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fuzzy patch?

Started by washefuzzy, October 14, 2007, 08:41:19 PM

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I just lost one of my peppered cories. It had a white fuzzy patch on it's head. I tried putting it in 1tsp salt per 5 gal  but it was to late. He was already fairly weak.

Now one of my bronze cories has a fuzzy patch on it's lower back near it's tail.  :-[ :-[
It still appears healthy other wise what is it and what can I do.
This bronze cory is part of a fun loving pair it would be sad to loose the one.

The cory that died and the new sick one is in different tanks. I have been bad and have the same equipement for all tanks. sigh!


It sounds like fungus.  Google some fungus pictures and see if that matches what you see.  If you could snap a quick pic, that would be great.


I just remembered I have a library book out on fish. Yup it's fungus, now what do I do? I going to quarantine him at least. Man this sucks!


If your stuck for meds. I got a bottle of 'Fungus Cure'. You can use it then replace and bring it to the next meeting or when your able to.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


thanks Dan not sure what path I'm taking. When  get up tomorrow I'll decide what to get.
For now I'll give him a bit of salt and quarantine. But not to much salt.


I feel the vast majority of fish disease is due to high stocking levels which stress the fish. The advent of power filters certainly helped with accelerating the capacity of a tank to cycle N but it also greatly increased the re oxygenation of tankwater and allows for a great number of fish to be kept. However keeping fish in such small confined spaces with so many other fish causes them great stress. And that compromises their ability to deal with pathogens.

If you allow your fish more room and a more natural setting you will notice much less incidence of disease. They will be healthier and more able to cope with pathogens on their own without the use of meds.


Thanks Ken. But my 20 gal was understocked.  Who Knows??
But I still need to treat the fungus on the fish!


I had a ram a long while ago that had fungus and I might still have the meds I used at home somewhere....i'll let ya know.

On a side note, that name of the thread made me think of my wife's fav candy!!   :D


Thanks Bewolf! That is sweet. ;D
I love those fuzzy peach candies too. :)


I started my fish on a little less than a 1/4 tsp for 2gal tank of Primafix antifungal fish remedy, for the next 7 days.
Hope this does the trick. I've caught while he still looks healthy besides the spot of fungus.


Fungus sucks, I remember the first time I dealt with a body fungus I was more than a little upset. I was working at Petcetera at the time & no one else knew what it was. Are you for realz? I was the newest employee!

I asked that the rest of the staff help with adding medication and on my next shift more then 50% of the fish in quarentine were dead. Poor things. Part of me is glad to be rid of the place another part of me wishs I was still there to get them healthy... I swear that place is a love/hate place.

Hopefully your fish will do okay. I am sure you care about them more than Big Box Retailers do.


The fish seems to be doing oka so far. The sad part is seeing her partner in the 10gal swimming around like crazy missing his partner in whom is in quarantine. I hope they won't pine away to much for each other while I get the female healthy.