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I have fry...

Started by jodes22, October 09, 2007, 08:52:10 PM

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...and they're not from the keyholes!! :o :o :o

I got home from work last night and saw five very tiny fish darting around in there. I wasn't sure what they were at first but upon closer inspection, I realized they were White Cloud Minnows!!!  :o :o :o When I woke up this a.m. there were only 4 left. I had a 10g kicking around and decided to set it up as a fry tank. I had an XP attached to it, and it created far too much current, flinging the fry all over the place, which, I thought, killed all of the fry. I turned off the filter, and could only see one of the four fish floating upside down. Not a good sign.

I contacted my dad to see if he had a smaller filter kicking around and he had a smallish HOB which he wasn't using, so he lent/gave it to me, along with a small 50w heater. I went down to hook up the filter, just in case I have more fry soon, and found 2 of the fry swimming around in there!! I am very excited!!!

I will post pics once the water clears up a little!

If you've made it this far, thank you!  ;)


If you have an extra sponge, cut an X in it and shove it over the HOB intake so the little ones won't get sucked up.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


OOOPS, forgot to mention that I did that... I had a brand new package of those cheap rectangular sponges that come in different colours and I filleted one so that it would fit over the intake. Losing them because of that would be awful after all that they've been through... Thank you so much!  ;)

Oh, any idea what these fry like to eat?? Should I try BBS or green water, or just crush up some good flake food really small??


Quote from: jodes22 on October 09, 2007, 09:03:25 PM
OOOPS, forgot to mention that I did that... I had a brand new package of those cheap rectangular sponges that come in different colours and I filleted one so that it would fit over the intake. Losing them because of that would be awful after all that they've been through... Thank you so much!  ;)

Oh, any idea what these fry like to eat?? Should I try BBS or green water, or just crush up some good flake food really small??

Where do you live? Can pass some hatched BBS on to you I hatch every night for the moment always have extra each day...

if you have no eggs also have small amounts of BBS eggs...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Although I'm no pro at fry, I would guess that depending on their size all of those could be possibilities as fry food.
PM also sent.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Jod, come and see me, I have some fry food you can have.

Just leave your cold at home.
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."