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Anyone use a mirror for background??

Started by RedFish, October 10, 2007, 06:44:28 PM

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I was looking at my aquariums and suddenly wondered what they would look like with a mirrored background (outside of the tank not inside).
One downside is I would see myself in the mirror all the time, as the tanks sit across from my computer. 


OMG the fish would freak out...but that might be neat :)


I considered using mirrored acrylic which you can get at Canus plastics. Acrylic because it can be cut into shape or drilled if needed and it is a bit less fragile than glass. One advantage I was looking for was that this might allow me to see into the back side of hiding spots and get a bit more viewing time. The downside I think would be that the when i walk past the tank and sometimes startle the fish there would now be "another" person startling them from the backside too.
Let us know how it works if you do decide to try it.


Good points, maybe I will try it on my ten gallon with the betta, give him someone to flare at!


The success of it, from a fish perspective, would have a lot to do with aquascaping.  If it is a heavily planted tank, then the fish see more plant than people, and it can look quite beautiful.  Toss has a tank, which is an odd shape, a hexagon maybe?, which is mirrored on the back.  It looks lovely, his tanks always look so nice  :) , but I'm sure the shape contributes to the success of the mirrored background as the mirrors reflect into each other instead of just straight out into the room.  It allows for a great view of the fish without trying to peer around driftwood to see how everyone is doing.
If you do attempt it, pics please.  Although that would be another challenge, as if taking pictures of zippy little aquatic creatures wasn't hard enough, with the mirroring it would be hard not to get yourself or the camera in the picture.


This is an very interesting idea,  another benefit i think, is planted tank would enjoy the addtion angle of lights reflextion. :D

hmm...  very intriguing...
