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Peppermint Shrimp vs. Aptasia Experience

Started by RossW, December 08, 2008, 05:35:37 PM

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A few weeks ago I noticed 3 aptasia in my tank, I am sure there are many more I can't.  I decided to get a few peppermint shrimp to hopefully help the problem.

It has been 24 hours and the 3 aptasia which I have been watching for weeks are gone.

Yay for peppermint shrimp.  A natural solution to aptasia which worked for me.


worked awesoem for me then my peppermints died an dnow its back booo urns


Also a success story here.  However, the expert advise was there there are several "types" of peppermint shrimp, some of which eat aptasia and some do not.  Also some of the shrimp use it as a primary food-source in the wild, and others do not, so getting the "right" peppermint shrimp, from the right area, where they naturally see aptasia as a primary food-source is apparently critical.

I can say that I went from 10-15 visible aptasia to 0 in about 7 days, well nights really, those critters are nocturnal.  The three peppermints that I have now appear daily when I feed looking for some free-grub cause they are all out of aptasia. :)


The ones that eat aiptasia are the carribean ones? If I am not mistaken...
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


ditto, yay for peppermint shrimp vs aptasia!


I left mine in overnight and they got rid of them all! Plus it's fun to watch the Blood Shrimp and Peppermint shrimp duke it out.


I got 3 pepermint shrimp a few weeks back.
However,They have not touch aptasia at all. >:
guess I got the ones from the wrong part of the world.
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


Quote from: yellowtang on December 09, 2008, 12:45:34 AM
I got 3 pepermint shrimp a few weeks back.
However,They have not touch aptasia at all. >:
guess I got the ones from the wrong part of the world.

I guess it's a lot like people and natural heritage, Or it's like asking a polish cook to make sushi (considering they have had no experience in it) so we go look for a Japanese cook instead.

but considering how fish don't have to many differences in the reef you would think they would all eat it.


Forgot to ask, How big of a pack do you think I need for the 150? We are talking about a lot of it that came on the TONS!


i had 2 in my 50 for a little bit of aptasia. you may want to get at least 8


Quote from: Tsukiyomi-sakura on December 09, 2008, 01:40:16 AM
Forgot to ask, How big of a pack do you think I need for the 150? We are talking about a lot of it that came on the TONS!

No expert here, but I'd say 3 would do it.  Might take longer than 2-3weeks, but honestly, now my little guys are running around trying to eat anything they can get their claws on.  One guy even tried to wrestle my tang-killing-elegance for a silverside last night.  Both are fine (the coral and shrimp I mean, not the silverside) but I kind of wish for a few more aptasia to let these guys go back to eating their 'normal' food.  I'd move them to the sump, but catching them would be like trying to pickup greased marbles with chopsticks, it just ain't going to happen.

3 in that tank, even with a "lot" of aptasia, might be enough to keep the little critters busy for a couple of months.  If the aptasia aren't causing grief, then why not let the process take longer?  It was kind of fun to play the "which ones did they eat last night" game while it was going on.


3 is the magic number. They appear to like going out in groups of 3... at least, that's what I've been told many times.


Ok so three it is, Hookup want a rock with some on it for them?  ;)


Quote from: Tsukiyomi-sakura on December 10, 2008, 09:16:35 AM
Ok so three it is, Hookup want a rock with some on it for them?  ;)

Um.. no thanks.. LOL.  I do not feel that bad for the little guys.


Does anyone know where I can get the "right" Peppermint Shrimp? 

I have an 80 gallon tank with plenty of Aptasia and have had no luck keeping them under control.  I tried Berghia Nudibranches (had as many as 10 about 2 months ago) and they ate some, but I have not seen any of them for at least a month and the Aptasia just keep coming...  I also put in three Peppermint Shrimp about three months ago and although they are doing fine, I have not seen them eat even one Aptasia. 

I got the Peppermint Shrimp from Marinescape, but don't know where they originated from.  Does anyone know for sure which region the "Aptasia-Eating" Peppermint Shrimp come from (is it the Carribean?) and where I can get some?

Any other advice on controlling Aptasia would also be greatly appreciated.


I think Ray has some, and it's the Floridian ones. 


Hi Julie,

Thanks for the info - Ray just sent me a PM as well.


the problem with peppermint shrimp that will not eat aiptasia is usually that those shrimp are not really peppermint shrimp  ;D  It's not easy identifying them when you cannot compare two different kinds.

Also, if you feed your tank with lots of goodies, you shrimp will most likely go for the good stuff that available as opposed to the aiptasia.



I bought a piece yesterday which had 3 aptasia on it.  I was not worried, I thought it would be a good second test for my peppermint's.

Last night 3 aptasia... this morning NONE!

These guys must sniff them out when lights go out.  I am very impressed.


I have 2 peppermint shrimps in my tank for about 4 months now and I see no trace of aptasia anywhere and that's not all, I noticed alot of baby shrimps swimming on the sand bed at night with a flashlight. I hope those fry will grow up soon so I could start selling. hahaha  ;D