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blue dragon goby

Started by jenn_zep, October 11, 2008, 04:09:03 PM

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gotta stop doing this!!

ok so i go to this pet store and see this awesome fish sitting in the bottom of a tank filled with tetras. it is marked "blue dragon goby". i ask the sales person what this is and she says" i dunno". so the weird fish lover in me says.........i have space for one of these!!! so i bring it home and immediatly jump online and research.  i find TONS of info , but the problem i am having is that half of the info says its a brackish fish and the other half says that it is a freshwater fish??? is this even possible?? it was housed in that store for weeks in a fresh water tank and besides being a bit under weIght he looks fine....he's eating today and notched himself out a nice hole in the corner of my tank......has anyone else had one of these before???



Yes, I have seen and heard of these guys before. They are more geared towards a brackish water tank but that being said you can "adjust" them to a normal ph water type. I have had "freshwater" eels but found out that they do better and are actually a brackish water fish. I did adjust mine to fresh water over a period of time and they thrived. The same can probably be said for your dragon. In the store they probably just dumped him into fresh water and he was hardy enough to survive the shock. Just keep an eye on him over the next few days...make sure he is eating well and behaving normally. Keep in mind what you have with them too...I believe (not positive though as I have never owned any of these guys) that they may snack on fish small enough to get into their mouths....small tetras, guppies, etc.  Enjoy your new pet.
120 gal - Salt water Fish Only
25 gal - Salt Water Reef
Rotti named Nimh
Cat named Yoda
Numerous Bearded Dragons
Numerous BP's and other snakes
Numerous other geckos and lizards


thanks! i have read many posts that they are like gentle giants. i have him in a community tank right now but i am looking for larger arrangments for him. who wouldn't want a bigger tank!!!


please keep in mind that brackish water is a very high TDS environment. When keeping Brackish fish without the sodium it is a good idea to at least keep other elements high.


i had one before it reached 18" for me mine was in fw
from what i know its brackish
filter feeder great add as a clean up crew
peaceful but will not be bullied
grow real slow in fw
took 7 years to get 18"
give it a cave  it will sit with its head stuck out
mine was constantly sifting sand