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Introducing new fish??

Started by ldeschamps, January 19, 2009, 11:07:51 AM

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Hi, need help? In the pass I never had trouble introducing new fish to my tank. About a month ago I bought a fish and added him to the tank like I have been doing for the last 3 years. I kept-ed an eye on them like I normally do. Everything seemed peaceful as usual. The next day I find him at the but dead. So again yesterday got 3 Rusty's, did my usual but this time around they didn't waste anytime at picking on them. So not wanting to loose any more fish I took them out and put them in my fry tank.

I have room for more fish in my tank! Any help or suggestion welcomed!



Are you noticing certain fish protecting a specific territory?  You might want to move around your aquascape so that everyone has to start with a new set-up and new territories will have to be established.

Dave and Diane

Well said Beowulf , that is what we did when we introduced new fish to a well established African tank.
Changed all the rocks and everything, smoothed out the gravel, gave all the fish the time to start over.
Just place the new guys in the tank and they all start over getting their own prime peice of the neighbourhood.


Adding to the great advice already given you can also turn off your lighting when introducing them for a few hours, this has seemed to work for me...


I will try this on the weekend and see what happens.



In the past I have also removed the trouble maker until the newbie has had time to relax a little.
This would however put stress on the moved fish, so you will have to keep that in mind.   And you would have to have a secondary tank in this case.  (ie: hospital tank) .     

Moving the rocks around is the best bet.
125G - Mixed Africans


Well I did what was suggested! And it work  :). I guess they where getting to comfy.

