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Started by Pink Punisher, September 28, 2007, 02:02:38 PM

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Pink Punisher

Ive just lost  my 2 leopard bush fish :'( I'm not sure of how they could have died other then a piece of driftwood i put in...OK heres the story....i did a medium water change and i had added a piece of root that my neighbours had given to me, they dug up there tree roots and i found a nice piece for the 55, so i out it in as i was adding water back into the tank and now the leopard bush fish are dead :'( maybe they got to stressed? now I'm down to the synodontis cat and the bichir :( maybe some could help me understand this better? oh yea...and the bichir and synodontis seem to be doing fine..



Did you clean/boil/bake the wood or anything prior to adding it to the tank?


Quote from: Ormarr on September 28, 2007, 02:12:35 PM
Did you clean/boil/bake the wood or anything prior to adding it to the tank?

Exactly because if you did not, it is likely leeching something into the tank.  Has your neighbor ever used any sort of pesticides or herbicide's? 


I hope you took the driftwood out and did a water change?


If you can describe how you prepared the wood it would give a better idea of what the specific issue may have been.  Wood right from the ground and into the tank can cause a number of short and long term problems.
Rainbows, plecos, corydoras, killifish, Apistogramma

Pink Punisher

correction...the cat is now dead as well..i wasnt aware i had to boil it or bake it or anything of that sort, all i had done was feel off bark and tried to let it soak in some water the day before placing it in, the driftwood died the tub water a light shade of green but i figured it was just some tannins from the wood...i guess this all my fault for not asking questions before hand and preventing this from happening...and no i dont belive they've used any type of chemicals on there gardens or trees before..but they did move in only a few months ago, about 9 or so..


Pink Punisher

about the water change and everything...i figured it was a lack of oxygen at first when the 2 leopard bush fish died because they were breathing air at the top of the tank, ive since taken the only fish left out; the bichir and i am acclimating him to another tank i have going, no driftwood in that or anything. also is there anything i can do to kill anything that leeched into my 55 gallon? will putting carbon in my filters do anything?



Quote from: Pink Punisher on September 28, 2007, 02:43:53 PM
about the water change and everything...i figured it was a lack of oxygen at first when the 2 leopard bush fish died because they were breathing air at the top of the tank, ive since taken the only fish left out; the bichir and i am acclimating him to another tank i have going, no driftwood in that or anything. also is there anything i can do to kill anything that leeched into my 55 gallon? will putting carbon in my filters do anything?


Sorry to hear about the die offs.  With the wood out of the tank, big water changes and carbon will help get whatever it was out of the system if it was a chemical from a natural or anthropogenic source .  If there are no fish left in the tank you will have to watch your filter media as well as it may crash (monitor NH3, NO2, NO3).  At this point it may be worth starting the cycle over with new media to be sure.
Rainbows, plecos, corydoras, killifish, Apistogramma


I'd be inclined to tear the tank down and start over. Might be quicker since you don't seem to know what type of tree it was?
   There are trees out there that have leaves and stems which actually kill grass. Quite toxic.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.

Pink Punisher

Ok so seeing as there are no fish in there now should i just empty all the water out today and completly refill it and used carbon on the new water as well and throw the zebra danois in to test it so to say? cuz if they can make it in there for a week i think the bichir could make it then to.

Thanks guys,

Pink Punisher

Ok asked the niebghor and her best guess was either maple or poplar but it could be niether

Pink Punisher

Update: The bichir seems like he's gonna pull threw he's eaten some shrimp pellets already and seems to be back to his normal self, as for the tank I'm gonna empty it completely tomorrow and boil/bake the piece of driftwood i had in there before. My plan from now on, ONLY buy driftwood from petstores that way i have a guarantee its safe.

Thanks guys,


It sounds like you are going to boil/bake the problematic piece and then... put it back in?  Do I understand correctly?

If it was my tank and fish, I would cure that problematic root with gas and a match  ;)


Quote from: Pink Punisher on September 28, 2007, 03:23:26 PM
Ok asked the niebghor and her best guess was either maple or poplar but it could be niether

Was this root from a tree that was still "green".  I would not use green wood in a tank - too many variables and would take forever to prepare to dry it out.  Maples are loaded with allelopathic compounds - not a great choice for aquariums.
Rainbows, plecos, corydoras, killifish, Apistogramma

Pink Punisher

Another update the bichir made it through the night and is eating, he appears to be back to his normal self with a little glare of evil at the zebra danois he's with ;D Today the tank is going to be emptied refilled and I'm going to ask my mom to purchase me about 5 bags of nylon scrubber's for new filter media  :) LOL i figured that this will be the best and cheapest alternative to purchasing ALL new media at Big Al's and i wont be able to do that until at least Tuesday and i want to get the 55 up and running as quick as possible, those zebra danois need to last! there my cycling crew  :D

Quote from: RossW on September 29, 2007, 08:32:46 AM

If it was my tank and fish, I would cure that problematic root with gas and a match  ;)

Its already gone, it was either life or death, i was leaning  for death for the stick, i am the judge and what i say goes ;D in other words its already been done, that baby burned last night 8)

How long do you figure its gonna take to cycle enough to place the bichir back in? 1 week with the filter media from one of my on going filters? also do i actually need to throw out my filter media in my 3 filters on the 55? or is it a just in case kinda thing? like just in case it absorbed some of that crap that leeched put of the wood?

I think thats all,

Pink Punisher

Quick Question, what do i with my sand substrate? throw it out and buy new sand or what? Is there anyway i could just pour some water with chlorine in it into the tank with the sand and let that sit for a while and then fill it up again? or just fill it completly with tap water unconditioned and let that kill everything in there? then after maybe a day lets say i add conditioner and then i have a fresh start? oh just buy new everything and do that? I think im gonna add some more sand anyways because i dont have enough for my liking will that do anything? one more thing, if i just washed the filter media in tap water would that get rid of the possible chemical or would it just kill the BB and wash out gunk?

Well it turns out its more then alot more then one question but they need to be answered hopefully today because i have no homework so today is the perfect day to do this but tommorow im gonna be busy then i have school all week."



Spencer - rinse your sand really really well, let it sit with some vinegar, than rinse some more and more and more.

Any decorations should be scrubbed with warm water and vinegar.

Your live fish will have to hang somewhere else for a while.

Many of us could spare you some old, bacteria-laden media which will help cycle your tank again. Are there any other members in Winchester or area that can help?


Glad to know the bichir is doing good, I boiled my pieces of dry driftwood and they are now just soaking water :D   Good luck with setting up your tank it's a hard lesson learned, I just lost 2 fish and I think I know what I did wrong  :(   but your in good hands here they will help you, they have been just great helping me  :)

Pink Punisher

Ok so heres the deal, I threw in a danois this afternoon and came back at dinner....HE'S STILL ALIVE :D So im hoping the tank is now clean or what is left is very minimal, at the moment im in the process of adding the rest of the danois all 4 of them ;D I orginally had 7, now 5 LOL thats from good'ole Dallas munching on them at night when he's the devil, i dont think the cross on his forehead wards off those demons = P yea i know im chessy and corny. Moving on, for new stocking ideas i have the idea of some tough cichlids in there to hold there own, i was thinking maybe a pair of Jack Dempseys or a Jack Dempsey and a Green Terror if i can fit both (not sure about the Terror/Jack mix, i know the Jacks with fit) also for the breeding pair if i do get them, should i try and squeeze in some silver dollars or something for dither or should the bichir be fine alone?



I think it's too soon to be restocking the tank. I hope that you have cleaned everything as suggested. After that, you will need to cycle the tank again before you add fish.

You'll get better replies to your stocking question if you start a new thread.

Good luck!