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price on Nano wave box???

Started by yellowtang, January 07, 2009, 04:48:38 PM

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I was wondering if someone knows the price of a Tunze Nano wave box?
in Canadian dollars!!.....
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


J&L in BC carries Tunzi

And If you ask in the sponsors section of the website you might find one localy. Try Ottawa Inverts there.


thanks Kenny......
I found the price $448.15 at J&l.
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


Quote from: yellowtang on January 07, 2009, 05:26:29 PM
thanks Kenny......
I found the price $448.15 at J&l.

Marinscape had it for the same price...


Am I the only one that thinks $450.00 is more than egregious for such a device?  Can it really be worth that much cash?


$450. just a tad on the rich side :)
80 corner diamond
110 short
40 cube


They are really nice units.I have sold of few of them.$450 taxes in.


$450 is a ridiculous price. The damn things' not made of solid gold for pete's sake.

Reminds me of some of the girls I went to high school/university with. They think they're soooo attractive... perfect 10's... supermodel material. Truth is, 99% of them didn't rate more than a 6.5/10. Significant alcohol would need to be consumed for them to look like perfect 10's.

My point is, in both cases someone has seriously overestimated their market value.

$450... beyond ridiculous.   ???



Can you name any inexpensive piece of equipment made by Tunze?  ;)



Quote from: gvv on January 08, 2009, 10:13:17 AM
Can you name any inexpensive piece of equipment made by Tunze?  ;)


Like I said - they have seriously overestimated their market value.
Just because they are consistent (not unlike the high school/university girls I previously mentioned) - doesn't make them right.

Problem is, some people are willing to pay the price (in both cases). Trophy girlfriend I sorta understand. But a trophy wavebox? That just boggles the mind.   :o ???


You are right while there will be no alternatives and while people will be willing to pay - their businnes model will be the same.

Some people can drive Toyota, while others buy Lexus...


Quote from: Zzippper on January 08, 2009, 10:20:48 AM
Like I said - they have seriously overestimated their market value.
Just because they are consistent (not unlike the high school/university girls I previously mentioned) - doesn't make them right.

Problem is, some people are willing to pay the price (in both cases). Trophy girlfriend I sorta understand. But a trophy wavebox? That just boggles the mind.   :o ???
In my view , that is not exclusive to Tunze, it can be said for most equipment in the hobby & beyond the hobby, it just depends on how much hype you the hobbyist ingest.

Another good example outside of the aquatic hobby is Monster cable products, i`m sure there are many of us here @ some point have shelled out big bucks, when purchasing their new electronics, subscribing to all the hype about how much more you can extract from your equipment by using Monster cables.  ;).


It's all about supply and demand.  If people will pay the price (which enough obviously will) then you have your price.  Nothing more complicated that that.  If people all agreed universally that the item was only worth $100, then either they stop producing it because the cannot make money, or the price drops until people buy.

Look at the housing market here in Ottawa, frigg'n crazy what the houses are going for, but since there are enough buyers willing to pay almost $300k for a townhouse, that's where the prices are set... I seriously doubt it takes $300k of materials, labour, land, taxes, etc to build a town house, let alone a 6 unit for roughly 1.8million?  Common, you look at 1.8million dollar homes and tell me that they are basically the same cost as a 6 unit row house...

How about building a DYI box and bring it to market... a knock-off priced at $200 would completely takeover the market, at least as far as this thread is concerned... LOL...  ;)


theres a thread on reefcentral to make your own wavebox i will find the thread and update my post and its with tunze powerhead so can make your own tunze wavebox and i think it was for like $200-250

alright i found it

good read and awsome build


I am pretty happy with my 1" scwd on the sump return line. I have 1000 gph of dispersed flow rolling my tank top to bottom, bottom to top every 90 seconds or so. That scwd can handle 5x that flow for use in closed loop applications. I think it was $80 well spent.

Thing with wavemakes is you get all the flow your running. Units that switch down powerheads are lowering the overall flowrate in the tank. Wavemakers give it all, all the time.


Saddly enough.....S/W equipment and the hobby itself has always been overpiced
compared to F/W ....Unfortunately we as hobbiest keep paying their asking prices
for over priced things......
I Just think a wave box in this case is a way over priced toy,unfortunately Tunze sets
their prices and costumers Just pay for them!!!
thanks for all the responses guys......price is certainly something to think about.....
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


If you look at the price of comparable powerheads and a controller it is not that far out. Hydor's powerhead controller combo is over $400, and so is Taam's. The wave 2k is cheaper but seems to still be a prototype thing. There are other wave making divices beside the surge box. But that is why I went with the Switch Current Water Deflector (SCWD) the new design is fine and totally maintainable. I decided to put a few extra bucks in my skimmer and buy the cheep wavemaker to keep in my budget. I was going to order the Taam Polaro as opposed to the Wave box from Tunzi though. It seemed like I would get more surge that way.


Interesting... Looked at this Taam Polario, but the price is also about 300 USD for bigger model.
Besides that "the water currents can be set to switch every 15 sec. to 30 min", which will not create real wave in opposite to Tunze with it possibility of less than a second switch off.


Okay, is it not true that you can switch a Maxi-Jet on and off as much as you want?

If that's the case, then why could you not get an MJ1200 (or other size as appropriate) and put on one of the propeller mod kits that are available for them?

The way I see it, the body of the pump and the prop housing can be separated and you could reassemble the pump in place, meaning the box would need less slack space to fit it in there...meaning a smaller wave box would be possible.

The MJ's are also out-and-out smaller than the Tunze's, again making for a smaller box.

Control circuitry for something like this could be made for perhaps $30 (just a top-of-head guess), but in the end I can't see how it would cost more than $100 to put it together.

And what about the Mini-Jets?  If those can be cycled, then you could almost make a pico wavebox.


Quote from: Funkmotor on January 09, 2009, 11:02:42 AM
Control circuitry for something like this could be made for perhaps $30 (just a top-of-head guess), but in the end I can't see how it would cost more than $100 to put it together.

Can you draw here a circuit for controlling AC 110V pump?

Not a big issue with DC pumps, but as soon as you come to AC, you have an issue. All successfully (I should repeat successfully) made DIY waveboxes are using, this is funny, but Tunze pumps...
I was really investigating the DIY waveboxes and should say that even there are reports on using MJ for waveboxes, but even those who made them reported, that they are not reliable.
