Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by KLKelly, March 18, 2009, 11:50:02 AM

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I have a tank with ongoing issues that I just can't figure out.  Six months ago I adopted a goldfish and she spent 30 days in qt.  She was a single goldie living in a 20gallon tank prior to coming here.  She is extremely stunted and the size of a four month old goldfish max.  Shortly after adding her my fish started showing tiny white tufts on their tail fins that fall off and leave tiny pinholes in their tail/fins.  Never on their body.   One fish is more affected.

I have installed an RO unit for two months using only RO water thinking the high organics in my well water (constant battle with nitrates) and possible other issues with using nasty well water was a contributing factor.  No change at all in the fuzzy dots/pinholes.

A few weeks ago fin flicking and flashing appeared out of nowhere.  And hovering.

This tank is prazi'd on a schedule so we shotgun treated with Jungle parasite cure.  The flicking/flashing has stopped.  But now I have a fish that is sucking at the surface a lot.

So I am now the proud owner of a wicked miroscope bought at a seriously amazing price on ebay.  Its a high end microscope for a low end price - up to 1600xs magnification.

I will find out what is hitting my fish.  And hopefully I will be able to avoid shot gun treatments in the future.  I've seen what levamisol has done to my biofilters and I'm still dealing with that fallout.  With a scope I would have been able to confirm infection.

I'll post some of the digital pics of what I find if anyones interested.  I'm also interested in seeing what makes it through the RO unit alive.


what seller did you go through? i was looking for a microscope not too long ago on ebay and didnt see anything worth wild. which one did you end up with?


Check out your paramecium. I like to see mine under the scope too...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I don't have that anymore.  The two sick fry didn't make it :(


Quote from: KLKelly on March 18, 2009, 12:20:49 PM
I don't have that anymore.  The two sick fry didn't make it :(

Sorry Kerrie...  :(
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Honestly it was probably better for them. Their mouths looked completely fused.  The surviving fry has a gimpy mouth also but she is able to eat.

The microscope is here already! Just ordered it on Monday.  I've used the scope at the wildlife sanctuary a couple years ago and found flagellates so I have a bit of exposure.  Found Rotifers in the well water. 


I must say I'm a tad jealous of your new purchase!! I would love to have one as well!!

What brand did you get? Have you used it yet?? ;D

Good luck!!! Hopefully it will give you a clear picture of what's going on with your fish and be able to put a stop to their illnesses
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Don't forget anything above 400x will require oil immersion to be focused.
150 Gallon Mbuna: 2 M. baliodigma, 5 Ps. sp. "Deep Magunga", 3 L. caeruleus, 3 Ps. demasoni, 1 P. Spilotonus 'Albino Taiwan Reef', 2 C. afra "Cobue", 2 Ancistrus sp.-144, 5 Ps. Acei, 1 Albino Ancistrus spp. L-144, Various fry

20 Gallon Long Reef: 1 Gramma melacara, 1 Pseudocheilinus hexataenia, 2 Lysmata amboinensis, 2 Lysmata wurdemanni, snails, hermits, crabs, mushrooms, SPS, rare zoanthids, palythoas, ricordea, favites, cloves, acans, candycanes leathers


I'm also a wee bit jealous and very interested. I'd love for you to post what you find. I'm sure, we can all learn something. Keeping my fingers crossed for your guys.
250G (Pond) - Comets, Rosy Reds; 20G Retirement - Congo Tetras, BN, Banjo Cats, Pristellas, Buenos Aires Tetras, Zebra Danios; 25G Pygmy Corys, BN, Green Neons, Assassin Snails, 15G Blue Daisy Ricefish, BN, Betta; 6.6G (Edge) - Diamond Head Tetras, 3G Bloody Mary shrimp, 2G Caridina Cantonensis (tangerine tiger)