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38G (Not So Nano) Setup Questions - Overflow!

Started by xiaan, November 06, 2007, 11:46:15 AM

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I (ok really it was BigDaddy  lol) DIY'd my lights and I love the T5s.  But I already had a canopy.  They do still get very hot and needed a fan...and in turn I need to top up every day or every other day.  A little annoying, but not the end of the world.  I dunno if that's strictly my case b/c of my enclosed canopy, or if most T5s do that.  But heat CAN be an issue with T5s, I just thought I'd put that in here.  I dunno anything about MH, but CF bulbs are expensive to replace, T5s are a little better.  I think if cost was not an issue @ all, I'd go with MH though.
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


This doesn't get any easier  :-\. I have not gotten anything and I am already thinking of getting a bigger tank :D. What is the largest tank you can get in a 30" profile? I am now thinking of possibly getting the 37G (Same price as the 28 Bowfront and it doesn't have a center brace so I can put a AC110 on it) but I would like a slightly deeper tank (I guess if I get a bigger tank It is no longer a Nano tank  ;D)


Quote from: xiaan on November 14, 2007, 10:29:24 AM
This doesn't get any easier  :-\. I have not gotten anything and I am already thinking of getting a bigger tank :D. What is the largest tank you can get in a 30" profile? I am now thinking of possibly getting the 37G (Same price as the 28 Bowfront and it doesn't have a center brace so I can put a AC110 on it) but I would like a slightly deeper tank (I guess if I get a bigger tank It is no longer a Nano tank  ;D)
Check this out


I have 30x18x24, but it is old oceanic and never saw anything like it anywhere.


Quote from: gvv on November 14, 2007, 11:46:50 AM
I have 30x18x24, but it is old oceanic and never saw anything like it anywhere.

I think that is the one I saw at Big Al's last night (They call it a 56 Column tank). I like that tank also the 37G 30x12x22 and 36G Bowfront 30x15x21. Bowfronts are nice but I think they would be harder to put a nice DIY canopy on them but you do get the extra width.


Here is an update.
So far I have been getting together all the gear to set up the tank. Althow I have not got the tank yet I have decided on a 37G tank it is not as wide as I would like it but it fits in the spot I can put the tank.

Here is what I have:
AC110 (I hope to modify this to house my heater, skimmer and fuge)
Hydor Koralia - 1
Quiet One 1200 (I don't think I am going to use this)

On order From J&L Aquatics
Natural Wave Package - Regular (2 MJ-1200, 1 MJ-900 & Wave timer bar, I am going to have alot of flow  :D)
Jager 50 Watt Aquarium Heater (if it is not powerful enough I will swap it for a 100W stealth that is in my 10G)
Tunze Nano DOC Protein Skimmer (I hope to be able to mount this in my AC110)

Picking up tomorrow
Test Kits

Still Need to get:
37G Tank 30x12x22 (I am told I am not allowed to look into buying a tank till after Christmas  ??? ;))

Currently the only choice I have not made is my lighting  :-[
I am right now leaning toward a 250W MH system (If I am going to do this I think I should do it right  :D )

Anyone Have any good Recommendations for a 250W MH system for a 30" tank?
So far I have found two choces
Current USA Sunpod 250W HQI 30"

Another possibility is that I might get the wooden canopy for the tank and customize the lighting system. Will one 250W MH be good for a 30" tank or should I add some PC/T5HO to complement the lighting (Or another MH)?


I would gp wi the MH aswell... T5's are great.... and thre are test that show that if you us ethe proper individual reflector that they are better but that i only fo the short term as the reflectors get pitted then they becom usless... but I like a combo of both so it is your decition
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Quote from: sniggir on December 19, 2007, 02:45:34 AM
T5's are great.... and thre are test that show that if you us ethe proper individual reflector that they are better but that i only fo the short term as the reflectors get pitted then they becom usless

How would they become pitted?  i mean I've had mine running for almost the last year and my reflectors are like new (no stains, no pits).  I would imagine that if you never clean or maintain your equipment that this could happen.  I would use this type of argument to sway one way or the other.

Personally t5's penetrate the water better but you don't get that glorious shimmer (but you can play with reflections off a piece of glass and get that look if so desired).  t5's last longer and are cheaper.  produce less heat.  I would say less power consumption as well but I can't remember if its less power to keep them operating or less power over all.

Just my take,



How would they become pitted?  i mean I've had mine running for almost the last year and my reflectors are like new (no stains, no pits).  I would imagine that if you never clean or maintain your equipment that this could happen.  I would use this type of argument to sway one way or the other.

Personally t5's penetrate the water better but you don't get that glorious shimmer (but you can play with reflections off a piece of glass and get that look if so desired).  t5's last longer and are cheaper.  produce less heat.  I would say less power consumption as well but I can't remember if its less power to keep them operating or less power over all.

Just my take,

well accualy T5's don't have the penatration that MH do.. when you are talking a 24inch tank yea they are comparible, but if you go deeper well they start to loose their intensity, as for the bulbs lasting longer you should change your bulbs once a year unless you are using cheap bulbs in which caes you have to change 2-3 times and I have seen this for MH, and T5's, the information that I was talking about with the T5's was from a guy that is testing a ton of different ballest and reflectors.. and is using very high quality individual reflectors... I am sure that he cleans them but he still found that they would get pitted and then the intesity would go down... and ahhh the old battle k a watt is a watt remember so if yo are using 400w or 100w that is the amount of watts you are comsuming the type of bulb has no difference with that.... or may be I completely incorrect... either way... i like both... but tend to use MH as my main staple, oh and T5's do create heat just ask Roxy but not asmuch as MH. aslong as you hood is properly vented you should have no issues using either.
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Basically what I am saying is a bank of t5's will produce more visible light than a 400w mh.  They last longer with little change in spectrum over time (intensity yes but even that takes a long time).  Yes I agree they do produce heat (but in my experience - minimal since mine hang over the tank rather than encased in a hood).  Bulbs are cheaper (even the really good ones) and since they last longer this equals a good investment.  I'm sure after the t5s are fired that it takes less power to keep them running (I'll look for my links to confirm this).  I'm sure I read that t5s penetrate the water better than mh (however i may be wrong but I'll search out the charts I was looking at).  Either way I do envy the shimmer effect the mh have on the water.  I'd still recommend the t5s (to each his own)



Have you considered a 48" long tank?  The light would be the same Lent as a 90 so if you decide to upgrade tank size you would already have a light.  There are some stunning T5 tanks with mainly LPS and softies, a few SPS close to light. 


Quote from: Julie on December 19, 2007, 04:42:40 PM
Have you considered a 48" long tank?  The light would be the same Lent as a 90 so if you decide to upgrade tank size you would already have a light.  There are some stunning T5 tanks with mainly LPS and softies, a few SPS close to light. 

I would love to get a bigger tank but right now I have only space for a 36" tank and not to wide. Icould possibly go for a 18" but I would like to keep it smaller. I still do not have a tank yet or lights but I have just about everything else (Except sand, salt and rock). I have right now two choices I could go for tank size 29G (30x12x18) or a 38G  (36x12x20) the 37G has a center brace so putting a single MH lamp would be not good on it.
For lighting if I get the 29G I will ether go with the 250W Current Sunpod or a DIY setup. If I get a 38G I really like the Current Nova Extreme Pro 6xT5HO but also could go with DIY T5/MH combo.
I will probably decided on a tank size after Christmas (BA boxing day sale) and get the lights after that.


Well after the BA sale I got a nice 38G tank and stand, I also got live sand and salt. I have decided to go for a sump the only tank I can fit under my stand is a 10G     so now I am starting to look into drilling and plumbing my tank. I have one question for the tank size I have where is the best place to drill for the overflow? should I drill two overflows or have a single corner internal overflow and drill the bottom? where can I get an internal overflow for my tank?


I have decided to move this thread to Saltwater General Discussions