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Freshwater shrimp in Betta tank

Started by Vizerdrix, October 21, 2007, 05:25:13 PM

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Hi, I'm new new here and my name is Chris (short for Christine).  I've had aquariums for most of my life (and believe me, that's a fairly long time!  ;) ) and used to specialize in SA Cichlids, although I've kept many different species.  I presently have only two tanks, a 65g with four goldfish (two shubunkins and two "feeders") as well as a small koi (will be building an indoor pond for them eventually) and a small 5g that houses a crowntail betta, as well as what I assumed were two ghost shrimp.  Thus my dilemma. 

I always try to get as much info on my pets as I can, so I can give them the proper care they deserve.  Perry the Betta's tank has a slow-running undergravel filtration (I still do a weekly water change, using water from the goldfish tank), is heated to approx. 78-80 degrees, and has a lovely clump of Java moss, which he loves to swim through.  He is fed fortified frozen bloodworms and shrimp, since he hates pellets.  To take care of the excess food in the tank, I just got a couple of ghost shrimp from Big Al's, after reading they are suitable tankmates.  Of course, I started doing research on these little guys.  What I found has left me very worried...  I think these are NOT ghost shrimp, but a type called Macrobrachium nipponese!  What tipped me off is the bigger of the two (about 2") has extremely long front legs with pincers(the length of the shrimp), and neither shrimp has the tell-tale dots on the tail.

WHAT DO I DO WITH THEM?!?  So far, they are not touching the betta, and I doubt they would be able to harm him, YET.  How big do these things get?  Should I return them?  Should I give them to the goldfish to eat?

Any info would be GREATLY appreciated!


If you're worried, I would bring them back to the pet store, or post them on the classifieds in the event someone is interested in raising them.
It sounds like you researched them well, but for more id tips see
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Thanks for the website Laura, I hadn't found that one yet!  None of those types look like mine, unfortunately...  Here's where I found the photo that I based my identification on:  They are under the 7th descriptions.  That picture is bang-on for the two I got.


I would bring them back to BA, buy the description on the link you provided I don't think many people would put these in their tanks ;)


I too would return them.  I've seen some long arm shrimp in the lfs and although I'm not speaking from experience, I wouldn't trust them with most fish.

Shrimp are not always good tankmates for bettas.  My mom got a new betta, which made short work of her cherry shrimp, although there have been people on the forum who kept them successfully together.  I had one that killed the first ghost shrimp, although it was fine with the other ghosts.  It really depends on the betta.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Okay, back they go tomorrow.  Thankfully, I work only 5 minutes away from BA.  I'll bring a picture and description from the website so they know what they have there.  Maybe this accounts for the reports of "ghost" shrimp eating fry (mistaken identification).

Any suggestion as to what else I can put in there with my betta?  The clerk suggested a cory, but won't that get too big for a 5g?  Any reliably identified ghosts available in town, or maybe some other type of shrimp I could try?


I would think corys would be best in groups???

What about a big snail - the kind that won't eat your plants (I forgot the name).


Quote from: KLKelly on October 21, 2007, 11:47:19 PM
I would think corys would be best in groups???
It's only a 5 gallon, so not big enough for corys IMO
Quote from: KLKelly on October 21, 2007, 11:47:19 PM
What about a big snail - the kind that won't eat your plants (I forgot the name).
Brigs or pomacea bridgesii.  They would certainly be a suitable size for the 5 gallon, however may or may not be a good tankmate for the betta.  Some bettas nip at their antenae and harass them to such a degree that they don't come out of their shells.  As a result, they won't eat.  You could try it, but as with the ghost shrimp, you would need a back-up plan if they didn't get along.  Unfortunately the goldie tank isn't a great option as goldies often bug them too.

Welcome by the way  :)
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Quote from: Vizerdrix on October 21, 2007, 05:25:13 PM
Hi, I'm new new here and my name is Chris (short for Christine). (I still do a weekly water change, using water from the goldfish tank)
Hi Chris,  You are getting great advice on the shrimp and any potential tank mates, so I will leave you in their capable hands.

Where I have a concern is in your water change, I would like to point out, as gently as possible, that when taking water from a goldfish tank and putting it in with your betta splendens, is not actually changing water.  You are transferring waste products and perhaps Nitrates, Nitrites and even ammonia amongst other things, from one set of fish, and asking your betta to swim in it.  Now without sounding mean about it, the only real water change is to put water in the betta bowl that is free of these components in order for it to thrive and remain healthy.  Be certain to use a dechloraminater if you are on Ottawa water, and a good one at that.


Shrimps can be sensitive to nitrate (NO3) too...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Thanks for all the help, guys and gals!  I've returned the "shrimp" this morning, and will be stopping in after work to pick up a snail or two.  I thought about a cory, but they do better in a school, and there's no way I can put that many in a 5g! :) Will see what they have available.  If it doesn't work out, there's lots of places for them to hide in the goldie tank!

Laura, thanks for the welcome! :D

Babble, I'm only using the water from the 65g to help establish the tiny 5g faster.  It's been running for about 3 years now, and if anything it's OVER-filtered (two Emperor Bio-Wheels, rated at 55g each) so I figured it's beneficial bacteria level would help with the smaller tank.  I still use dechloraminated water from the tap, too.  Thought I'd avoid any spikes that way.  I'm keeping a close eye on the levels though, rest assured. 

Okay, I'm off to research various snails and their suitability for Precious Perry. ;)  Will keep you informed on how things are progressing!


Quote from: KLKelly on October 21, 2007, 11:47:19 PM
I would think corys would be best in groups???

What about a big snail - the kind that won't eat your plants (I forgot the name).

We have a male betta with a snail... no problems there.


Glad to hear they took back your monster shrimp... The goldie water will not really speed up the cycle... From their tank: use some gravel tied up in a piece of panty hoses... some filter media... even a small decoration...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Well, a lovely Golden Apple/Mystery Snail is now happily roaming around in the betta tank!  I also picked-up an extra plant to put in there at the same time.  I was debating whether I should get a couple of "feeder" guppies or platies (two females and a male) instead, which would help clean up the excess food as well as provide some live food for Perry (I know, kinda morbid), but eventually decided against it.  If I ever set-up a 10g for him (I warned my hubby I might be coming down with MTS again), I might go that route.

Dan, I have absolutely NO idea why I didn't think of putting in some gravel from the goldie tank!  :o  I will do so later tonight.  Thanks for "reminding" me! :D  My mind is not what it used to be 20 years ago! :P 

Now, what shall I call this snail...


Quote from: Vizerdrix on October 22, 2007, 05:18:24 PM

Now, what shall I call this snail...

Well if the Betta is Perry call the snail Winkle... LMAO... you say your mind is not what it was 20 years ago... my grey matter lost it's colour...  :D
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


NetCop, that's too common!  I gotta have UNIQUE names for my pets! :D  And before you say "Perry" isn't unique, the origin is.  He's named after my friend and great Canadian actor, Perry Mucci (if you guys want to see a great movie, rent "Sidekick", you won't regret it!).  As he told me, it's the first time *anything* was named after him, so he considers it an honour! :)

Dan, would that make your brain transparent now? ;)

On another note, I stopped in at Fish Tails today, and they had Ghost Shrimp!!!  REAL ones! :D  So, I bought 2, for the loverly price of $ 0.40 each!  If they don't survive, not a big deal at that price.

Oh, and I did finally name the snail: Molly, after another actor-friend, Molly Lyons.  I don't know how she'd take it though, so I might not tell her... ;)


Quote from: babblefish1960 on October 22, 2007, 12:30:29 AM
Hi Chris,  You are getting great advice on the shrimp and any potential tank mates, so I will leave you in their capable hands.

Where I have a concern is in your water change, I would like to point out, as gently as possible, that when taking water from a goldfish tank and putting it in with your betta splendens, is not actually changing water.  You are transferring waste products and perhaps Nitrates, Nitrites and even ammonia amongst other things, from one set of fish, and asking your betta to swim in it.  Now without sounding mean about it, the only real water change is to put water in the betta bowl that is free of these components in order for it to thrive and remain healthy.  Be certain to use a dechloraminater if you are on Ottawa water, and a good one at that.
Prime is the thing to use! They have made me a Prime addict on this site ;D ;D
And it works!


Quote from: Vizerdrix on October 23, 2007, 05:17:02 PM
NetCop, that's too common!  I gotta have UNIQUE names for my pets! :D  And before you say "Perry" isn't unique, the origin is.  He's named after my friend and great Canadian actor, Perry Mucci (if you guys want to see a great movie, rent "Sidekick", you won't regret it!).  As he told me, it's the first time *anything* was named after him, so he considers it an honour! :)

Dan, would that make your brain transparent now? ;)

On another note, I stopped in at Fish Tails today, and they had Ghost Shrimp!!!  REAL ones! :D  So, I bought 2, for the loverly price of $ 0.40 each!  If they don't survive, not a big deal at that price.

Oh, and I did finally name the snail: Molly, after another actor-friend, Molly Lyons.  I don't know how she'd take it though, so I might not tell her... ;)

You could of named the snail Mucci! They would of been Perry and Mucci an even greater honour!  :D


Quote from: Vizerdrix on October 23, 2007, 05:17:02 PM
...for the loverly price of $ 0.40 each!  If they don't survive, not a big deal at that price.

At that price, exactly what you said!
I'm glad you found a name for your snail.

I went and bought some crickets today for Oscar (the oscar... now how's that for original?) and they asked if I had one of thier store cards (I didn't so I signed up for one) and the girl said I could add my pet(s) names on there... I told her I would need more space then that. She proceeded to tell me there are more spaces on the back... she's obviously not a fish owner...

Her face dropped when I told her I probably have over 200 fish here :D