Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Crayfish and plants

Started by Fishnut, December 01, 2007, 04:44:11 PM

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I have an electric blue crayfish and I would like to put some plants with it.  It's in a 5 gallon tank, no heater.  I tried some Java Moss, but that promptly got shredded and/or eaten.  Does anyone else have any luck with plants and crayfish?  Here's a pic :):

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Bad idea.  I have a ghost crayfish in my 75 right now and he's gotten huge fast and eats anything and everything.  It's my only non-planted tank.  I've even seen him ripping off pieces of driftwood and munching on it :o  Quite a character though, as soon as lights come on he's right up at the glass, waving claws begging for food. :)

Also make sure your tank is completely covered, I used to have a pair of white crays but my female crawled up the filter tube and out and I found her dead halfway across the living room floor the next morning. :'(



I have a Blue crayfish (2"-3") in my 125 gal. and so far he's left the few plants I have alone. I have java fern, java moss and a few water onion type plants in the tank.