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Hookup's build.

Started by Hookup, September 29, 2008, 08:49:23 PM

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  Well I just thought I'd share.  This started as a 54 gallon corner bowface that less than 12 hrs after ordering at Big Al's Kanata got upgraded to a 92 gallon bowface corner.  It was setup as a freshwater tank for about 30hrs... haha.  The salt setup has been a progress since late August 08.

Here's the current tank, canopy project in progress.

You won't recognize this within a few weeks, which is why I took the photos.  The canopy is... well i'm not good a wood working.. im learning...  This is the 2nd attempt and it might go the distance, or might get re-build.  In the canopy are the following;

400watt 20000k halide
2x Power Chrome Pure Actinc
2x T5HO something that is bright and brings out reds (haha i know)
Other electronic stuff that makes that stuff go... will do some updates on that as I get back to that project.

The tank had more substrate.  it sucked, so at the last water change, the first one of the tank, I pulled out about 40lbs of sand.  It looks better from a depth of sand POV.

ok... Let's not focus on what the tank looks like, let's look at the projects.. .the projects that should have been done first, but wernt so i'm dealing..

The aquascaping is the active hot project, as is the sump room.  The following are some photos of the walls I am building for the tank.  The origional plans were to keep the entire glass clean and clear.. hahhaha... yeah right... so here's the walls being built..

One Wall

Other Wall Further Along

The walls are made of dead coral rock and Great Stuff foam from Home Depot. I have yet to find/loacate expoy for the sand-coating that will be applied.  More on that as it develops.

I have 140 lbs of Liverock coming soon, mabye tomorrow... further aquascaping at that time!

Ok, the Sump.  currently is a 25gal in-cabnet system.  I'm drilling holes in my hardwood floor... haha.. er, yeah, i'm doing it!  Below the tank is a room with the following

This will end up being my sump room.  Those are 40gal breeder tanks... I'm missing 2 more of them for a total of four.  The second two will go underneath the two in the photo and all get linked.  Need holes drilled... have to get someone for that... working on it...

Sump Design

This is now an older drawing, but gives the basic idea.  I'm going to post an updated diagram this week.  The basic parts however are correct so you get the idea of what the sump-room will hold.

1 Kole Tank (wont eat the green algae on the walls (photo below))
2 Clowns
1 Blue Spot Jawfish
1 Cleaner Shrimp

Misc Corals.. More on that later... when it matters.

Here is a photo of the algae that is infesting my tank walls, but no on my rocks.. yet... ID?

Way more updates coming as the many, many projects progress...


I just finished my rock walls tonight for my 40gal tank. I used teh same foam but i used elmers ultimate glue for teh sand. I used a brush and applied it everywhere then sprinkled sand ontop. It had a reaction with the foam and made the foam expand more but i was able to shape it and it dried rock hard. I really like it.


How long did you wait before applying the elmers glue?  Got a photo of that glue?  Or a link to a store?  Obviously you believe it is safe for saltwater...  how did you figure that out?

Photos of the project walls????


i waited 24 hours before applying the glue

this is teh glue

but it looks like th ebottle in thi slink on the far right

it is a polyurathane and is water proof. i have not tested it yet so i gues i will be the guinea pig lol. i will post pics once i take them


first set of pictures

[attachment deleted by admin]


second set of pictures

[attachment deleted by admin]


The last picture shows how my skimmer is hidden as well as my heater.


im gonna get a case of base rock or 2 possibly. Theres another link on rc where the guy built free standing structures with pvc and the foam and it looked gonna start probably in the next little while but i think in the other $400 is waaaaaay over board. First mistake was buying the rock from BA's. Nothing against them but over priced and you could gotten some from a local sponser for cheaper. Im just waiting for some good base rock to do the rock walls with then im good to go but $400 is way over the limit.

Your tanks looks awsome guys!!! when i start and get it going i will post pics just need to find some cheap/nice base rock!

keep posting pics as it goes along


my wall break down costs where

3 cans of foam 9x3
1 sheet egg crate 9
3 bottles of glue 3x6
homemade live rock $20 for 80 pounds

so total for the wall was $54

i made a bunch of live rock 6 weeks ago so its fully cured ready for the new tank


Do you have fish in your tank?  We had an algae outbreak also when I first set up the tank - it just had rocks when we set it up for almost a month.  I was told I should have kept the lights off if there wasn't any livestock/coral.

I wish I could give feedback on your setup - way too complicated for me.  Really cool tank btw : )

If my husband wanted to drill through the hardwood, nevermind - he'd never be crazy enough to ask.


yeah there will be a diatom outbreak for a little while as thats whats been happening with a lot of peoples tanks im gonna let my tank sit for a while maybe leave it on the floor just to get the cycle over and done with then once i can get my sump all setup and transfer everyone over into the tank and everything be peachy


Nice wall guys.

Hookup, just an observation but is that the stand that you are using for you 4x40g's there?
I would consider a small redesign on it. Currently you are relying on the sheer force of the screws and although they are very strong in tension they are not very strong in shear. Try to make sure that the weight of the tanks is supported by a direct force on a 2x4.


Yeah, my paper drawings had a different plan... lol... Not sure when I got ahead of my plan/design but you are definitely right... i need to modify things and add some braces. Thanks for the tip off RedBelly... i honestly had not noticed till you pointed out the flaw.


Quote from: Hookup on September 29, 2008, 11:46:48 PM
Yeah, my paper drawings had a different plan... lol... Not sure when I got ahead of my plan/design but you are definitely right... i need to modify things and add some braces. Thanks for the tip off RedBelly... i honestly had not noticed till you pointed out the flaw.

Keep in mind that 2x4's are stronger on their side not on their back. Here are some design idea's.



Thats a slightly differend design than mine so I will try and get some pics of mine there but the main premis is the same. All of the loads or placed onto the ends of the 2x4's and do not rely on the screws. I also used the pro strength PL on all of the pieces of woods on my stand. And yes it is over kill and yes you could probaby put a truck on it :P


HAHA.. yeah no kidding.. Structure in homes is about 3-4 2x4's glued for a post/beam... having that hold your 1000lbs of fish tank is OVERKILL.  One 2x4 on each corner is neuf for tanks 36" and under (imo) and over 36" spans a mid-point is a good idea. 

Nothing wrong with over-engineering.. a 2x4 costs about $3.00, a tank setup costs way more... good dollar/insurance rates for sure...


I would also consider using a marine enamel on your stand there before you put the tanks on. I gave my stands a candy coating with this paint and now i can have all of the salt spray in the world on the stand and it just wipes off with a single pass. Plus the white looks cleaner :)


Did you get this Marine Enamel?  Boating store?  Home Depot?


Home Depot has it. Its a bit more expensive than regular paint, I think its about $45 for a gallon.