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Need advice for buying new fresh water tank

Started by Kats, September 01, 2007, 08:39:32 AM

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Hello!  I am following your advice, from my intro post, and doing some research in buying a new tank for my angel fish who have overgrown their space....  Wow... I spent 2 hours at Big Al's last night with my husband and it was like we were in a candy store....  we were good, took notes then got home and did some internet research.  I convinced my husband to go for a 30G tank so we got the size issue resolved... now for the type of tank... this is where you come in....

What do you think of acrylic aquariums (sea clear) vs glass?

What do you think about the filter... the eclipse tanks have intergrated filters but I like the Aqua clear type....  any suggestions?  We were also looking at the BioCube....

Anyone owns a bio-cube and uses it for fresh water fish?  My concern with both the Eclipse and the BioCube is that, if it breaks, how to you get it up and running again without having to pull the tank apart?

Lastly, any suggestions as per what is the best place to buy a new tank?



Welcome again Kats.

Acrylic tanks can be nice because unlike glass, you can bend acrylic.  So if you like the bowfronts, acrylic is the way to go.  The downside with acrylic is that it does scratch easier than glass.

The Eclipse and Biocubes are nice systems and yes do offer the convenience of all in one setups, but as you said... if something fails (like your lighting for example) then you loose your setup until it is fixed.  I personally prefer individual pieces for the convenience of upgrading or trading out in the future.

Angel fish get fairly large.  Look for the tallest tanks you can get in the footprint you want... they will appreciate it.  If you want to keep it smaller, a 25 gallon tank is only 2 feet long by 1 foot wide, but it is 21 inches tall.  In a 3 foot tank... a 35 or 40 High is a nice sized tank as well.

As far as places go, if you are buying just the tank and parts... any of the major stores will do for the tank.  Tanks are all mostly "loss leaders" for retailers... so research the kind of filter and heater you want, and then check out the stores that carry those brands.

PS - Yes, Aquaclears are nice filters.

Hope this helps


I have to agree with Big Daddy about the Aquaclears. All my previous tanks had Aquaclears and I never had any problems with them. They are very reliable and efficient. My new tank will definitely also have an Aquaclear in it.

17 Gallon Seapora Crystal:: Cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp

90 Gallon:: p. acei itunji, p. elongatus chewere, p. Saulosi, cyno zebroides jalo reef

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
                        - George Orwell


there are realy only 2 filters I use and I always use them together.... one is ehiem... and the second is Aqua clear...they are great little filters and they move a lot of water.. i normaly use mine for sponges and floss... but also for carbon from time to time.
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


I like the 29g bowfront, but for angels size is very important. I was strongly encouraged by my angel breeder (Zoe from OVAS) to go for 55g. I have 3 angels. As far as maintenance, the bigger the tank, the easier it is. I have a Fluval 304 canister filter, and it's a planted tank (lots of hiding space, it's also important for angels).
My 10g has an aquaclear filter and it's great.
Keep your eyes on OVAS's classified section: all of us affected with Bigger Tank Syndrome are always posting something or another. Good luck!


Hi Kats, Lucie is right: you should definetly keep an eye to our classifieds. You will always find a good deal for equipment and tanks!

I use AquaClears as well for my small tanks <20gal. If you decide to go 30g it may already be a good idea to take a canister style filter. I heard only good stories about Eheims, but they are a bit on the pricy side. I myself own a Fluval 304 for my 48g and must say I am quite happy with it.

Have fun!  ;)
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


Just read your other post about having 4 angels.  That being the case, long term, you are going to want something larger if you intend on keeping them all together.

2 foot tanks are pretty much out.  You'll be looking at either a 3 foot or 4 foot tank.  In the 3 foot tanks, a 50 gallon or 65 gallon would be good, and in 4 foot tanks, any 4 footer pretty much will suffice.

If they aren't very large angels yet and you don't mind spending some money later on down the road upgrading to a bigger tank, then you can start off with a smaller tank and get them something bigger later on.


When I joined OVAS ever so long ago (last year) I was told to buy the biggest tank I could afford, at the time I had oscars (2 of them)
I bought a 150 from PetSmart, the problem I have with it is, it's too tall, the footprint is 48x24x30, it hard to reach the bottom when changing anything or cleaning, I should have bought a 150 long, anyways, as to filters, we could go on and on about which filters to buy, but aquaclears are great.
I have a Fluval FX5 on my 150, a Rena xp3 on my 75 and an aquaclear 110 on my twenty, they all work great.
One thing about raising angels, they can become a very aggressive fish, I had 4 platinums at one time, nice fish, but not my cup of tea. If you check my profile you will see what I have now.
One thing about where to buy your aquarium, the 150 I bought from PetSmart is the second one, the first one cracked in the middle of the night, long story, (not levelled properly) PetSmart replaced the tank no questions asked, I didn't even have the receipt.
Anyways, welcome to the club, it's a great place, lots of nice folk here.
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


Wow!  So much cool info!!!   I've been doing nothing but looking at the forums on this site and I skipped out for an 1hour to check a sale at Petcetera... still researching....  The one thing I came across with the kit that was for sale is that it included an undergravel filter.... are those any good?  I have not even considered those in my research so far... should I?

Thanks again everyone for all the info!


Under gravels, quite literally, suck.  They suck dirt and debris down into the gravel and under plates.  That stuff collects under there and gets pretty nasty.

Most people avoid 'em.


In my opinion and that's my opinion only, I wouldn't use an undergravel filter.
The 150 came with an undergravel filter, to me they're too much trouble, I think you would still have to use a HOB type filter to use carbon to get the impurities out of the water. Hope this makes sense?
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


Ya!  Makes sense!

BigDaddy's comment:  "That stuff collects under there and gets pretty nasty."  Had me convinced.... don't want no nasty stuff in my new tank!!



Quote from: fischkopp on September 01, 2007, 11:00:28 AM
Hi Kats, Lucie is right: you should definetly keep an eye to our classifieds. You will always find a good deal for equipment and tanks!

I have to more than second that, you can save tons of cash if you are patient, I picked up a  beautiful 70 gal with enclosed stand, fluval filter, heaters and such ready to set-up after a bit of TLC in the classified for $300...but, you have to be real fast most people here are..... well.....sharks...... ;)


I just saw that you have 5 angels... Start thinking in terms of 55g or more like 70 g...
Good luck!


Kats, if you must buy new, check out Wal Mart, they have some nice combos ( Tank , stand & light), the brand name is not well known on some of them, but they are actually made by Marineland ( Perfecto) which is the same tanks you get at Big als, Petsmart etc , their prices i believe is somewhat cheaper, i remember them having a 47 gln Bowfront ( 36 inch wide) tank with light strip , glass top & a nice stand for 299.00 ( could be wrong on the price), after that you will need a good canister filter or aqua clear 110, heater & gravel.


Certainly get the biggest you can (or that you can persuade your husband is a good size - if he's happy to spend 2 hrs at a fish store with you, it sounds like he likes them too!).  I have a 33 that is the same footprint as my 45 gallon - my 65 gallon is only 6" deeper, but gives much more room to play with (and I thought my 45 was HUGE when I saw it).

I like aquaclears, and I have a Fluval 304 which I'm quite happy with.

Certainly, the classifieds are a great way to go, all my tanks are used.  I wouldn't get too old a tank, and for now, only get something that had just fish in (you don't want to learn about resealing a tank this early in the game).

If you don't have an ovas membership, it gives you huge savings at the local shops on stuff (although I think often tanks aren't discounted).  The $20 pays for itself pretty quickly.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


We've got it!!  Well... we will be ordering it on Wednesday (double points day!)   ;D

We will take a 46G bow front.  It is the best for the space/look we have AND my husband said that our next tank will be SW.... soooooo  I am a very happy person!!  I get a brand new big aquarium (compared to the current 10G or the 20G original plans) and my hubby will be wanting to invest in SW at some point!!!    :D ;D :D ;D

Now, I will be counting the days till it's here and I can set it up!!!

Thanks for all your advice!!


Excellent.  Your angelfish will certainly appreciate all that space, and you'll have a nice centerpiece for your living space.


Wow!  More decisions!  I thought that I had made my decision but now I'm in doubt  ???

Any of you have seen the sale at Walmart for the 46G bow front kit at 250$?

Any opinions?  How would this compare to the "All Glass" aquariums sold at Big Al's?


Quote from: Kats on September 04, 2007, 02:43:16 PM
Wow!  More decisions!  I thought that I had made my decision but now I'm in doubt  ???

Any of you have seen the sale at Walmart for the 46G bow front kit at 250$?

Any opinions?  How would this compare to the "All Glass" aquariums sold at Big Al's?
Kats , as far as i know the 46 gln bowfront @ Wally is made by Marineland who also makes the perfecto tanks ( I think), i have been told in the past that they are  just relabled for Wally . along with the bio wheel filters. I personaly had a 20 gln. Wally tank made by Marineland for 5 yrs with no issues.