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38G (Not So Nano) Setup Questions - Overflow!

Started by xiaan, November 06, 2007, 11:46:15 AM

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Hey all,

I have recently decided to set up a SW tank :D. Due to lack of space in my house I only am able to fit a smaller tank so it will probably be a nano tank.  The last few weeks I have been doing a lot of reading and trying to figure out what I would like to have in a tank. Here is the setup I came up with
20-30G Tank (Looking right now to get a 28G Bowfront)
Stand (able to hold a 5-10G Sump)
Hydor Koralia - Nano (240 GPH)
Hydor Koralia - 1 (400GPH)
Coralife 24" Lunar AquaLight Fixture - 2 x 65W
100W Heater
30Lb of Live Sand
30Lb Of Live Rock

10G Sump (DIY out of an old aquarium)
Overflow Box (300GPH)
Quiet One 1200 (296GPH)
Aqua Clear 110 Fuge Mod

Here is a list of  livestock I would like to hold in the tank
LPS (Open Brain, Frogspwan)
Soft Corals

Possible Fish I would like:
Royal Gramma
Fire Fish
Ocellaris Clownfish
Yellowtail Damselfish

Banded Coral Shrimp
Feather Dusters
Hermit Crabs

1. How much flow do I need (Do have have too much?)
2. Is my lighting good for the corals I would like to get?
3. Any recommendations for a skimmer for this setup?
4. If I go for a sump should I get the tank drilled or just go for an overflow box?

Any other suggestions would be great. I am in no rush to set up the tank yet I am still in the planning stages and I have not got any of the equipment yet  ;D.


I have another question,
I was initially planning on using bottled R/O-DI water for the tank. But i am also looking into the possibly of getting a R/O unit. What is the difference (Besides price) of a R/O and a R/O-DI unit and can I get by with just a R/O unit?


ill say get 2 koralia 2s i have one K2 in my 20 and i dont think its enough and wanna get another one
get it drilled for sure. do it right from the beginning before you change your mind after and wanna change things
as for a skimmer....spend the money on a good one incase you upgrade and have to get rid of it because itd be under powered..

take your time and ask lotsa questions.


Quote from: Tyler.L on November 06, 2007, 07:31:18 PM
get it drilled for sure. do it right from the beginning before you change your mind after and wanna change things

Anyone know where I can get a tank drilled in town?

Quote from: Tyler.L on November 06, 2007, 07:31:18 PM
take your time and ask lotsa questions.

Thats what i am doing  ;D


i know theres people here on the board that drill tanks but i dont know exactly who...sorry


snigger is one for drilling holes, very reasonable, reliable, and friendly too.


More Questions
I currently have the API Freshwater test kit and I was looking at getting the API Reef Master Test Kit is there any other tests I need to get? can I use most of my test kits from the Freshwater test kit?


After doing more research I am seriously considering going with T5HO with individual reflectors. The two fixtures I am looking at are:

TX5 Series Aquactinics 24" 5 lamp T5 fixture

Sunlight Tek Light T5 Hood - 24"

Has anyone tried any of these fixtures? Any other recommendations?


go halide! just do it lol i did it and i will never change from them sure they're a few dollars but the shimmer and the colors you can get out are amazing...go halide thats all i can tell you to do...i got a 175 on my 20 and wouldnt trade it for the world!


Quote from: xiaan on November 08, 2007, 01:18:02 PM

Sunlight Tek Light T5 Hood - 24"

I have the six bulb, 4' Tek fixture on my 120 long.  Like it very much.  Low heat, great light, growing acro on my sand bed (26" down).  I really like being able to adjust the light color by simple changing one bulb, keeps the spectrum open.  Highly recommended.


Quote from: Tyler.L on November 09, 2007, 01:33:16 AM
go halide! just do it lol i did it and i will never change from them sure they're a few dollars but the shimmer and the colors you can get out are amazing...go halide thats all i can tell you to do...i got a 175 on my 20 and wouldnt trade it for the world!

What fixture are you running?


pfo ballast and a mogul socket and reflector with a 175 18k krystal star bulb.



Dose anyone have any recommendations for a Protein Skimmer?
I am looking at possibly getting one of the following:
Aqua C Remora Hang-On Protein Skimmer
Aqua C Urchin In-Sump Protein Skimmer (If I get a sump)


redbellys bringing in a bunch of skimmers octopus and asm send him a pm about them. i know he has a tunze 9010 instock now i think its a 9010 i want it but lol will get one later on...send him a pm about them though and get a halide already!


Quote from: Tyler.L on November 12, 2007, 10:49:56 PM
get a halide already!

I am on the edge between halide and T5 both will cost me the same amount but I am worried about overheating the tank.


see my halide gets hot but just buy some computer fans thats what im planning to do. i just have a fan blowing over the tank to keep heat down..


When using MH over 20G tank because of heat you may have the problem with evaporation. Fans do not help and even make the evaporation worse. So you may end up with salinity changes in your tank during the day. And you will start thinking about top-off unit...

Also power consumption... If I will make my next 20G SW tank at home, I will make it with T5, in the office - with MH :)

About skimmer - what sump size do you plan to have? I got both AquaC Urchin Pro with Mag3 and Tunze 9010 and both are doing great. Now if you don't have enough space in the sump, I would rather go with tunze - this is the smallest skimmer I was abable to find and I have very little space in sump available. Urchin with attached pump has bigger footprint and also much higher than Tunze.
Now about the skimmer size. Beore I should say that there are 2 kind of people: those who think that you cannot overskimm and those who afraid to skimm a lot. I'm from the second group. If you are not planning to upgrade to some huge tank after a while, I would suggest to get the skimmer that is not overrated for you water volume (don't forget:  tank + sump minus sand and LR). So some nano, e.g. Tunze 9002 rated for 10 to 52 US gal, could be fine for your tank.
You may even go without the skimmer right now and later on either get one or use so-called "Ecosystem Filtration System":



I am right now thinking about dropping the idea of the sump and going for better lighting instead. (I was planning a 10G Sump)

My Current Shopping list so far is:
28G Bowfront
Glass top
Hydor Koralia - 2 Water Pump (600 GPH)
Hydor Koralia - 1 Water Pump (400 GPH) (Have)
AquaC Remora HOT Skimmer (Or possibly the Remora Nano)
Jager 50 Watt Aquarium Heater (Eheim)
Coralife Deep Six Hydrometer
Aquaclear 70
Test Kit
30Lb of live rock
10Lb of live sand
20Lb of crushed coral

the only thing I have not decided on is the lighting here are some of the options I am looking into:
Coralife 24" Lunar AquaLight Fixture - 2 x 65W
TX5 Series Aquactinics 24" 5 lamp T5 fixture
Sunlight Tek Light T5 Hood - 24"
24" SunPod 1x150w
24" SunPod 1x250w
Outer Orbit 150W HQI/T5 24" (This might not fit on my tank it is 15.5" and the tank is a bowfront 16")
Outer Orbit 250W HQI/T5 24"

Right now my preference is the Aquactinics T5 but I am unable to find them in Canada (shipping from the US doesn't make it worth it)


Cannot help here - as soon as it coming to lights, I'm DIY person. :)