Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Testing water

Started by stardrop, December 19, 2008, 10:00:37 AM

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I've been keeping an eye on my water quality while it's been cycling, and I"ve been thinking.  I know there's a difference in SG between the night and day readings (someone explain why?), but is there a better time to check the other parameters.

Does the alk, ph, or anything else flucuate between night time and day time?


PH lowers at night for me.


pH will often flux during 24 hours due to the light, and lack there of.
Alk, I do not see how this would swing during the day, this should be stable, however i'm not a chemist.
Temp might swing during the day if you have metal-halides, or keep your house cool at night, etc...
Salinity this should not change, however it will be effected by Temp, but I am unclear as to the ratio. 

I'm surprised to hear of salinity swings during the day/night cycle and would want to know what the associated temp range is for the tank over the same 24hours.  If you are swinging 10deg, 83-73 or something like that, maybe salinity would be effected... but I would say that you should notice that kind of a swing on the health of your inhabitants... large swings of ANYTHING are bad and I personally found temp swings of over 4 deg during the day to have a negative impact on fish and corals compared with the 2deg swing I currently have.


Ph variation at night is a chemical reaction; the corals stop consuming light and release c02.


you guys are so smrt. i feel smarter just being digitally near you.


Quote from: Julie on December 19, 2008, 12:01:55 PM
Ph variation at night is a chemical reaction; the corals stop consuming light and release c02.

Some people, including me, put their fuge on a reverse photo-period to stabilize pH. 

PS: Julie is smart, i just quote smart people that i've heard... and sometimes I quote people I've overheard on the bus.