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Angels Breeding Again

Started by aidensmomma2000, February 21, 2004, 09:14:07 AM

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Ok, so my femals is right about to lay her eggs.
I learned my lesson last time and will *not* remove mum and dad.  Is there anything I need to do? The parents wont eat the babies or anything?
I would do more reserch online but last time the best page I found told me to take the 'rents out asap which was a mistake...


It is possible that the parents may not do a good job at raising the fry, but from many sources i have heard, it is worthwhile to at least give them a chance at it a few times.

Hopefully they will do everything, including moving the babies, if necessary, to cleaner places after they hatch. You only need to add baby brine shrimp once they are free-swimming - in about 5 days from now.


If you find the adults still eat the eggs, you can put an airstone right in front of the eggs to increase circulation of water in the immediate area.  This makes it possible to simulate the fanning that the parents take turns at over the course of the brooding phase.  I have had success using this method and taking the parents out.  Without the fanning of the eggs, fungus will ensue.

Just a little extra information, just in case you need to fall back on something.




Mum is fanning them, but a few have turned white. Is this normal? When will they hatch btw? She laid them yesterday morning.


A few will turn white. She will remove them at some point. They young ones will hatch in 48 hours. The parents will then probably dig a hole somewhere discreet in the tank and move them all. A day after that start some brine shrimp.


Well, now almost allof them are white...and she hasnt eaten them =P I guess it'll take them a few rounds afterall!


iI'd let her stay with them through the process until none hatch. BTW the male is usually supposed to help to.

give it two more tries then go to the artificial method, which is alot more work.


it just occurred to me that if they al turn white quickly - both may be females! did you notice while they laid the eggs if their 'ovipositors' where distinctly different?


No, I didnt...but the spacing is significantly different in that area. The "male" was SUPER aggressive but is fine with her. The guy who sold me the male  I trust very much aswell =) I am quite confident they are one of each. The male however, isnt fanning or anything...lazy butt...


Okay well Dad started helping out, and Mum moved the eggs to the hole she dug...should I unplug the filter? Will the babies get sucked up?


she may have moved the hatched ones. she will now move them on a regulr basis. I would put a spong in the filter intake.

Angelfish are amazing parents to watch - and aggressive! so unlike their attitude when not breeding.


Hello again.  They white eggs can be removed using a pair of tweezers, it is sometimes a good idea to do this, the whole lot can be destroyed, if the white ones remain.    Next time you propogate, remove the white ones as they appear.  I have taken this measure in the past, it proved to be a fruitful idea.  The white is a fungus that spreads like crazy if you don't remove the eggs infected with it.  The sponge idea is also a good one, cheers fopr that!!!



True, but im suggesting that the parent angels be allowed to learn over a few tries.

When raised alone, the white ones must be removed manually, or heavy fungicides must be used.