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Suggestions for small plants

Started by BrownCow, March 11, 2008, 10:22:31 AM

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I'm finally having some success with my 15G planted tank.  Vals are sprouting up everywhere now, I trim the egeria densa at least 2x a month and my cabomba carolia is finally making a comeback from near elimination.  The Amazon sword has even started sprouting two new leaves at once.  The only problem is that all these plants want to grow way taller than my tank will allow so I have to trim a lot and eventually re-plant them after a while.

I want to add some smaller plants that will thicken as they grown to create an impression of underbrush to compliment my tall plants.  I am willing to add more light to the tank but nothing extreme.  I dose with big als plant supplement along with seachem flourish, both at the reccomended weekly dose.  Have not yet tried DIY CO2 but I have the supplies if needed.  I am definitely getting some java moss to grow on the driftwood in my tank, but I also want some small plants that grow in the substrate.

Here are my conditions:
Volume: 15G
Light: 2 WPG T5
Temp: 79F
GH 5-6
DH 3
5 ppm nitrate
0 ppm nitrite
0 ppm ammonia


I would suggest some Anubias barteri v. nana as a smaller foreground plant.  Does well in your lighting conditions, stays small and won't require a lot of trimming.

Dwarf sag and chain sword should also both do well as carpetting plants under those lights.

Finally, a compact black sword makes a nice foreground, midground center piece in a tank that size.  Stays small and bushy, but still a nice full plant to take up some space.


I like 15gal :) beside the fact that stem plants have to be pruned very often and some plant quickly outgrow the tank it gives you nice light levels (because its not so tall) to play around with different species. With your current setup you can try the following, I have them in my tanks under similar conditions and they do fine:

  • New Zealand Grass - Lilaeopsis novea-zealandia is my favourite for the grass effect
  • Small crypts like Cryptocoryne parva, but take a while to cover a patch
  • Small swords like Echinodorus parviflorus 'Tropica'
  • Dwarf Sagittaria, I dotn have this one because it very much look like vals already, but works well

You can also switch to spiral vals, they usually dont grow taller than 20-30 cm.

If you once upgrade your lights you can go for the more fancy plants like hair grass and glossostigma, but it will also require CO2 supplement. I would take it easy and leave it as is for now. No more lights, maybe some CO2, not necessary, but never hurts :)

Have fun and good luck!
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Only thing I hate about Lilaeopsis is how long it takes to spread...

PS fischkopp - E. parviflorus will get to around the size of a 15 gallon (12 inches).  I think you meant E. parviflorus 'Tropica' (aka Compact Black Sword)  ;)


Quote from: BigDaddy on March 11, 2008, 12:13:44 PM
Only thing I hate about Lilaeopsis is how long it takes to spread...

PS fischkopp - E. parviflorus will get to around the size of a 15 gallon (12 inches).  I think you meant E. parviflorus 'Tropica' (aka Compact Black Sword)  ;)
I think E. parviflorus 'Tropica'[/i] (aka Compact Black Sword)  ;) would be ideal, i have some plantlets available too :D


Try Crypt Wendtii, Java fern, Java fern 'Windlov' these guys all grow slow & are available here too... I have some expect the 'Windlov' mine is not big enough to sell any off.
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Quote from: BigDaddy on March 11, 2008, 12:13:44 PM
Only thing I hate about Lilaeopsis is how long it takes to spread...

PS fischkopp - E. parviflorus will get to around the size of a 15 gallon (12 inches).  I think you meant E. parviflorus 'Tropica' (aka Compact Black Sword)  ;)

Yeap, thats the sword I meant :)

Lilaeopsis really takes time, but I found its the only grass like plant that actually survives under low light conditions.
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