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Coral ID please

Started by martin_jones, June 10, 2009, 01:10:24 PM

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Can anyone assist with identifying some of the corals I got when I bought my aquarium.

I've uploaded pictures to flickr, here:

You should be able to comment on the pictures if you're flickr members.


With fronds like these, who needs anemones?


Top starting from the left: second pic looks like frogspawn, next is maybe a rock anemone?, then zoas and button polyps, then no idea but possibly closed up green star polyps or anthelia b/c it looks like a mat of something?

Next row: finger leather, aleveopora or goniopora, green star polyps, button polyps on the end.

Those are my guesses.  :)
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

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second is frogspawn....then not sure on the white but the green is green star polyps(gsp)......then the small ones are zoas and the big are paly's or button polps......then can't tell from the pic.....

next row.....finger leather....then if its got 12 tentacles it would be a alevopora and if 24 then its a gonipora......then gsp......then not sure.....then zoa's/button polyps, and then button polyps....

pretty much exactly what roxydog said......


I think DSC_0038_1024x680 is a Gonipora. Alevopora usually have thicker tentacles on the polyps.


With fronds like these, who needs anemones?