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New tank.. All fine now AND apologies

Started by Kats, September 14, 2007, 03:57:22 PM

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Wow, we got our new tank but when my husband was washing it he noticed that the joints are not even, kinda seem like it was put together crooked (ok, to put that in words....  the top on the side aligns with the top from the front but the bottom edges are not even)

Is that something to worry about?  Will it cause leaks with time?  Should I return the tank?


I sure would... sounds scary to me.


Can you take a pic? Sometimes normal things look weird.
However, I'd be worried... 46 gallons = 460 pounds of water on your floor.


Here it is...  The top part is 1/8 inch off from the bottom edge... I'll post another picture in a minute that shows the other side.

3 of the 4 sides are off....   :'(

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on this side, it looks like there is barely a thin strip of caulking holding the 2 glass panes at the bottom, it evens out a bit at the top

I'm soooooooo dissapointed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :( :( :( :( :(

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Yeah that looks weird... time to exchange!


Most definitely take the tank back and get it replaced, that looks very poorly constructed.

Should you be unable to get a suitable replacement in short order, I could lend you a tank, dimensions 30" x 12" x 16" tall, roughly less than 30 gallons. Just to get your fish some space temporarily until you can get set up safely.


i have a tank slightly off like that. its been up for 1 week. so far so goood


For sure take it back! Even the silcon in the 1st pic looks like was applied very sloppy... If you take Babble up on his offer I got a filter you can borrow and some media... adding your filter media & gravel will cycle it too...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: nissannx on September 14, 2007, 05:59:59 PM
i have a tank slightly off like that. its been up for 1 week. so far so goood

You are taking a chance that it falls apart or worst case explodes.  Exploding can cause a huge mess and be dangerous ask Bitterman one of his large tanks exploded this week.


Given that it's a brand new tank, I would bring it back.  The delay in getting the tank setup will be worth it in the long run.
If you are worried about your angels in the meantime, you already have offers of a tank and filter, and I'm sure other folks will help over the short term if you need something lent.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


At Petsmart (grrr) they carry the seachem ammonia alert card.  For me - a small tank can really benefit from these doohickeys.  It measures the amount of toxic ammonia in the tank and its very easy to tell the levels. Blips occur more often in my small tanks (10gallons).  They are only $10 and they are peace of mind.  Just an idea.

That really sucks about your tank.  After I found out how much a tank with water weighs I wouldn't risk it either.  Take it back and exchange it!


Thank you for your offers Babblefish and Dan!!!  You are so kind!   :-*
Thanks Charlie and everyone else for sharing your suggestion with me so fast!!  I would not have liked having a tank explode on me (poor Bitterman...)

We were EXTREMELY lucky.... Kanata Big Al had the very same tank sitting at the very top of the back shelves so we returned our defective tank, get a gift certificate made from the East end Big Al and drove to Kanata to get the other one.

All that in rush hour!!!  Pfiouf.... 

3 hours later, we have the new tank in it's new spot, we just cleaned it and we are setting it up slowly.  I am hoping we can move the angels in it tomorrow!!!  The poor things!!  They seem to be holding up OK, did a 50% water change (again) on the 5G hoping it will give them a break... they only need to hang in there 1 more night!!!  Ammonia was still at 8 when I checked earlier....  nitrate still between 40-80....  I can't figure out how come they are still alive!!!!  (I tested the tap water and the ammonia was 0.5 so I know now that the kit works!!)

Oh well.... more to come later.  I'll post pics as soon as it's up!!

I am happy again! ;D ;D ;D ;D


To quote Charlie three words, "Prime, Prime, Prime..." You must acclimate the fish from the 10 to your new 46. Being mindful there will be a huge water quality difference! The gurus here have said you can overdose with Prime x 5. If it were me I would set-up a drip line to acclimate the fish from the 5g and take several hours even before transferring.

People who've not changed water for awhile then decide to do what they've negelected do a big change and bang kill all the fish. The sudden pH change and over all water condition changes so fast they are dead. The fish living in the crappy water quality have become accustom to it slowly so they are able to sustain life in there.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


A drip line isn't required for anything than the most senstive of fish.  Simply bagging your fish and slowing introducing "new water" to their "old water" every 15 mins or so for an hour or two is more than enough, even for fish like Discus.


Considering their environment now, I think it's safe to say that our angels are not that sensitive  ::)

I'll make sure that the PH and the temperature is at a similar level, that there is no nitrite and hopefully some nitrate but I won't worry even if the ammonia is not completely gone since they need to move in fast.

Other than acclimating (slow move in like BigDaddy is describing) and feeding less, are there any other considerations?

The tank is setup now....   I added some fluorite in there so, even if I wanted to post a picture tonight, all you'd see is a big cloudy tank!!!  :D

I'll post pictures tomorrow!!!


oups, forgot....
and prime, prime, prime     :D ;D


I look forward to seeing pics of the new tank.  It sounds like you have everything under control.   I would probably leave them in the 5 gallon with lots of water changes to try and bring the parameters closer before moving them over in the bags.  Either way I am sure would be fine though.

They will love their new space and you will too.  Congratulations!!
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Wow, the tank is setup now and it's slowly clearing... can't wait to post some pictures! 

Sorry for the panic yesterday, in the process we made some bad decisions (trying to get our tank so our angels wouldn't die) and ended up not being able to hold up to some commitments that were made to some members.   :-[

Again, very sorry!!!!


Awesome glad you guys got it up running... :) I too look forward to the pics. You guys did what a lot don't a ton of research, impressive! The new space will be apprerciated by your fish as will the research...  :)

No worry here about any plants for you guys if you like PM or call me they are here...

"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."