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Started by PDP, February 11, 2004, 01:14:10 PM

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So I looked at my tank this morning when I noticed that brown algee seems to be devloping on my carved tuffa rock as well as the tipe of some of my plants (fake) in all the years I have kept aquariums I have never had this problem. Now I no that this can be caussed in a new tank set up but this tnak has been running for over half a year without any problems. Its a 110 gallon tank I have great filtration and circulation as well as lighting. I just recently added another florecent light so I thought maybe that could be the cause. I keep all africans if that make any diffrence




If this is light brown in colour, then it is 'brown algae' caused by the increase of nitrates in your tank which build up over time due to the nitrogen cycle.

Test your nitrate and do sufficient water changes on a regular basis to insure your nitrate stays below 10 PPM.

If you increase the brighness further you will get green algae, instead of brown, by the way


Bristlenose plecos work well for brown algae.
I have it in my 110 and I love it.   however I need to scrape the glass every week... which I have not been doing....




Im curious about what you have as I may have the same. Does it look like this?

That algae is only located on the upper half of the plant, the shorter leaves are clean and clear. Some of my other plants also have this afliction. How much of a WC should be done on a 75g and how often? I have 160 watts giving me 2.13 wpg and hopefully Im not verging and having to add CO2.



Yes man it is quite similar to that and also around the edges of my carved tuffa rock....


I have found that changing the lighting above a tank always has an effect on type & amount of prevalent algae. Even replacing or changing the fluorescent tubes may be noticeable.
-thankful for a tankfull-