen and or live foods, will start introducing freeze dried and pellets when they start putting on weight.

If I find anything out on them, I will advise.



For anyone considering these beauties, do check out the latest on the discussion at about them.  Specifically the Sept 7th posts discuss tank size, temperament, and that they're likely not great candidates for community tanks
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