Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

New 46g tank... update

Started by Kats, September 15, 2007, 06:44:05 PM

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 :D  OK, our 46g has been setup since last night.  We got some plants today, 2 sponges and a filter in there (Thanks Dan) but....   :(  It's all cloudy and it doesn't seem to clear up.  (and yes, I primed x5)

Our angels are OK but I think they are getting very stressed in the 5G, did 50% water change yesterday and today.  I had to QT the chinese algea eater... I think it might not last the night  :'(

When do you think would be a safe time for me to move the angels in?  These are my readings, ammonia at .5, no nitritre or nitrate, PH 7.6.


Give it time and the cloudiness will clear it's likely a bacterial bloom.


Can she put the fish in with the cloudiness?  I would say yes - but all the tanks that have had cloudiness on my end have already had fish in them.  Have you tested the numbers in the 46?


I would check the numbers first to make sure and then if they look good then I personally would add the fish but that's just me.


Kats.. have you got Flourite in that tank.  If so, that won't clear for a good few days.  No problem adding the fish if that is the case.


Quote from: BigDaddy on September 15, 2007, 07:14:39 PM
Kats.. have you got Flourite in that tank.  If so, that won't clear for a good few days.  No problem adding the fish if that is the case.

I thought about the same thing afterwards.  Depending on the substrate you are using the cloudiness might be from that.


We did use Flourite!  I did not realize it was that messy! 


Quote from: Kats on September 15, 2007, 09:29:45 PM
We did use Flourite!  I did not realize it was that messy! 
Indeed it can take a couple of days sometimes to completely clear but it ends up often being worth it.


Yeah!  It's cleared (or almost) this morning!!!!!  I added pictures of our adventure in my gallery!

To add to our already hectic adventure, our heater is defective!!!  It would not stop last night, water was up to 84 and climbing!!!  :-\  So it's back to the store for an exchange!!  2nd time in 3 days.  I'll cross my fingers that it's the last!!! :D

Now to work on getting my angels acclimatized to the new tank and we should be in business.  The 5G tank's reading last night were better (not perfect) Ammonia 2.0, nitrate 10, nitrite 0 and PH 6.8 (so in all my PH went up, ammonia and nitrate went down) BUT my chinese algea eater passed away late last night :'(  I think I'll be leaving the 5G alone for a while, don't want to loose my angels and I think I've been paying them too much attention and changing their environment too much lately!!  Lesson learned!!

Thanks Dan for all your help!!  Check the pictures, I'm sure you'll recognize the plants!!!   ;D

Thanks Charlie for your help too, the flossy stuff worked!

Thanks everybody for all your tips, this place is great!  Can't wait to meet you all at the meeting!!!


Check your pics nice work...  :) Great to see it a family affair! i wish I had taken pictures of my last tank rebuild and other set-ups... to impatient I guess...

Did you guys get a heater?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Nice set up, I checked your pictures. To bad for the fish that died  :(.
When are you adding the fish in your new tank? Can' t wait to see those pictures.
What an adventure this has been for you guys! Have fun and enjoy!


Quote from: dan2x38
Did you guys get a heater?

Ya, went back to BA and got the Eheim one!  A bit more expansive but Jim wanted to make sure we got something that worked fine this time.  Our water climbed to 84 with the other heather even when the dial was set to 74!!  ???

Oh well, all is fine now.  We bought 5 corys yesterday and they are still alive and doing well!!  We're going slowly for the angels... all of that work is for them, I'd hate to transfer them and shock them to death!!  We should be able to do the transfer by next weekend... stay tuned for more pics!


Doing any water testing? Might want to record your first test results to compare any swings & how long spikes last.

What are you feeding your cories? What kind did you get? I love cories if they have enough buddies you will see them more.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Yep, doing water testing everyday in both tanks!!!   The 5g is slowly coming back.  Ammonia is between 1 and 2, Nitrate has gone down to 10 so that is good.  For the 46G, hardly anything yet... PH is 7.4...  hardly any ammonia and no nitrate or nitrites.

Can't remember the name of the Cory's, they have like a racing stripe on top (from nose to tail).  They are so funny!!  They hang mostly in group and school....  they've explored every corner of the tank many times by now!!!!  We have some pellet food that we drop in (2x a day, 2 pellets each time) for 5 fish and once in a while I throw in very little amount of flake food (I feel sorry for them trying to clean up a tank that has no real waste yet!!!)

Is that too much?


Quote from: Kats on September 18, 2007, 03:42:00 PM
Can't remember the name of the Cory's, they have like a racing stripe on top (from nose to tail).  They are so funny!!  They hang mostly in group and school....  they've explored every corner of the tank many times by now!!!!

Sounds like skunk cories... Goggle that... check their healthy size...

Quote from: Kats on September 18, 2007, 03:42:00 PM
We have some pellet food that we drop in (2x a day, 2 pellets each time) for 5 fish and once in a while I throw in very little amount of flake food (I feel sorry for them trying to clean up a tank that has no real waste yet!!!)

Is that too much?

Do you mean 2 pellets per cory twice aday. If so that might be a little to much. Also depends on the size of the pellets. But like you say there is little detris. Are they skinny? Are they little guys?

Be careful when you add more fish. The Bio-load will go up and parameters will likely spike some. I feed once a day when cycling. I got some skunk cories at BA Innes this weekend they were on special. They were under weight though so I am giving them a little TLC. They are in Latios original goldfish tank so plenty of detris for them and a strong bio-filter.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: dan2x38
Do you mean 2 pellets per cory twice aday. If so that might be a little to much. Also depends on the size of the pellets. But like you say there is little detris. Are they skinny? Are they little guys?

... I got some skunk cories at BA Innes this weekend they were on special....

I feed them 2 pellets for the 5 of them 2x a day (and some flakes once a day), not sure about skinny... not ever having owned corys and being terrible at dimensions...  but, we got them at BA too on sale... so I assume ours are too skinny too!!!   :o  Gotta see what I can do for that!!!

Tank update:
We just moved in 2 angels in the tank.  Check my gallery, I updated my pics!  They seem "happy", moving around and exploring.  I just noticed....  Their coloring goes out and back on (they are silver with turn on/off black stripes).  Is that normal?


Many fish 'grey-out' when in new surroundings, stressed or fighting.  Give them time to settle in and I'm sure they'll relax.  I'm going to go check out your pics now.

Update: they look great, and big!  I can't believe they were in a 5 gallon.  I noticed you have some java fern in the tank.  It does best when the rhizome is not buried.  Commonly it is tied onto driftwood with a rubberband or thread, and the roots attach themselves over time.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Totally lost when it comes to angels...

I got the same cories from BA and they are under weight. Here is a link to the Skunk Cories.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


It's a never ending story!

First we had to return the tank,
then we had to return the heater....
Now, we have to return the glass top!!!   :(

Everything comes in three.... dare I hope that this saying is true!!!

Our glass top cracked badly today!  BA will order us another but what a pain!!!

Oh well... good news....  our angels and corys are still alive and happy and our tank chemical levels are perfect!!!

Keeping my fingers crossed!!


Quote from: Kats on September 20, 2007, 05:25:30 PM
It's a never ending story!

First we had to return the tank,
then we had to return the heater....
Now, we have to return the glass top!!!   :(

Everything comes in three.... dare I hope that this saying is true!!!

Our glass top cracked badly today!  BA will order us another but what a pain!!!

Oh well... good news....  our angels and corys are still alive and happy and our tank chemical levels are perfect!!!

Keeping my fingers crossed!!
OMG, how did that happen, i sincerely hope this is the end of the bad run for you .